(Senate - November 12, 2003)

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[Pages S14920-S14921]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []


  Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, on Monday, the Senate will resume the VA-
HUD appropriations bill. If Senators have amendments, they should be 
prepared to offer and debate those amendments during Monday's session. 
At 4:30 p.m. the Senate will resume consideration of the FAA 
reauthorization conference report. Under the previous order there will 
be 1 hour of debate prior to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on 
the conference report. The cloture vote on the FAA conference report 
will occur at approximately 5:30 p.m., and that will be the first vote 
on Monday's session.
  I would also remind my colleagues that two cloture motions were filed 
on the Dorr nomination today. Those cloture votes will occur on Tuesday 
  Before closing, I see the distinguished Senator and colleague, the 
person who is most responsible in many ways for this Workforce 
Investment Reauthorization Act, Senator Enzi. I am happy to yield to 
  Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I thank the leadership on both sides of the 
aisle for bringing this bill to fruition at this point in time. I thank 
Senator Gregg for allowing me to work this issue through to this point. 
I thank Senator Kennedy and Senator Murray for their

[[Page S14921]]

tremendous effort and willingness to work toward the goal of getting 
more people in the workforce and eliminating some of the disparity 
between men's and women's wages. It has been a tremendous effort. This 
is normally a very controversial bill, but through some very steady 
effort over many months, we have come to this point. I thank everybody. 
I will have additional comments.
  Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, again, I congratulate Senator Enzi for 
outstanding work. This is a bill he has worked on for a long period of 
time, as we have talked about jobs, job creation, what the workplace is 
like. This is a very exciting bill. I congratulate him and his 
colleagues who worked in a bipartisan way on an excellent piece of 
legislation that will have a true impact on what we all care so much 
about; that is, the economy, jobs, and the setting in which those jobs 
are carried out.
