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E-News from Congressman Murphy

In this week’s edition of e-news…
Murphy Calls On Air Force To Keep 911th Thru BRAC

Murphy Leading VA Hearing On Pittsburgh Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak
Attn. High School Students: Academy Information Day Announced

Important Info About 2012 Taxes

Murphy Calls On Air Force To Keep 911th Thru BRAC

Congressman Tim Murphy announced today the Pentagon working group responsible for advising whether to keep a flying mission at the 911th Airlift Wing in Moon Township has accepted as part of its review data and documentation provided by Mr. Murphy and the local military affairs community. Rep. Murphy also announced he was calling on the Air Force to keep the base open and operational at least until a BRAC process can be completed. The fate of the 911th would then be decided as part of any nationwide base closure commission, which defense experts suggest could occur in 2015.

Murphy said the information he’s provided includes hundreds of pages and documents on base costs, operations, and congressional intent regarding existing base closure statutes. the data confirms the base is more cost-effective than comparable installations.

“We’ve made our case thoroughly to the Air Force, and I’m confident the Pentagon understands there are significant cost savings with operating the 911th at Pittsburgh. Other airlift bases without strong local support have expenses 200 times greater than the 911th. I am hopeful that the Air Force will consider these cost savings and keep the 911th open so we have the opportunity to prove to a BRAC commission how valuable the 911th is to national security. If there is a future BRAC process, the 911th should be part of it so we’re guaranteed a fair and impartial review.”

Murphy noted the 911th has lower costs because of a long-term lease with the local airport authority, which provides runway maintenance, emergency services, air traffic control, snow removal and other benefits for only $20,000 a year.

Rep. Murphy and Gov. Corbett discuss the 911th’s attributes during an on-site visit.

In meetings, phone calls, and correspondence over the last month, Rep. Murphy has delivered to Air Force Lieutenant General Michael Moeller, who chairs the working group, data and documentation about the merits and cost-effectiveness of the 911th base. Murphy has led oversight of the working group’s activities to ensure there is a fact-based analysis evaluating the unique advantages of the 911th Airlift Wing. On Monday, Rep. Murphy was scheduled to host Lt. Gen. Moeller at the base for a tour but winter weather prevented Moeller’s flight from departing from Washington, D.C. Murphy personally spoke by phone with Moeller, who promised that while he would have to reschedule his visit, the working group is on course to soon complete a full evaluation of the operating costs at individual Reserve, Guard, and Active Duty airlift bases, including the 911th.

Last month, House and Senate lawmakers enacted an annual defense bill requiring the Air Force to retain 32 air cargo planes initially targeted for retirement. To determine where those planes should go, the Secretary of the Air Force tasked Lt. Gen. Moeller with convening a working group to study the issue and make recommendations, which are due in the coming days.

In February 2012, the Air Force proposed to retire 65 C-130 air cargo planes nationwide and close the 911th Airlift Wing as part of a cost-cutting effort. Working with the Pennsylvania delegation and other lawmakers, Congressman Tim Murphy successfully passed legislation to prevent closure of the base through March 2013. The Air Force planes are essential for transporting equipment, material, and personnel from bases to military theater on behalf of the Army and Marines.

To share your thoughts with Congressman Murphy on his work to protect the 911th from closure, please click here.

Murphy Leading VA Hearing On Pittsburgh Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak

Congressman Tim Murphy will question officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs Tuesday morning at a House committee hearing investigating the cause and scope of the Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak at the VA Pittsburgh Health System (VAPHS). The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee oversight hearing is part of an ongoing effort by Rep. Murphy to get answers about the outbreak, protect the health and safety of local veterans and workers at the VAPHS, and identify measures that can be taken to prevent an outbreak in the future.

When the VAPHS publicly disclosed on November 16 that a Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak had occurred, Rep. Murphy reached out to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs to request further examination to determine the full cause and scope of the outbreak and identify future preventative actions.

Hearing witnesses will include representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The VAPHS Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak infected more than twenty patients. At least one patient and possibly several others died from the Legionella bacteria in the water supply.

In December, Congressman Murphy sent a letter to CDC Director Thomas Frieden seeking further information related to the Legionnaires’ outbreak. In his letter, Congressman Murphy requested information about the cause and scope of the Legionnaires’ disease outbreak; recommendations for eliminating the threat posed by elevated levels of Legionella bacteria in water supplies; and information about Legionella infections in veterans with service-connected respiratory illnesses.

To watch the hearing live online, visit the Veterans’ Affairs Committee’ official website.

To share your thoughts with Congressman Murphy on the upcoming Legionella hearing, please click here.

Attn. High School Students: Academy Information Day Announced

Each year, Congressman Tim Murphy nominates up to ten outstanding high school students for open positions at the nation’s four military service academies. This competitive process is open to students who display exemplary academic achievement and commitment to serving the community.

On Saturday, April 13, 2013, Rep. Murphy is hosting an informational meeting on the service academy nomination process at Chartiers Valley High School for high school students and their families. All aspects of the nomination process will be explained. The meeting will be in the Large Group Instruction Room, starting at 8:30 a.m.

Representatives from the United States Air Force Academy, United States Merchant Marines Academy, United States Military Academy, and United States Naval Academy will be present. Each academy representative will give a brief overview of their academy, and there will be time afterwards for students and their parents to speak individually with these representatives.

Students interested in attending one of the academies must receive a congressional appointment.

Following the informational meeting, interested students submit a complete application during their senior year and undergo an interview by a panel of local military officials, which makes recommends for appointments to Congressman Murphy. After this process, Rep. Murphy submits his nominations to each academy.

Any student, residing in the 18th Congressional District who is interested in an appointment to one of these academies for fall 2014 is invited to attend this information meeting. For questions regarding the academy nomination process, please contact Elaine Klofta in Rep. Murphy’s Mt. Lebanon office at (412) 344-5583 or via e-mail at elaine.klofta@mail.house.gov.

To share your thoughts with Congressman Murphy on academy nominations or receive more information, please click here.

Important Info About 2012 Taxes

Congressman Murphy will be offering free tax services to senior citizens and low-income families starting February 15, 2013 through April 14, 2013 at various locations throughout the 18th district as part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. VITA volunteers can also assist senior citizens and the disadvantaged in the preparation of Pennsylvania tax returns, Real Estate/Rent Rebate forms, PACE forms, and local wage taxes.

Persons seeking assistance should bring all tax documents such as: W-2 forms, interest and dividend statements, pension information, social security and/or railroad retirement statements, total amounts of itemized deductions, and copies of federal and state tax returns from 2012.  Participants should also bring copies of real estate tax receipts and sales receipts for large purchase items.

People making $51,000 or less usually qualify for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program for free tax preparation and electronic filing. Tax Counseling for the Elderly, a similar community-based volunteer program, offers free tax help with priority assistance to people age 60 and older, specializing in questions about pensions and retirement issues. Additional information on these programs can be found at IRS.gov

Photo ID is required. If filing a joint return, both parties must be present to sign the paperwork. If you are interested in attending one of the tax assistance workshops, please contact Rep. Murphy’s Mt. Lebanon office to find the nearest location at (412) 344-5583.

This year, the IRS expects to receive more than 147 million individual tax returns. Taxpayers have until Monday, April 15, to file their 2012 tax returns and pay any tax due. Although 80 percent of filers were able to begin filing their returns on January 30th, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimates others will have to wait until late February or March to file because the agency needs time to update and test its systems. Early filers owed a refund may see their check delayed until February due to later-than-expected changes to existing tax law.

To track the status of your refund after filing a return, visit the "Where's My Refund?" tool available on the IRS.gov website. New this year, instead of an estimated date, “Where’s My Refund?” will give people an actual personalized refund date after the IRS processes the tax return and approves the refund.

To share your thoughts with Congressman Murphy on the free tax assistance workshop, please click here.

  • Office Locations

    Office Name Location Image Map URL
    Washington DC 2332 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-2301
    Fax: (202) 225-1844
    Mt. Lebanon Office
    504 Washington Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    Phone: (412) 344-5583
    Fax: (412) 429-5092
    Greensburg Office
    2040 Frederickson Place
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Phone: (724) 850-7312
    Fax: (724) 850-7315

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    Comments (optional)
    repName Tim Murphy  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress District Office
    504 Washington Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    district 18th District of Pennsylvania  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2012  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012  
    repStateABBR PA  
    repDistrict 18  
    repState Pennsylvania  
    repDistrictText 18th  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills