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E-News from Congressman Murphy

E-News from Congressman Tim Murphy

News from Representative Murphy


September 16, 2016
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In this week's edition of E-News:

Murphy to Slavitt: I don’t want estimates
Greene County Commissioners Meet with Murphy
Murphy Recognized as 'Guardian of Small Business'
SWPA Veterans Visit U.S. Capitol

Murphy to Slavitt: I don't want estimates

On Wednesday, Congressman Murphy demanded answers from Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Andy Slavitt on the rising premium rates and overall sustainability of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during a joint Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing

Murphy, Chairman of O&I, questions Administration officials on Obamacare failures.

In 2015, Congressman Murphy, who chairs the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, led an investigation into two failed programs of the ACA: State-Based Exchanges (SBEs) and Consumer Oriented and Operated Plans (CO-OPs). The findings of the investigation revealed insolvency, careless management, and billions in wasted federal funds. 

Murphy's 4 'must-see' moments from the hearing are below:

  1. “I don’t want estimates. I want hard-core data, with regard to: ‘Are premiums going up or not?’ All the data we see is, they’re going up.”
  2. “Have you shared this information with Aetna, United and Humana? Because the fact that they bailed out of the market, saying this is out of control — maybe you have a breakthrough these companies haven’t seen.”
  3. “We’ve already given them [CO-OPs] $1.8 billion in American taxpayer loans, so when you say ‘sufficient capital’ you mean we’re going to give them more?”
  4. “The fact that [premiums are being] subsidized is phony. It’s absolutely phony. How can you have premiums going down… if we’re still bailing out insurance companies? Premiums aren’t going down - they’re being subsidized.”

SBEs, organizations set up to facilitate the purchase of health insurance, have wasted $4.6 billion in federal grant funding and four out of the original 17 SBE’s have shut down. While the Administration claimed that SBE’s would be self-sustaining by January 1, 2015, every SBE continues to use taxpayer money. 

CO-OPs, designed to encourage healthy competition within the individual and small group health insurance markets, have also had costly failures, totaling up to $1.8 billion, and 17 out of the original 23 CO-OPs have closed, the most recent of which occurred this week in New Jersey.

Click here to watch Murphy's full exchange with Slavitt and here to watch the full hearing.

To share your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act and health insurance premium rates, click here.

Greene County Commissioners Meet with Murphy

Known as the “The Cornerstone of the Keystone State,” rural Greene County is located in the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania. Since the county’s founding in 1796, the rolling hills and vast acres of farmland have been home to generations of families and industries that continue to serve as the region’s backbone. But in recent years, an onslaught of regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), have wreaked havoc by putting the brakes on coal mining. 

Murphy meets with Greene County Commissioners in Washington.

Greene County Commissioners Blair Zimmerman, Archie Trader, and Dave Coder met this week with Congressman Murphy to discuss strategies for bolstering the job market and working together to revive the communities most hard-hit. The group discussed how the EPA does not take into account the devastating impact these regulations are having on Greene County families, even when the environmental rules have no significant impact on environmental improvements and only fulfill an anti-coal agenda. Coal emissions have fallen by more than 56 percent in the last three decades, but the War on Coal continues, not only impacting local jobs but overall quality of life.

One of the consequences of this anti-coal crusade is growing addiction rates. Green County is ranked fifth in the Commonwealth for overdoses per population level, as abuse of and addiction to opioids has taken a drastic toll on the health, social, and economic welfare of the County. This terrifying problem has resulted in negative consequences not only for those addicted to drugs but also for their families and friends, local businesses and government resources.

In 2015, Greene County residents, law enforcement, social services providers, medical providers, and other stakeholders formed the Coalition for a Brighter Greene to raise awareness, remove blame and stigma, and combat what has taken the lives of over 3,000 Pennsylvanians in the last five years. Murphy, who has been convening forums across Southwestern Pennsylvania on ending the opioid crisis, pledged to continue working together to provide resources for treatment and pathways to new jobs.

To share your thoughts on Greene County issues, please click here.

Murphy Recognized as "Guardian of Small Business"

On Wednesday, Congressman Murphy was recognized as a 'Guardian of Small Business' by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), America’s leading small business association, in recognition of his outstanding small business voting record during the 114th Congress.

"I was honored and proud to receive the Guardian of Small Business Award today from NFIB," said Congressman Murphy. "Small businesses are the engine of America. With over 56 million people employed by small business nationwide and 2.4 million in Pennsylvania, protecting this industry needs to be a top priority for all lawmakers in Washington.” 

Murphy's NFIB Award on his desk in Washington.

According to NFIB, in order to be named a 'Guardian of Small Business', lawmakers must vote with small business on key issues 70 percent or more of the time during the 114th Congress. 

“Many elected officials claim that they are champions of small business, but our Guardian Award shows our members and other small business owners who is really fighting for them,” said NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan. “Based on his voting record, Rep. Murphy is one of the most reliable advocates for small business in Washington.”

More information about specific pro-business legislation supported by Murphy is below:

  • America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 636) - Provides permanent Section 179 small business expensing levels at $500,000, which is predictable and adequate to the needs of small businesses.  
  • Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 (H.R. 1105) - Repeals the estate tax once and for all, which provides much needed tax relief for small businesses. 
  • Save American Workers Act (H.R. 30) - Changes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's (ACA) definition of a full-time work week from 30 to 40 hours. 

To share your thoughts on the economy, jobs, and small business issues, click here.

SWPA Veterans Visit U.S. Capitol

Every year since 1949, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) hosts an annual Legislative Conference in the nation’s capital. This week VFW commanders from across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania visited Congressman Murphy’s Washington office to discuss their legislative priorities for 2016.

Southwestern Pennsylvania VFW Commander Nelson Lowes of Ligonier shared with Rep. Murphy ideas on how to improve the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, which establishes the Veterans Choice Program. This program allows veterans who have waited more than 30 days for care (or reside more than 40 miles from a VA medical facility) to receive care from non-VA doctors in the local community.

Southwestern PA VFW Commanders share ideas with Rep Murphy
on ways to improve veterans care.

The veterans also expressed their concerns over the VA’s ongoing disability appeals process backlog. This week Murphy supported, and the House passed, the VA Accountability First & Appeals Modernization Act to overhaul the VA current appeals process. Under the bill, veterans will have a choice to follow one of three "lanes" for an expedited appeal when they are dissatisfied with the VA Regional Office's initial appeal decision.

Ending veteran suicide and homelessness was also a priority for the local VFW members. To fix this ongoing problem, Murphy introduced the Enhancing Veterans' Access to Treatment(EVAT) Act, legislation to ensure veterans using VA care can continue to receive the same lifesaving mental health medication they had while on active-duty. Murphy's EVAT Act requires the VA mental health drug formulary to match the Department of Defense's formulary (DOD) and that any veteran transferring from the DOD to the VA be kept on the same medications for as long as medically necessary.

“For veterans dealing with invisible injuries who are on the path to recovery, the VA drug formulary acts as a road block,” said Murphy. “The EVAT Act eliminates this obstacle by allowing a seamless transition of care and leaves medical decisions to the doctor and veteran.”

Rep. Murphy is also the lead cosponsor of the Homeless Veterans Assistance Fund Act (H.R.2591), which creates the Homeless Veterans Assistance Fund and offers taxpayers an opportunity to help keep veterans off the streets by making a voluntary contribution to the fund on their federal income tax return form.

To share your thoughts on veterans’ issues, please click here.

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Phone: (724) 850-7312
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    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    Phone: (412) 344-5583
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    Greensburg, PA 15601
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    Comments (optional)
    repName Tim Murphy  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress District Office
    504 Washington Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    district 18th District of Pennsylvania  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2012  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012  
    repStateABBR PA  
    repDistrict 18  
    repState Pennsylvania  
    repDistrictText 18th  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills