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Rep. Alan Lowenthal
Proudly serving California's 47th Congressional District.
Rep. Alan Lowenthal 5h
. recognized by for providing housing to 657 homeless in the last two years. Way to go Long Beach!
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 14
My heart goes out to Gwen Ifill’s loved ones. Her passion & dedication for public service will long be remembered.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 11
This we honor bravery of the men & women who risk their lives to keep our nation safe. Thank you for your service.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 9
Great to celebrate 50th ann. of Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) & recognize amazing successes of program over the years.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 8
Need help finding your polling location? For LA County visit: for Orange County visit: .
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 7
Thank you Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno for your work to make our nation a better place.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 6
We are lucky to have so many amazing in the 47th. Great to be part of naming ceremony at
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 4
. ranks #7 of country’s 10 best , on this year’s Conde Nast Traveler survey. Way to go !
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal retweeted
FreeConferenceCall Nov 3
You know you have the best representative when he drops off 🍪s and 🍼 to your office. Thank you
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 3
Since 2010, has cut greenhouse gas emission from state operations in half.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal retweeted
John Lewis Nov 3
I’ve marched, protested, been beaten and arrested--all for the right to vote. Friends of mine gave their lives. Honor their sacrifice. Vote.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 3
2017 open enrollment on Health Insurance Exchanges is LIVE! Visit to find plan that works for you.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 2
DEADLINE: Today is the LAST day to participate in the STEM App Challenge! Visit to apply today.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal retweeted
MichelleLujanGrisham Nov 1
For every year we don't have , a Hispanic woman will lose over $25K. Close the & fight for !
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 1
It would take 22 months for a woman to earn what a white, non-Hispanic man makes in 12 months. This is unacceptable.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Nov 1
Great to visit w/ this year’s Angels in Adoption Award winner Hemlata Momoya, ED of Bal Jagat international agency.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Oct 31
Did you know South Dakota’s iconic opened its doors to public for 1st time on 1941?
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Oct 29
Join me in giving the new -Royce facility in a warm welcome to the 47th District.
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Oct 28
Small are backbone of our . Glad to see & on the rise in the 47th!
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Rep. Alan Lowenthal Oct 27
Today on what would have been President Roosevelt’s 158th b-day we celebrate his spirit of .
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