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Benghazi Committee
Widow of Tyrone Woods thanks committee for “doing their job,” says has “given me closure.”
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Bmore Green LLC Jul 8
now get Hillary for perjury
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HazelEyes Jul 8
Yes, thank you and never give up.
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דם ורעם Jul 8
they haven't completely done their job the people responsible aren't behind bars
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Susan Wall Wildman Jul 8
America is proud to have a gentleman such as Trey Gowdy. A good and decent human being. Thank you sir.
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Russ-T-Nails Jul 8
The ENTIRE Government Involved Hillary not out of the woods...Follow the Money of Clinton Foundation
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Karl Nennig Jul 8
how about looking at all the consulate deaths under Bush? Or does that not matter?
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Sunny Sky Jul 8
3k widows who didn't get 8 committees.+Bush was warned. H NOT responsible for security. Was the VIDEO
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Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk Jul 8
I doubt that. She would have more closer if those responsible were punished.
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constance schmid Jul 8
What a joke.CLINTON purgered-redo in progress.
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Clifford Smith Jul 8
you need a constitutional refresher course. That's not how it works. Congress isn't law enforcement.
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Sonia Franklin Jul 8
Hopefully you will get some closure! Stop wasting our tax dollars with your transparent, hackey hearing!
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Thank you Jesus 👏🏻 Jul 8
such a lovely young woman sorry for her loss glad she feels closure but Killary and Obama need to held responsible
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Unbridled Spirit Jul 8
Thanks to Trey Gowdy for ethical work against incredible cover-up.
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keith acheson Jul 8
Thanks to the house committee Special thanks to Mrs. Woods. You and Ty are my heros.
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Randy Copher Jul 8
We can move on after faces a firing squad.
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EmployedLaura Jul 8
Ambassador Chris Steven's sister blame Congress not Hillary Clinton for Benghazi.
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Mo Jordan - NMP Jul 9
That weasel will get what's coming to him...
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Nixon Jul 10
F Clinton (c'mon Bill, I know it's a longshot, but..... )
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