Daily Digest

Daily Digest/Highlights + Senate

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D786-D790]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                                            Thursday, July 20, 2000

[[Page D786]]

                              Daily Digest


      Senate passed Agriculture Appropriations bill.
      The House agreed to the conference report on H.R. 4810, Marriage 
      Tax Penalty Relief Reconciliation Act.
      The House passed H.R. 4871 Treasury, Postal Appropriations.
      House Committee ordered reported the District of Columbia 
      appropriations for fiscal year 2001.


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S7303-S7408
Measures Introduced: Eight bills were introduced, as follows: S. 2895-
  Page S7393
Measures Reported: Reports were made as follows:
  Special Report entitled ``Further Revised Allocation to Subcommittees 
of Budget Totals for Fiscal Year 2001.'' (S. Rept. No. 106-350)
  S. 2901, to authorize appropriations to carry out security assistance 
for fiscal year 2001. (S. Rept. No. 106-351)
  S. 2089, to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 
to modify procedures relating to orders for surveillance and searches 
for foreign intelligence purposes, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 106-
  S. Res. 133, supporting religious tolerance toward Muslims.
  S. 1902, to require disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 
regarding certain persons and records of the Japanese Imperial Army in 
a manner that does not impair any investigation or prosecution 
conducted by the Department of Justice or certain intelligence matters, 
with amendments.
  S. 2516, to fund task forces to locate and apprehend fugitives in 
Federal, State, and local felony criminal cases and give administrative 
subpoena authority to the United States Marshals Service, with an 
amendment in the nature of a substitute.
  S. 2812, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide a 
waiver of the oath of renunciation and allegiance for naturalization of 
aliens having certain disabilities.
  S. 2900, making appropriations for the Treasury Department, the 
United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of the President, 
and certain Independent Agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 
30, 2001.
  S.J. Res. 48, calling upon the President to issue a proclamation 
recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act.
  S. Con. Res. 53, condemning all prejudice against individuals of 
Asian and Pacific Island ancestry in the United States and supporting 
political and civic participation by such individuals throughout the 
United States, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with 
an amended preamble.
Page S7392
Measures Passed:
  Agriculture Appropriations: By 79 yeas to 13 nays (Vote No. 225), 
Senate passed H.R. 4461, making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural 
Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies programs 
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, as amended, after taking 
action on the following amendments proposed thereto: 
                                               Pages S7303-08, S7310-79
  By 90 yeas to 6 nays (Vote No. 222), Wellstone Modified Amendment No. 
3919, to require the use of certain funds transferred to the Economic 
Research Service to conduct a study of reasons for the decline in 
participation in the food stamp program and any problems that 
households with eligible children have experienced in obtaining food 
Pages S7334-37

[[Page D787]]

  By 72 yeas to 24 nays (Vote No. 223), Specter Amendment No. 3958, to 
correct an unintended termination of the authority of Amtrak to lease 
motor vehicles from the General Services Administration that results 
from previously enacted legislation.
Pages S7337-42
  Cochran (for Harkin) Amendment No. 3964, to provide the use of funds 
for the Emergency Watershed Program for emergency expenses for 
floodplain operations identified as of July 18, 2000. 
                                                  Pages S7344-48, S7351
  Cochran (for Levin/Collins) Amendment No. 3457, to provide market and 
quality loss assistance for certain commodities.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Abraham/Schumer/Levin) Amendment No. 3933 (to Amendment 
No. 3457), to provide relief for apple growers whose crops have 
suffered extensive crop damage as a result of fireblight. 
                                                         Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Graham/Mack) Amendment No. 3965, to ensure that nursery 
stock producers receive emergency financial assistance for nursery 
stock losses caused by Hurricane Irene.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Lott/Cochran/Kohl) Amendment No. 3966, to permit the 
enrollment of an additional 100,000 acres in the wetlands reserve 
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Leahy/Jeffords) Amendment No. 3967, to provide that in 
addition to other compensation paid by the Secretary of Agriculture, 
the Secretary shall compensate, or otherwise seek to make whole, from 
funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation, not to exceed $4,000,000, 
the owners of all sheep destroyed from flocks under the Secretary's 
declarations of July 14, 2000 for lost income, or other business 
interruption losses, due to actions of the Secretary with respect to 
such sheep.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Harkin/Bond) Amendment No. 3968, to provide emergency 
funding for the Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards 
Administration for completion of a biotechnology reference facility. 
                                                         Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Graham/Mack) Amendment No. 3969, to ensure that growers 
who experienced crop losses due to citrus canker receive appropriate 
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran Amendment No. 3970, to make certain funds available for the 
Boll weevil eradication program for cost share purposes or for debt 
retirement for active eradication zones.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Thurmond) Amendment No. 3971, to provide financial 
assistance to the State of South Carolina in capitalizing the South 
Carolina Grain Dealers Guaranty Fund.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran Amendment No. 3972, to restrict the use of funds to provide 
certain conservation assistance and authorize a transfer of funds for 
the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program.
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Sessions) Amendment No. 3973, to provide for assistance 
for emergency haying and feed operations in the State of Alabama. 
                                                         Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Edwards) Amendment No. 3974, to provide emergency 
funding to the Department of Agriculture's Rural Community Facilities 
Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Dorgan) Amendment No. 3975, to make emergency financial 
assistance available to producers on a farm that have incurred losses 
in a 2000 crop due to a disaster and to producers of specialty crops 
that incurred losses during the 1999 crop year due to a disaster. 
                                                         Pages S7351-56
  Cochran (for Inouye) Amendment No. 3976, to provide that 
notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of 
Agriculture shall make a payment in the amount of $7,200,000 to the 
State of Hawaii from the Commodity Credit Corporation for assistance to 
an agricultural transportation cooperative in Hawaii, the members of 
which are eligible to participate in the Farm Service Agency 
administered Commodity Loan Program and have suffered extraordinary 
market losses due to unprecedented low prices.
Pages S7351-56
  Baucus Amendment No. 3981, to direct the Secretary of the Army to 
conduct a restudy of the project for navigation, Manteo (Shallowbag) 
Bay, North Carolina, to evaluate alternatives to the authorized inlet 
stabilization project at Oregon Inlet.
Pages S7361-65
  Cochran (for Smith-NH/Boxer) Amendment No. 3982, to provide for an 
Animal and Plant Health Services wildlife services methods development 
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Boxer/McConnell) Amendment No. 3983, to amend the Organic 
Foods Production Act of 1990, providing for an exception in the 
production of wine.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Grams) Amendment No. 3984, to prohibit the use of 
appropriated funds to require offices of the Farm Services Agency to 
discontinue use of FINPACK for financial planning and credit analysis. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Hollings/Thurmond) Amendment No. 3985, to provide that the 
Sea Island Health Clinic located on Johns Island, South Carolina, shall 
remain eligible for assistance and funding from the Rural Development 
community facilities programs administered by the Department of 
Agriculture until such time new population data is available from the 
2000 Census.
Pages S7365-70

[[Page D788]]

  Kohl (for Reed/Chafee) Amendment No. 3986, to provide funds for a 
study on flood plain management for the Pocasset River, Rhode Island. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Bingaman/Leahy) Amendment No. 3987, to allocate funding 
made available by this Act for loans and grants to federally recognized 
Indian tribes under the rural community advance program under the 
Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Byrd) Amendment No. 3988, to provide for a pasture recovery 
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Dodd/Lieberman) Amendment No. 3989, to prohibit the use of 
any funding to recover payments erroneously made to oyster fishermen in 
the State of Connecticut.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Wyden) Amendment No. 3990, to provide support for creative 
anti-hunger initiatives in Oregon.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Byrd) Amendment No. 3991, to increase the Section 502 
Guaranteed Rural Housing income limits.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl Amendment No. 3992, to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture 
shall use the funds, facilities and authorities of the Commodity Credit 
Corporation to make and administer supplemental payments to dairy 
producers who received a payment under section 805 of Public Law 106-78 
in an amount equal to thirty-five percent of the reduction in market 
value of milk production in 2000.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Hutchinson/Cleland/Lincoln) Amendment No. 3993, to 
authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to provide emergency loans to 
poultry producers to rebuild chicken houses destroyed by disasters. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Torricelli) Amendment No. 3994, to express the sense of the 
Senate regarding preference for assistance for victims of domestic 
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Torricelli) Amendment No. 3995, to allocate appropriated 
funds for early detection and treatment concerning childhood lead 
poisoning at sites participating in the special supplemental nutrition 
program for women, infants, and children.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Hatch) Amendment No. 3996, to increase funding for the 
Office of Generic Drugs in order to accelerate the review of generic 
drug applications.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Harkin) Amendment No. 3997, to provide funds for the 
cleanup of methamphetamine labs by State and local law enforcement. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Landrieu) Amendment No. 3998, to provide that the Chief 
Financial Officer shall actively market cross-servicing activities of 
the National Finance Center.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Nickles) Amendment No. 3999, to fund biomass-based 
energy research.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Campbell) Amendment No. 4000, to provide fiscal year 
2000 supplemental contingent emergency funding to the Department of the 
Treasury for the Customs Service Automated Commercial System. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Kennedy) Amendment No. 4001, to fully fund the Food and 
Drug Administration's food safety initiative activities. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Nickles) Amendment No. 4002, of a clarifying nature. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (Feingold/Jeffords) Amendment No. 4003, to prohibit products 
that contain dry ultra-filtered milk products or casein from being 
labeled as domestic natural cheese.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Sessions) Amendment No. 4004, to increase and limit 
certain funding.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Boxer) Amendment No. 4005, to provide that none of the 
funds appropriated by this Act to the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
may be used to implement or administer the final rule issued in Docket 
number 97-110, at 65 Federal Register 37608-37669 until such time as 
USDA completes an independent peer review of the rule and the risk 
assessment underlying the rule.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Leahy) Amendment No. 4006, to require that any award 
entered into under the dairy export incentive program that is canceled 
or voided is made available for reassignment under the program. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Campbell) Amendment No. 4007, to require the use of a 
certain amount of appropriated funds to carry out the Food Distribution 
on Indian Reservations.
Pages S7365-70
  Cochran (for Warner) Amendment No. 4008, to increase and limit 
certain funding.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Wellstone) Amendment No. 4009, to set aside funding for the 
distance learning and telemedicine program to promote employment of 
rural residents through teleworking.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Johnson) Amendment No. 4010, to extend the authority of the 
Secretary of Agriculture to provide grants for State mediation programs 
dealing with agricultural issues.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Harkin) Amendment No. 4011, to provide increased funding 
for the Extension farm safety program, including funding at a level of 
$3,055,000 for the AgrAbility project.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Daschle) Amendment No. 4012, to authorize the Secretary of 
Agriculture to provide equitable relief to an owner or operator that 
has entered into and violated a contract under the environmental 
conservation acreage reserve program if the owner or operator took 
actions in good faith reliance on the

[[Page D789]]

action or advice of an authorized representative of the Secretary. 
                                                         Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Feingold) Amendment No. 4013, to require the publication of 
data collected on imported herbs.
Pages S7365-70
  Kohl (for Robb) Amendment No. 4014, to adjust the limitation to carry 
out research related to tobacco.
Pages S7365-70
  McCain Amendment No. 3917, to prohibit the use of appropriated funds 
for the sugar program. (By 65 yeas to 32 nays (Vote No. 219), Senate 
tabled the amendment.)
Pages S7314-25, S7328-29
  Wellstone Amendment No. 3922, to provide increased funding for the 
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration for 
investigations of anticompetitive behavior, rapid response teams, the 
Hog Contract Library, examinations of the competitive structure of the 
poultry industry, civil rights activities, and information staff, with 
an offset. (By 51 yeas to 47 nays (Vote No. 220), Senate tabled the 
Pages S7325, S7329
  By 48 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. 221), Reid (for Harkin) Amendment No. 
3938, to prohibit the use of appropriated funds to label, mark, stamp, 
or tag as ``inspected and passed'' meat, meat products, poultry, or 
poultry products that do not meet microbiological performance standards 
established by the Secretary of Agriculture. (By 49 yeas to 49 nays 
(Vote No. 218), Senate earlier failed to table the amendment.) 
                                     Pages S7303-08, S7310-14, S7331-34
  Cochran Modified Amendment No. 3955 (to Amendment No. 3938), to 
modify amendment relating to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food 
and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 
Pages S7303-08, S7310-14, S7331-34
  Dorgan Amendment No. 3963, to make emergency financial assistance 
available to producers on a farm that have incurred losses in a 2000 
crop due to a disaster and to producers of specialty crops that 
incurred losses during the 1999 crop year due to a disaster. 
                                                         Pages S7342-43
  Domenici point of order against Cochran (for Harkin) Amendment No. 
3964 that the Amendment violates section 205(c) of H. Con. Res. 290, 
Congressional Budget Resolution, with respect to all emergency 
Page S7348
  Cochran motion to waive the point of order (listed above) pursuant to 
Section 205(c) of H. Con. Res. 290, Congressional Budget Resolution, 
with respect to all emergency designations in this bill and to all the 
amendments to the bill filed at this time.
Page S7348
  Gramm Amendment No. 3977 (to Cochran motion to waive), to waive 
section 205 of the budget resolution for consideration of the Cochran 
(for Harkin) Amendment No. 3964.
Page S7348
  Cochran Amendment No. 3978 ( to Amendment No. 3977), to waive Section 
205(c) of H. Con. Res. 290, Congressional Budget Resolution, with 
respect to all emergency designations in this bill and all amendments 
filed at the desk at this time to this bill other than Amendment No. 
Page S7348
  During consideration of this measure today, the Senate also took the 
following action:
  By 36 yeas to 56 nays (Vote No. 224), Senate failed to uphold the 
question of germaneness with respect to Durbin Amendment No. 3980, to 
clarify the effect of the provision prohibiting amendment of part 3809 
of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations. Subsequently, the Senate 
determined the amendment to be non-germane, and the amendment thus 
Pages S7358-61
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached to provide that it not be 
in order in the Senate, for the remainder of the 106th Congress, to 
consider any bill, or amendment that raises the level of emergency 
spending for agriculture above the level contained in this bill as of 
the adoption of the above described amendments (Amendment Nos. 3457, 
3933, and 3964 through 3976).
Page S7356
  Senate insisted on its amendment, requested a conference with the 
House thereon, and the Chair was authorized to appoint the following 
conferees on the part of the Senate: Senators Cochran, Specter, Bond, 
Gorton, McConnell, Burns, Stevens, Kohl, Harkin, Dorgan, Feinstein, 
Durbin, and Byrd.
Page S7379
Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Reconciliation Act Conference Report: 
Senate began consideration of the conference report on H.R. 4810, to 
provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 103(a)(1) of the 
concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2001. 
                                                         Pages S7379-82
  A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing for further 
consideration of the conference report on Friday, July 21, 2000. 
                                                             Page S7379
Nominations--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached 
providing for the consideration of the nominations of Johnnie B. 
Rawlinson, of Nevada, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth 
Circuit, Dennis M. Cavanaugh, to be United States District Judge for 
the District of New Jersey, James S. Moody, Jr., Gregory A. Presnell, 
and John E. Steele, each to be a United States District Judge for the 
Middle District of Florida, on Friday, June 21, 2000.
  Page S7379

[[Page D790]]

Messages From the President: Senate received the following messages 
from the President of the United States:
  Transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of the District of 
Columbia's Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Request Act; to the Committee on 
Governmental Affairs. (PM-121)
Page S7387
Nominations Confirmed: Senate Confirmed the following nominations:
  Norman Y. Mineta, of California, to be Secretary of Commerce. 
                                                             Page S7349
Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
  Andrew Fois, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of 
the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen 
  Miguel D. Lausell, of Puerto Rico, to be a Member of the Board of 
Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for a term 
expiring December 17, 2000.
  Miguel D. Lausell, of Puerto Rico, to be a Member of the Board of 
Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for a term 
expiring December 17, 2003. (Reappointment)
  7 Army nominations in the rank of general.
  Routine list in the Air Force.
Page S7349
Messages From the President:
  Page S7388
Messages From the House:
  Page S7388
Measures Referred:
  Page S7388
  Pages S7388-92
Executive Reports of Committees:
  Pages S7392-93
Statements on Introduced Bills:
  Pages S7393-99
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page S7399-S7400
Amendments Submitted:
  Pages S7400-08
Notices of Hearings:
  Page S7408
Additional Statements:
  Pages S7485-88
Privileges of the Floor:
  Page S7408
Record Votes: Eight record votes were taken today. (Total--225) 
               Pages S7307, S7328-29, S7334, S7337, S7342, S7361, S7379
Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and adjourned at10:24 p.m., 
until 9:00 a.m. Friday, July 21, 2000. (For Senate's program, see the 
remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S7349.)


Daily Digest/Senate Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D790-D793]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on Appropriations: Committee ordered favorably reported an 
original bill (S. 2900) making appropriations for the Treasury 
Department, the United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of 
the President, and certain Independent Agencies, for the fiscal year 
ending September 30, 2001.
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Committee concluded 
hearings to examine current energy policy and its implications on 
American energy security and environmental interests, including the 
role of energy in U.S. agriculture and the effects of this year's 
increases in energy prices on agriculture as both a user and a producer 
of energy, after receiving testimony from former Senator Johnston; Bill 
Richardson, Secretary of Energy; James Schlesinger, former Secretary of 
Defense and former Secretary of Energy; Keith Collins, Chief Economist, 
Department of Agriculture; Harry S. Baumes, WEFA Inc., Eddystone, 
Pennsylvania; Eric Vaughn, Renewable Fuels Association, and R. Skip 
Horvath, Natural Gas Supply Association, both of Washington, D.C.; 
James McCarthy, CITGO Petroleum Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Don 
Hutchens, Nebraska Corn Board, Lincoln.
Committee on Armed Services: Committee held closed hearings to examine 
the situation in Iraq and United States military operations in and 
around Iraq, receiving testimony from Vice Adm. Scott A. Fry, USN, 
Director, Operations Directorate (J-3), and Rear Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby, 
USN, Director, Intelligence Directorate (J-2), both of the Office of 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Bruce Pease, Director, Office of Near 
Eastern, South Asian and African Analysis, Directorate of Intelligence, 
Central Intelligence Agency.
  Committee recessed subject to call.
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded 
hearings to examine the conduct of monetary policy and economic outlook 
by the Federal Reserve, after receiving testimony from

[[Page D791]]

Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee ordered 
favorably reported the nominations of Norman Y. Mineta, of California, 
to be Secretary of Commerce, Francisco J. Sanchez, of Florida, to be an 
Assistant Secretary of Transportation, Debbie D. Branson, of Texas, to 
be a Member of the Federal Aviation Management Advisory Council, 
Department of Transportation, and Katherine Milner Anderson, of 
Virginia, Frank Henry Cruz, of California, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, of 
Virginia, and Ernest J. Wilson III, of Maryland, each to be a Member of 
the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and 
a United States Coast Guard promotion list received in the Senate on 
July 18, 2000.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded 
hearings to examine the Internet's role in the marketing of airline 
services, including whether or not it benefits consumers in purchasing 
airline tickets through the Internet, after receiving testimony from A. 
Bradley Mims, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International 
Affairs, and Kenneth M. Mead, Inspector General, both of the Department 
of Transportation; Terrell B. Jones, Travelocity.com, Dallas, Texas; 
Jeffrey G. Katz, Orbitz, Chicago, Illinois; Mark Silbergeld, Consumers 
Union, Washington, D.C.; and Paul M. Ruden, American Society of Travel 
Agents, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia.
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee continued markup 
of H.R. 701, to provide Outer Continental Shelf Impact Assistance to 
State and local governments, to amend the Land and Water Conservation 
Fund Act of 1965, the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, 
and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly referred to 
as the Pittman-Robertson Act) to establish a fund to meet the outdoor 
conservation and recreation needs of the American people, but did not 
complete action thereon, and will meet again tomorrow.
Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded hearings on Inter-
American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles, 
with Annexes, done at Caracas December 1, 1996, (the ``Convention''), 
which was signed by the United States, subject to ratification, on 
December 13, 1996 (Treaty Doc. 105-48); International Plant Protection 
Convention (IPPC), adopted at the Conference of the Food and 
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations at Rome on 
November 17, 1997 (Treaty Doc. 106-23); Food Aid Convention 1999, which 
was opened for signature at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, 
from May 1 through June 30, 1999. Convention was signed by the United 
States June 16, 1999 (Treaty Doc. 106-14); Convention (No. 176) 
Concerning Safety and Health in Mines, adopted by the International 
Labor Conference at its 82nd Session in Geneva on June 22, 1995 (Treaty 
Doc. 106-08); and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 
in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, 
Particularly in Africa, with Annexes, adopted at Paris, June 17, 1994, 
and signed by the United States on October 14, 1994 (Treaty Doc. 104-
29), after receiving testimony from David B. Sandalow, Assistant 
Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific 
Affairs, and E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and 
Business Affairs, both of the Department of State.
Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded hearings on Everett 
L. Mosley, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, Agency for 
International Development, after the nominee testified and answered 
questions in his own behalf.
Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South 
Asian Affairs concluded hearings on issues relating to United States 
policy towards the government of Afghanistan and the militia that rules 
Afghanistan, known as the Taliban, after receiving testimony from Karl 
F. Inderfurth, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs; 
Peter Tomsen, University of Nebraska, Omaha, former Ambassador and 
Special Envoy to the Afghan Resistance; Zieba Shorish-Shamley, Women's 
Alliance for Peace and Human Rights in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.; 
and Hamid Karzai, Glenwood, Maryland.
Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favorably reported the 
following business items:
  S. 2812, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide a 
waiver of the oath of renunciation and allegiance for naturalization of 
aliens having certain disabilities;
  S. Con. Res. 53, condemning all prejudice against individuals of 
Asian and Pacific Island ancestry in the United States and supporting 
political and civic participation by such individuals throughout the

[[Page D792]]

United States, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute;
  S. 2516, to fund task forces to locate and apprehend fugitives in 
Federal, State, and local felony criminal cases and give administrative 
subpoena authority to the United States Marshals Service, with an 
amendment in the nature of a substitute;
  S. Res. 133, supporting religious tolerance toward Muslims;
  S.J. Res. 48, calling upon the President to issue a proclamation 
recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act; and
  The nominations of Johnnie B. Rawlinson, of Nevada, to be United 
States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Dennis M. Cavanaugh, to be 
United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey, James S. 
Moody, Jr., Gregory A. Presnell, and John E. Steele, each to be a 
United States District Judge for the Middle District of Florida, and 
Glenn A. Fine, of Maryland, to be Inspector General, Daniel Marcus, of 
Maryland, to be Associate Attorney General, and David W. Ogden, of 
Virginia, to be an Assistant Attorney General, all of the Department of 
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee 
concluded hearings to examine issues relating to the development of 
federal policy governing the treatment of an individual's genetic 
information in the workplace in light of the recent Human Genome 
Project breakthroughs, after receiving testimony from Senator Daschle; 
Francis S. Collins, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute, 
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; 
Paul S. Miller, Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; 
Susan R. Meisinger, Society for Human Resource Management, Alexandria, 
Virginia; and Harold P. Coxson, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak, and 
Stewart, and Susannah Baruch, National Partnership for Women and 
Families, both of Washington, D.C.
Committee on Small Business: Committee held hearings on the General 
Accounting Office's performance and accountability review of the Small 
Business Administration, receiving testimony from David M. Walker, 
Comptroller General of the United States, Stanley J. Czerwinski, 
Associate Director, Housing and Community Development Issues, 
Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, Joel C. 
Willemssen, Director, Civil Agencies Information Systems, Accounting 
and Information Management Division, and Michael Brostek, Associate 
Director, Federal Management and Workforce Issues, General Government 
Division, all of the General Accounting Office; and Aida Alvarez, 
Administrator, Small Business Administration.
  Hearings recessed subject to call.
Committee on Veterans Affairs: Committee concluded hearings to examine 
the Department of Veterans Affairs disability claims process, and a 
status report on the adjudication of these claims and efforts the 
Department has made to improve claims processing, and S. 1806, to 
authorize the payment of a gratuity to certain members of the Armed 
Forces who served at Bataan and Corregidor during World War II, or the 
surviving spouses of such members, S. 1810, to amend title 38, United 
States Code, to clarify and improve veterans' claims and appellate 
procedures, S. 2264, to amend title 38, United States Code, to 
establish within the Veterans Health Administration the position of 
Advisor on Physician Assistants, S. 2544, to amend title 38, United 
States Code, to provide compensation and benefits to children of female 
Vietnam veterans who were born with certain birth defects, S. 2637, to 
require a land conveyance, Miles City Veterans Administration Medical 
Complex, Miles City, Montana, S. 2827, to provide for the conveyance of 
the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Ft. Lyon, 
Colorado, to the State of Colorado, proposed legislation providing for 
VA cost of living assistance, proposed Women Veterans' Equity Act, 
proposed Veterans Programs Enhancement Act, and proposed legislation 
authorizing the construction of certain VA facilities, after receiving 
testimony from Joseph Thompson, Under Secretary of Veteran Affairs for 
Benefits; Philip R. Wilkerson, American Legion, and Dennis Cullinan, 
Veterans of Foreign Wars, both of Washington, D.C.; James O'Brien, 
Tequesta, Florida; William R. Baker, Cincinnati, Ohio; William Kennedy, 
Tallahassee, Florida; and Clarence DeVaughn Moore, Hurricane, West 
Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded hearings on S. 2688, 
to amend the Native American Languages Act to provide for the 
establishment of Native American Language Survival Schools, after 
receiving testimony from Michael Cohen, Assistant Secretary of 
Education for Elementary and Secondary Education; Teresa L. McCarty, 
University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of the American Indian 

[[Page D793]]

Development Institute; Michael E. Krauss, University of Alaska, Alaska 
Native Language Center, Fairbanks; William G. Demmert, Jr., Western 
Washington University, Bellingham; Darrell R. Kipp, Piegan Institute, 
Browning, Montana; Genevieve Jackson, Navajo Nation, Window Rock, 
Arizona; Matthew Dick, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, 
Nespelem, Washington; Rosita Worl, University of Alaska Southeast, 
Juneau, on behalf of the Sealaska Heritage Foundation and Alaska 
Federation of Natives; A. Brian Wallace, Washoe Tribe of Nevada and 
California, Gardnerville, Nevada; and Kalena Silva and William H. 
Wilson, both of the University of Hawaii Ke'elikolani College of 
Hawaiian Language, and Namaka Rawlins, `Aha Punana Leo, Inc., all of 
Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on 
intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the 
intelligence community.
  Committee recessed subject to call.


Daily Digest/House of Representatives

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D793-D795]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Bills Introduced: 20 public bills, H.R. 4898-4917; 1 private bill, H.R. 
4918; and 2 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 378 and H. Res. 561, were 
  Pages H6717-18, H6719
Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows.
  H.R. 4110, to amend title 44, United States Code, to authorize 
appropriations for the National Historical Publications and Records 
Commission for fiscal years 2002 through 2005 (H. Rept. 106-768);
  H.R. 4700, to grant the consent of the Congress to the Kansas and 
Missouri Metropolitan Culture District Compact (H. Rept. 106-769);
  H.J. Res. 72, granting the consent of the Congress to the Red River 
Boundary Compact, amended (H. Rept. 106-770);
  H.R. 4419, to prevent the use of certain bank instruments for 
Internet gambling, amended, (H. Rept. 106-771, Pt. 1);
  H.R. 4744, to require the General Accounting Office to report to 
Congress on economically significant rules of Federal agencies (H. 
Rept. 106-772).
  H.R. 4585, to strengthen consumers' control over the use and 
disclosure of their health information by financial institutions, 
amended (H. Rept. 106-773, Pt. 1);
  H.R. 1954, to regulate motor vehicle insurance activities to protect 
against retroactive regulatory and legal action and to create fairness 
in ultimate insurer laws and vicarious liability standards, amended, 
referred sequentially Committee on the Judiciary (H. Rept. 106-774, Pt. 
1); and
  H.R. 2580, to encourage the creation, development, and enhancement of 
State response programs for contaminated sites, removing existing 
Federal barriers to the cleanup of brownfield sites, and cleaning up 
and returning contaminated sites to economically productive or other 
beneficial uses, amended (H. Rept. 106-775, Pt. 1).
Page H6717
Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Reconciliation Act: The House agreed to the 
conference report on H.R. 4810, to provide for reconciliation pursuant 
to section 103(a)(1) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for 
fiscal year 2001 by a yea and nay vote of 271 yeas to 156 nays, Roll 
No. 418.
  Pages H6609-18
  H. Res. 559, the rule that waived points of order against the 
conference report was agreed to by yea and nay vote of 279 yeas to 140 
noes, roll No. 417.
Pages H6606-09
Recess: The House recessed at 12:54 p.m. and reconvened at 1:39 p.m. 
                                                             Page H6618
Treasury, Postal Appropriations: The House passed H.R. 4871, making 
appropriations for the Treasury Department, the United States Postal 
Service, the Executive Office of the President, and certain Independent 
Agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001 by a yea and 
nay vote of 216 yeas to 202 nays, Roll No. 428.
  Pages H6622-H6710
  Agreed to Kolbe unanimous consent request to insert language in the 
enacting clause.
Pages H6622-31
Agreed To:
  Vitter amendment that increases funding for high intensity drug 
trafficking areas program by $25 million and decreases IRS 
administrative funding accordingly (agreed to by a recorded vote of 284 
ayes to 134 noes, Roll No. 421);
Pages H6642-45
  Klink amendment that increases funding for the Customs Service by 
$950,000 to purchase equipment to monitor the radioactivity of scrap 
metal imported into the United States and decreases Treasury Inspector 
General funding accordingly;
Pages H6645-52

[[Page D794]]

  Inslee amendment that requires that all of the Inspector Generals 
funded under the act report to Congress on any activity taken to 
monitor individuals who access any Internet site of their agencies; 
                                                         Pages H7764-70
  Gilman amendment that requires that all existing and newly hired 
workers in any child care center located in an executive facility 
undergo a criminal history background check;
Pages H6670-71
  Deutsch amendment No. 1 printed in the Congressional Record that 
prohibits any funding to be used to allow the importation of any 
product that is grown, produced, or manufactured in Iran; 
                                                         Pages H6671-72
  Davis of Virginia amendment that prohibits any funding to be used to 
implement the amendments to the Federal Acquisition Regulation 
contained in the proposed rule published by the Federal Acquisition 
Regulatory council relating to responsibility considerations of Federal 
contractors and the allowability of certain contractor costs (agreed to 
by a recorded vote of 228 ayes to 190 noes, Roll No. 423); 
                                                         Pages H6672-84
  Frelinghuysen amendment No. 6 printed in the Congressional Record 
that prohibits any funding to be used to collect information on 
individuals using a Federal Internet site;
Pages H6684-85
  Morella amendment No. 12 printed in the Congressional Record that 
makes the pay of Administrative Appeals Judges comparable to the pay of 
Administrative Law Judges;
Page H6688
  Traficant amendment that prohibits any funding to be used in 
contravention of the ``Buy American Act;''
Pages H6688-89
  Sanders amendment No. 13 printed in the Congressional Record that 
prohibits the IRS from taking any action in contravention of current 
age discrimination statutes;
Pages H6689-92
  Sanford amendment No. 14 printed in the Congressional Record that 
removes travel restrictions to Cuba (agreed to a recorded vote of 232 
ayes to 186 noes, Roll No. 425);
Pages H6694-98
  Maloney of New York amendment No. 9 printed in the Congressional 
Record that requires a study by OPM on the feasibility of providing 
paid parental leave to Federal employees; and
Pages H6698-99
  Moran of Kansas amendment that prohibits funding to be used to 
implement sanctions on the sales of agricultural commodities, medicine, 
or medicinal supplies to Cuba (agreed to by a recorded vote of 301 ayes 
to 116 noes with 2 voting ``present'', Roll No. 426). 
                                                      Pages H6699-H6703
  DeLauro amendment that sought to strike section 509 which prohibits 
any funding to pay for an abortion (rejected by a recorded vote of 184 
ayes to 230 noes, Roll No. 422);
Pages H6658-63
  Rangel amendment that sought to prohibit any funding to be used by 
the Treasury Department to enforce the economic embargo of Cuba 
(rejected by a recorded vote of 174 ayes to 241 noes, Roll No. 424); 
Pages H6685-88
  Hostettler amendment No. 8 printed in the Congressional Record that 
sought to prohibit any funding to be used to enforce, implement, or 
administer the provisions of the settlement document between Smith & 
Wesson and the Department of the Treasury (rejected by a recorded vote 
of 204 ayes to 214 noes, Roll No. 427).
Pages H6703-05
  Kucinich amendment No. 3 printed in the Congressional Record was 
offered and withdrawn that sought to require a report by the IMF and 
World Bank on agreements with debtor countries which require 
privatization, lower barriers to imports, raise bank interest rates, 
eliminate regulations on the environment, and reform labor laws; 
                                                         Pages H6635-42
  Quinn amendment No. 5 printed in the Congressional Record was offered 
and withdrawn that sought to make available $3.6 million for site 
acquisition and design of a courthouse in Buffalo, New York; 
                                                         Pages H6652-53
  Wynn amendment was offered and withdrawn that sought to make 
available $101 million for the design and construction of the FDA 
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the White Oak Naval Surface 
Weapons Center site in Montgomery County, Maryland;
Pages H6653-54
  Coburn amendment was offered and withdrawn that sought to strike 
section 640 which repeals a .5% increase that Federal employees made to 
their retirement system as a part of the Balanced Budget Act; 
                                                         Pages H6692-93
  Nadler amendment No. 4 printed in the Congressional Record was 
offered and withdrawn that sought to repeal section 9101 of the 
Balanced Budget Act which directed the sale of Governor's Island, New 
York for $500 million; and
Pages H6693-94
  Sanford amendment No. 15 printed in the Congressional Record was 
offered and withdrawn that sought to limit the number of individuals 
employed in the Executive Office of the President who travel on 
presidential trips.
Points of order sustained against:
  Section 517, dealing with the import of diamonds into the United 
Pages H6656-58
  H. Res. 560, the rule that provided for consideration of the bill was 
agreed to by a recorded vote of 282 ayes to 141 noes, Roll No. 420. 
Agreed to

[[Page D795]]

order the previous question by a yea and nay vote of 250 yeas to 173 
nays, Roll No. 419.
Pages H6618-22
Legislative Program: Representative Dreier announced the Legislative 
Program for the week of July 24.
  Pages H6710-11
Legislative Branch Appropriations Conference: The House disagreed to 
the Senate amendments to H.R. 4516, and agreed to a conference. 
Appointed as conferees: Chairman Young of Florida, Representatives 
Taylor of North Carolina, Wamp, Lewis of California, Granger, Peterson 
of Pennsylvania, Obey, Pastor, Murtha, and Hoyer.
  Page H6711
  Agreed to the Pastor motion to instruct conferees to insist on the 
provisions of the Senate amendment with respect to providing 
$384,867,000 for the General Accounting Office.
Page H6711
Calendar Wednesday: Agreed to dispense with the Calendar Wednesday 
business of Wednesday, July 26.
  Page H6711
Meeting Hour--Monday, July 17: Agreed that when the House adjourns 
today, it adjourn to meet at 12:30 on Monday, July 24 for morning-hour 
  Page H6712
Presidential Message--District of Columbia Budget Request: Read a 
message from the President wherein he transmitted the District of 
Columbia's Fiscal year 2001 Budget Request Act--referred to the 
Committee on Appropriations and ordered printed (H. Doc. 106-271). 
                                                         Pages H6711-12
Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate today appear on 
pages H6603.
Referrals: S. 2102 was referred to the Committee on Resources, S. 2712 
was referred to the Committee on Government Reform, S. Con. Res. 57, S. 
Con. Res. 113, S. Con. Res. 122, and S. Con. Res. 126 were referred to 
the Committee on International Relations.
  Page H6712
Amendments: Amendments ordered pursuant to the rule appear on page 
Quorum Calls--Votes: Four yea and nay votes and eight recorded votes 
developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages 
H6608-09, H6617-18, H6620-21, H6621, H6705, H6706, H6706-07, H6707-08, 
H6708, H6708-09, H6709, and H6710. There were no quorum calls.
Adjournment: The House met at 10:00 a..m. and adjourned at 11:05 p.m.


Daily Digest/House Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D795-D797]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

Committee Meetings
Committee on Appropriations: Ordered reported the District of Columbia 
appropriations for fiscal year 2001.
Committee on Banking and Financial Services, Subcommittee on Capital 
Markets, Securities and Government Sponsored Enterprises concluded 
hearings on Improving Regulation of Housing Government Sponsored 
Enterprises, focusing on H.R. 3703, Housing Finance Regulatory 
Improvement Act. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on the Budget: Task Force on Defense and International 
Relations held hearing on Pentagon Financial Management, What's Broken, 
How to Fix It. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the 
Department of Defense: William J. Lynn, III, Under Secretary, 
Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer; and Robert Lieberman, 
Assistant Inspector General; and Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, Acting Assistant 
Comptroller General, GAO.
Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials 
approved for full Committee action, as amended, H.R. 4541, Commodity 
Futures Modernization Act of 2000.
Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Material 
held a hearing on Improving Insurance for Consumers--Increasing 
Uniformity and Efficiency in Insurance Regulation. Testimony was heard 
from Julie L. Williams, First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief 
Counsel, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the 
Treasury; George Nichols, Commissioner, Department of Insurance, State 
of Kentucky; and Neil Breslin, member, Senate, State of New York.
Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and 
Consumer Protection held a hearing on H.R. 3850, Independent 
Telecommunications Consumer Enhancement Act of

[[Page D796]]

2000. Testimony was heard from Carol Mattey, Deputy Chief, Common 
Carrier Bureau, FCC; and public witnesses.
Committee on Education and the Workforce: Subcommittee on Workforce 
Protections hearing on OSHA's Recordkeeping Standard: Stakeholder: 
Views of the 1996 Proposal. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on Government Reform: Held a hearing on ``Has the Department 
of Justice Given Preferential Treatment to the President and Vice 
President?'' Testimony was heard from the following officials of the 
Department of Justice: James Robinson, Assistant Attorney General and 
Alan Gershel, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, both with the Criminal 
Division; Robert Raben, Assistant Attorney General, Office of 
Legislative Affairs; and Robert Conrad, Supervision Attorney, Campaign 
Finance Task Force.
Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on Census held a hearing 
on ``The American Community Survey (A.C.S.)--A Replacement for the 
Census Long Form?'' Testimony was heard from Representatives Collins 
and Emerson; Kenneth Prewitt, Director, Bureau of the Census, 
Department of Commerce; John Spotila, Administrator, Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB; and public witnesses.
Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on Government Management, 
Information, and Technology held a hearing on ``Seven Years of GPRA: 
Has the Results Act Provided Results?'' Testimony was heard from 
Representatives Armey and Sessions; Joshua Gotbaum, Executive Associate 
Director and Controller and Acting Deputy Director, Management, OMB; 
and Christopher Mihm, Associate Director, Federal Management and 
Workforce Issues, GAO; and public witnesses.
Committee on the Judiciary: Held a hearing on H.R. 4845, Federal 
Property Campaign Fundraising Reform Act of 2000. Testimony was heard 
from John C. Keeney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal 
Division, Department of Justice.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Constitution held a 
hearing on H.R. 4292, Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000. 
Testimony was heard from Representative Jones; Kenneth Thomas, 
Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, Congressional Research 
Service, Library of Congress; and public witnesses.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual 
Property approved for full Committee action H.R. 4870, Patent Technical 
Corrections Act of 1999.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime approved for full 
Committee action the following bills: H.R. 3484, Child Sex Crimes 
Wiretapping Act of 1999; H.R. 4827, Enhanced Federal Security Act of 
2000; and H.R. 3235, amended, National Police Athletic League Youth 
Enrichment Act of 1999.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims held 
a hearing on H.R. 3083, Battered Immigrant Women Protection Act of 
1999. Testimony was heard from Representative Schakowsky; Barbara 
Strack, Acting Executive Associate Commissioner, Policy and Planning, 
Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice; and 
public witnesses.
Committee on Resources: Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources 
held a hearing on H.R. 4297, Powder River Basin Resource Development 
Act of 2000. Testimony was heard from Senator Enzi; Pete Culp, 
Assistant Director, Minerals, Realty and Resource Protection, Bureau of 
Land Management, Department of the Interior; and public witnesses.
Committee on Resources: Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, 
Wildlife and Oceans approved for full Committee action the following 
bills: H.R. 2798, amended, Pacific Salmon Recovery Act of 1999; H.R. 
3118, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations 
under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that authorize States to establish 
hunting seasons for double-crested cormorants; H.R. 4318, amended, Red 
River National Wildlife Refuge Act; and H.R. 4840, amended, Atlantic 
Coastal Fisheries Act.

[[Page D797]]

  The Subcommittee also held a hearing on H.R. 4790, Hunting Heritage 
Protection Act. Testimony was heard from Representatives Chambliss, Peterson 
of Minnesota and Pickering; Henri Bisson, Assistant Director, Renewable 
Resources and Planning, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the 
Interior; and public witnesses.
Committee on Resources: Subcommittee on National Parks, and Public Lands 
held an oversight hearing on general issues dealing with Access to our 
National Parks. Testimony was heard from Denis Galvin, Deputy Director, 
National Park Service, Department of the Interior; and public witnesses.
Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Tax, Finance and Imports held a 
hearing on H.R. 1303, Dry Cleaning Environmental Tax Credit Act of 1999. 
Testimony was heard from Representatives Camp and Price of North Carolina; 
and public witnesses.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Aviation 
held a hearing on Portable Electronic Devices: Do they really pose a safety 
hazard on aircraft? Testimony was heard from Thomas McSweeny, Associate 
Administrator, Regulation and Certification, FAA Department of 
Transportation; Dale N. Hatfield, Chief, Office of Engineering and 
Technology, FCC; and pubic witnesses.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Oversight, 
Investigations, and Emergency Management held a hearing on Cost 
Effectiveness of Hazard Mitigation Spending. Testimony was heard from 
Michael Armstrong, Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, FEMA.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Ordered reported the following bills: H.R. 
4850, Veterans Benefits Act of 2000; H.R. 4864, amended, Veterans Claims 
Assistance Act of 2000; and H.R. 1982, to name the Department of Veterans 
Affairs outpatient clinic located at 125 Brookley Drive, Rome, New York as 
the ``Donald J. Mitchell Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic.''
Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Human Resources held a hearing 
on Increasing State Flexibility in Use of Federal Child Protection Funds. 
Testimony was heard from Cynthia M. Fagnoni, Director, Education, Workforce, 
and Income Security Issues, Health, Education and Human Services Division, 
GAO; Kathleen A. Kearney, Secretary, Department of Children and Families, 
State of Florida; Robert Wentworth, Director, Residential Services, 
Department of Social Services, State of Massachusetts; and public witnesses.
Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Social Security approved for 
full Committee action, as amended, H.R. 4857, Privacy and Identity 
Protection Act of 2000.
Joint Meetings
  Conferees, on Wednesday, July 19, agreed to file a conference report on 
the differences between the Senate- and House-passed versions of H.R. 4810, 
to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 103(a)(1) of the 
concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2001.



Daily Digest/COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR 2000-07-21

[Daily Digest]
[Page D797]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


                              JULY 21, 2000

          (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to hold hearings on 
the nomination of Robert S. LaRussa, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary 
of Commerce for International Trade; and Marjory E. Searing, of Maryland, 
to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Director General of the United 
States and Foreign Commercial Service, 10 a.m., SD-538.
  Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: business meeting to continue 
markup of H.R.701, to provide Outer Continental Shelf Impact Assistance 
to State and local governments, to amend the Land and Water Conservation 
Fund Act of 1965, the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, and 
the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly referred to as the 
Pittman-Robertson Act) to establish a fund to meet the outdoor 
conservation and recreation needs of the American people, 9 a.m., SD-366.
  Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: business meeting 
to consider pending calendar business, 9:30 a.m., SD-430.


  Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, to mark 
up H.R. 4292, Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000, 10 a.m., 2237 


Daily Digest/CONGRESSIONAL RECORD The public proceedings of each House of Congress, as reported by the Official Reporters thereof, are printed pursuant to directions of the Joint Committee on...

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D797-D798]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD The public proceedings of each House of Congress,
as reported by the Official Reporters thereof, are printed pursuant to
directions of the Joint Committee on Printing as authorized by appropriate
provisions of Title 44, United States Code, and published for each day that
one or both Houses are in session, excepting very infrequent instances when
two or more unusually small consecutive issues are printed at one time.
 Public access to the Congressional Record is available online through GPO
Access, a service of the Government Printing Office, free of charge to the
user. The online database is updated each day the Congressional Record is
published. The database includes both text and graphics from the beginning
of the 103d Congress, 2d session (January 1994) forward. It is available on
the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) through the Internet and via
asynchronous dial-in. Internet users can access the database by using the
World Wide Web; the Superintendent of Documents home page address is
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[[Page D798]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                        9 a.m., Friday, July 21

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Friday: Senate will continue consideration of the 
Conference Report on H.R. 4810, Marriage Tax Penalty Relief 
Reconciliation Act. Also, Senate may begin consideration of H.R. 4733, 
Energy and Water Development Appropriations.

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                      12:30 p.m., Monday, July 24

                             House Chamber
Program for Monday: To be announced.
