(House of Representatives - November 18, 2003)

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[Pages H11392-H11393]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []

                          ADDITIONAL SPONSORS

  Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors were added to public bills and 
resolutions as follows:

       H.R. 25: Mr. Bilirakis.
       H.R. 162: Mr. McCotter.
       H.R. 218: Mr. Nunes.
       H.R. 290: Mr. Davis of Illinois, Mr. Greenwood, and Ms. 
     McCarthy of Missouri.
       H.R. 339: Mr. Burgess.
       H.R. 358: Mr. Paul.
       H.R. 369: Mr. Gephardt.
       H.R. 375: Mr. Rogers of Alabama.
       H.R. 463: Ms. Granger and Mrs. Biggert.
       H.R. 570: Mr. Baird.
       H.R. 571: Mr. Visclosky and Mr. Burgess.
       H.R. 738: Ms. Lee.
       H.R. 745: Mr. Kennedy of Rhode Island.
       H.R. 785: Mr. Beauprez, Mr. Delahunt, and Mr. Langevin.
       H.R. 798: Mr. Gerlach.
       H.R. 811: Ms. Lee.
       H.R. 814: Mr. Michaud, Mr. Snyder, and Mr. Saxton.
       H.R. 857: Mr. Larson of Connecticut and Mr. Grijalva.
       H.R. 876: Mr. Sandlin, Mr. Ney, Mrs. Emerson, Mr. Pearce, 
     Mr. Hinchey, Mr. Gilchrest, and Mr. McDermott.
       H.R. 898: Mr. Janklow and Mr. Hoekstra.
       H.R. 919: Mr. Rehberg and Mr. McCotter.
       H.R. 935: Mr. Olver.
       H.R. 956: Mr. Green of Texas, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Jackson of 
     Illinois, Mr. Cummings, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. 
     Gutierrez, and Mr. Meeks of New York.
       H.R. 970: Mr. Stark.
       H.R. 973: Mr. Crane.
       H.R. 1032: Mr. Goode.
       H.R. 1034: Mr. Frost, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, and Mr. 
       H.R. 1049: Mr. Andrews.
       H.R. 1056: Mr. Cardin.
       H.R. 1057: Mr. Toomey and Mr. Beauprez.
       H.R. 1117: Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Beauprez, Mr. Pearce, and 
     Mr. Radanovich.
       H.R. 1125: Mr. Holden.
       H.R. 1155: Mr. Tiberi and Mr. Rothman.
       H.R. 1179: Mr. Saxton.
       H. R. 1205: Mr. Kennedy of Rhode Island.
       H.R. 1212: Ms. Kilpatrick.
       H.R. 1220: Mrs. Miller of Michigan and Mr. Terry.
       H.R. 1258: Mr. Van Hollen and Mr. Rothman.
       H.R. 1295: Ms. McCarthy of Missouri, Mr. Jackson of 
     Illinois, and Mr. Cooper.
       H.R. 1310: Mr. Burns.
       H.R. 1345: Mr. Olver.
       H.R. 1372: Ms. Pryce of Ohio and Mr. Cunningham.
       H.R. 1406: Mr. Deal of Georgia.
       H.R. 1414: Mr. Tauscher and Ms. Schakowsky.
       H.R. 1430: Mr. Green of Texas, Mr. Ackerman, Mr. Jackson of 
     Illinois, Mr. Cummings, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. Price 
     of North Carolina, Mr. Gutierrez, and Mr. Meeks of New York.
       H.R. 1483: Mrs. Capps.
       H.R. 1499: Mr. McDermott and Mr. Moran of Virginia.
       H.R. 1592: Mr. Paul.
       H.R. 1622: Mr. Pickering.
       H.R. 1634: Mr. Pomeroy.
       H.R. 1657: Mr. Pastor and Mr. Hinchey.
       H.R. 1699: Mr. Ney.
       H.R. 1749: Ms. Bordallo.
       H.R. 1752: Mr. Gutierrez.
       H.R. 1783: Mrs. Myrick.
       H.R. 1784: Mr. Moran of Virginia.
       H.R. 1793: Mr. King of Iowa.
       H.R. 1819: Mr. Doyle and Mr. King of Iowa.
       H.R. 1863: Mr. Payne, Mr. Grijalva, and Mr. Doyle.
       H.R. 1865: Ms. Norton.
       H.R. 1914: Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Carter, Mr. McCrery, Mr. 
     Bishop of Utah, Mr. Bonilla, Mr. Culberson, Mr. Delahunt, Mr. 
     Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Florida, Mr. Mario Diaz-Balart of 
     Florida, Mr. Dreier, Mr. Hostettler, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Keller, 
     Mr. Knollenberg, Mr. Pickering, Mr. Renzi, Mr. Ryun of 
     Kansas, Mr. Brady of Texas, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Dicks, Mrs. 
     Emerson, Mr. Frelinghuysen, Mr. Flake, Mr. Green of 
     Wisconsin, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Hastings of Washington, Mr. 
     Kennedy of Rhode Island, Mr. Lewis of Kentucky, Mr. McInnis, 
     Mr. Mica, Mr. Norwood, Mr. Pombo, Mr. Rothman, Mr. Ryan of 
     Wisconsin, Mr. Shadegg, Mr. Wamp, Mr. Young of Florida, Mrs. 
     Capps, Mr. Clay, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Foley, Mr. Hastings of 
     Florida, Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Mr. Kirk, Mr. 
     Latham, Ms. McCollum, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. 
     Northup, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Reynolds, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Shaw, 
     Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Vitter, Ms. Watson, Mr. Wexler, Mr. 
     Whitfield, and Mr. Serrano.
       H.R. 1918: Ms. Carson of Indiana.
       H.R. 1919: Ms. Norton, Mr. Sanders, and Mr. Cardoza.
       H.R. 1993: Mr. Wexler.
       H.R. 2011: Mr. Watt.
       H.R. 2038: Mr. Pallone.
       H.R. 2060: Ms. Woolsey.
       H.R. 2094: Mr. Gordon, Ms. Berkley, and Mr. Farr.
       H.R. 2157: Mr. Crowley and Mr. Payne.
       H.R. 2214: Mr. Wilson of South Carolina.
       H.R. 2216: Mr. Meeks of New York.
       H.R. 2217: Mr. Millender-McDonald, Mr. Hastings of Florida, 
     and Mr. Meeks of New York.
       H.R. 2238: Mr. Hoekstra.
       H.R. 2239: Mr. Shays, Mr. Tom Davis of Virginia, Mr. Bass, 
     Mr. Allen, and Mr. Clay.
       H.R. 2323: Mr. Menendez.
       H.R. 2353: Mr. Jackson of Illinois.
       H.R. 2371: Mr. Hoeffel and Mr. Sherman.
       H.R. 2394: Mr. Kind and Mr. Schiff.
       H.R. 2404: Mr. Weiner, Mr. Murtha, Mr. Dingell, Mr. Hunter, 
     Mr. Houghton, and Mr. Holden.
       H.R. 2444: Mr. Rogers of Kentucky.
       H.R. 2492: Mr. Boyd.
       H.R. 2505: Mr. Gutierrez.
       H.R. 2510: Mr. Calvert.
       H.R. 2511: Mr. Cardoza and Mrs. Wilson of New Mexico.
       H.R. 2515: Mr. Shays, Ms. Roybal-Allard, and Ms. Carson of 
       H.R. 2516: Mr. Wu.
       H.R. 2579: Mr. Turner of Ohio.
       H.R. 2584: Mr. Flake.
       H.R. 2626: Mr. Meeks of New York.
       H.R. 2699: Mr. Camp.
       H.R. 2700: Mr. Grijalva.
       H.R. 2702: Mr. Levin and Mr. Rohrabacher.
       H.R. 2705: Mr. Meehan.
       H.R. 2719: Mr. King of New York and Mr. Filner.
       H.R. 2735: Mr. Skelton, Mr. Isakson, and Mr. Grijalva.
       H.R. 2768: Mr. Stupak, Mr. McHugh, and Mr. Kennedy of 
       H.R. 2809: Mr. Shays.
       H.R. 2810: Mr. Shays.
       H.R. 2816: Mr. Schiff and Mr. Udall of Colorado.
       H.R. 2818: Mr. Green of Texas and Mrs. Christensen.
       H.R. 2839: Mr. Strickland, Mr. Green of Wisconsin, and Mr. 
       H.R. 2853: Mr. Watt.
       H.R. 2929: Mr. Pickering, Mr. Wynn, Mr. Engel, Mr. Rush, 
     Mr. Boucher, and Mr. Stupak.
       H.R. 2963: Ms. Lofgren, Ms. Bordallo, and Mr. Blumenauer.
       H.R. 2968: Mr. Porter.
       H.R. 2983: Mrs. Christensen, Mr. Wynn, and Mr. Renzi.
       H.R. 2986: Mr. Oberstar, Ms. Pryce of Ohio, Mr. Ford, Mr. 
     Sullivan, Mr. Weller, Mr. Lewis of Kentucky, Mr. Brady of 
     Pennsylvania, Mr. Murtha, Mr. Sabo, Mr. Kanjorski, Ms. 
     Eshoo, Mr. Hastings of Florida, Mr. Dicks, Mr. Janklow, 
     Mr. Simmons, Mr. Aderholt, Mr. Hobson, Mr. Coble, Mr. 
     Schrock, Mr. Rogers of Michigan, and Ms. Hart.
       H.R. 3002: Mr. Deal of Georgia.
       H.R. 3009: Mr. Owens and Mr. Vitter.
       H.R. 3024: Mr. Goode.
       H.R. 3045: Mr. Schiff.
       H.R. 3051: Mr. Strickland, Ms. Woolsey, Mr. Gutierrez, and 
     Mr. Rahall.
       H.R. 3058: Mr. Miller of Florida.
       H.R. 3085: Mr. Kucinich.
       H.R. 3092: Mr. Berry, Mr. Berman, and Mr. Hastings of 
       H.R. 3103: Ms. Lofgren, Mr. Snyder, and Mr. Tiberi.
       H.R. 3104: Mr. McCotter, Mr. Jones of North Carolina, Mr. 
     Green of Wisconsin, and Mr. Spratt.
       H.R. 3111: Mr. Pomeroy.
       H.R. 3125: Mr. Herger and Mr. Bilirakis.
       H.R. 3133: Mr. Sanders and Ms. Norton.
       H.R. 3184: Ms. McCarthy of Missouri.
       H.R. 3191: Mr. Smith of Texas, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Shaw, Mr. 
     Calvert, Mr. Manzullo, Mr. Gibbons, and Mr. Goodlatte.

[[Page H11393]]

       H.R. 3205: Mr. Van Hollen.
       H.R. 3242: Mr. Putnam.
       H.R. 3244: Mr. Moran of Virginia, Mr. Smith of Washington, 
     Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Rahall, Mr. Gutierrez, Mr. Kildee, Mr. 
     Rodriguez, and Ms. Corrine Brown of Florida.
       H.R. 3263: Ms. Pryce of Ohio.
       H.R. 3266: Mr. Frost, Mr. Turner of Ohio, Mr. Rangel, and 
     Mr. Garrett of New Jersey.
       H.R. 3272: Mr. Jones of North Carolina.
       H.R. 3277: Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Hoekstra, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. 
     Norwood, Mr. Collins, Mr. Chocola, Mr. Burton, of Indiana, 
     Mr. DeMint, Mr. Porter, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Wicker, Mr. 
     Sensenbrenner, Mr. Petri, Mr. Pombo, Ms. Harris, Mr. Osborne, 
     Mr. LaHood, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. Feeney, Mr. Cox, 
     Mr. Rohrabacher, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Saxton, Mr. 
     Issa, Mr. Linder, Mr. Tiahrt, Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. Ney, Mrs. 
     Cubin, Mr. Jones of North Carolina, Mr. Weldon of 
     Pennsylvania, Mr. Barrett of South Carolina, Mr. Wamp, Mr. 
     Bonner, Mr. Shays, Mr. Shuster, Mr. Ryun of Kansas, Mr. 
     Meehan, Mr. Kind, Mrs. Wilson of New Mexico, Mr. Shaw, Mrs. 
     Kelly, Mr. Crane, Mr. Doyle, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. 
     Fattah, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Ms. Pryce of Ohio, Mr. 
     English, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Turner of Ohio, Mr. Simpson, Mr. 
     Everett, Mr. Kildee, Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania, Mr. Weller, 
     Mr. LaTourette, and Mrs. Napolitano.
       H.R. 3294: Mr. Emanuel.
       H.R. 3307: Mr. Peterson of Pennsylvania.
       H.R. 3313: Mr. Miller of Florida.
       H.R. 3325: Mr. Waxman.
       H.R. 3329: Mr. Jones of North Carolina.
       H.R. 3338: Mr. Scott of Virginia, Mr. Frost, and Ms. 
       H.R. 3344: Mr. Nethercutt, Mr. Peterson of Minnesota, Ms. 
     Hooley of Oregon, Mr. Ryan of Ohio, and Ms. Berkley.
       H.R. 3350: Mr. Sanders and Mr. Frost.
       H.R. 3367: Mr. Andrews.
       H.R. 3370: Mr. Towns, Mr. Frost, and Mr. Gordon.
       H.R. 3380: Mr. Etheridge and Mr. Ballance.
       H.R. 3394: Mr. Shays.
       H.R. 3403: Ms. Harris, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Weldon of Florida.
       H.R. 3412: Mrs. Jones of Ohio, Mr. Paul, and Mr. Gerlach.
       H.R. 3416: Mr. Kleczka.
       H.R. 3422: Ms. Carson of Indiana.
       H.R. 3438: Mr. Knollenberg, Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. Moore, Mr. 
     Lynch, and Mr. Meehan.
       H.R. 3441: Mr. Kleczka, Mr. Meeks of New York, and Mr. 
       H.R. 3452: Mr. Vitter.
       H.R. 3453: Mr. Bachus, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Emerson, Mr. 
     Goode, Mr. Hensarling, and Mr. Weldon of Florida.
       H.R. 3458: Mr. Davis of Tennessee and Mr. Tanner.
       H.R. 3459: Mr. Acevedo-Vila, Mr. Baca, Mr. Becerra, Mr. 
     Cardoza, Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Gutierrez, Mr. 
     Frost, Mrs. Napolitano, Mr. Pastor, Mr. Ortiz, Mr. Ortiz, Mr. 
     Reyes, Ms. Linda T. Sanchez of California, Ms. Loretta 
     Sanchez of California, and Ms. Velazquez.
       H.R. 3463:  Mr. English and Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas.
       H.R. 3492:  Mr. Miller of Florida.
       H.R. 3500: Mr. Burr and Mr. McIntyre.
       H. Con. Res. 83: Ms. Norton.
       H. Con. Res. 247: Mr. Taylor  of North Carolina.
       H. Con. Res. 276: Mr. Hoeffel, Ms. Jackson-Lee of Texas, 
     Mrs. Jones of Ohio, and Mr. Gutierrez.
       H. Con. Res. 298: Mr. Rogers of Michigan.
       H. Con. Res. 308: Ms. McCollum, Mr. Menendez, Mr. 
     Bilirakis, Mr. Chabot, and Mr. Miller of Florida.
       H. Con. Res. 310: Mr. Bartlett of Maryland and Mr. Miller 
     of Florida.
       H. Con. Res. 313: Mr. Rangel, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, 
     Mr. Pitts, Mr. King of New York, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Camp, Mr. 
     Duncan, Mr. Coble, Mr. Upton, Mr. Holden, Mr. John, and Mr. 
       H. Con. Res. 320: Mr. Marshall, Mr. McNulty, and Mr. 
       H. Res. 45: Mr. Pence.
       H. Res. 157: Mrs. Maloney and Mr. Brown of Ohio.
       H. Res. 371: Mr. Smith of New Jersey and Mr. Rahall.
       H. Res. 393: Ms. Solis.
       H. Res. 411: Mrs. Capps and Mr. Chocola.
       H. Res. 423: Mr. Udall of Colorado and Mr. Miller of 
       H. Res. 427: Mr. Culberson, Mr. Bell, and Ms. Solis.
