
On the Road with Eno
America’s transportation system is large and complex. An amazing array of actors are responsible for moving people and goods around the world, from coast-to-coast, or within a region. This means there are countless approaches that are impossible to generalize or observe only from inside the Beltway.
By Robert Puentes|President and CEO
Automated Vehicles and Minding the Looming Infrastructure Funding Gap
Needless to say, the Department of Transportation, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, has had a busy few months with the release of the highly anticipated Federal Automated Vehicles Policy (Policy) and Cybersecurity Best Practices for Modern Vehicles. With the release of the Policy and ongoing 60-day comment period, DOT has moved the regulatory gears from “neutral” to “drive” for automated vehicles (AVs).
By Greg Rodriguez|Of Counsel, Best Best & Krieger LLP

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    Professional Development for the Transportation Industry
    "Eno was directly responsible for an entire change in my career path. I went from engineering specific projects to developing solutions to national transportation problems."
    Greg Cohen
    President of the American Highway Users Alliance (The Highway Users), Class of 1999 Future Leaders Development Conference (LDC) Eno Fellow
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