(Senate - July 20, 2000)

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[Page S7379]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I thank the manager of the Agriculture 
appropriations bill for allowing me to begin this unanimous consent 
request and for his patience in working through this long series of 
amendments. Again, I thank Harry Reid and Senator Daschle for their 
work with us. We have a unanimous consent request so Senators will know 
how to proceed tonight.
  Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the 
reconciliation/marriage tax relief conference report to H.R. 4810, and 
there be up to 90 minutes for debate this evening, to be equally 
divided between the two managers.
  I further ask unanimous consent that when the Senate reconvenes at 9 
a.m. on Friday, there be 30 minutes of debate on the marriage tax 
penalty conference report, to be equally divided between the two 
managers, and following the use or yielding back of time, the Senate 
proceed to the vote on adoption of the reconciliation/marriage tax 
relief conference report, without any intervening action, motion, or 
  I further ask consent that following the disposition of the marriage 
tax relief conference report on Friday, the Senate immediately proceed 
to executive session in order to consider the following nominations, 
that they be considered en bloc, confirmed en bloc, the motions to 
reconsider be laid upon the table, the President be notified, and the 
Senate return to legislative session. Those nominations are:
  Johnnie Rawlinson, to be a Ninth Circuit Judge; Dennis Cavanaugh, to 
be a district judge; John E. Steele, to be a district judge; Gregory 
Presnell, to be a district judge; and James Moody, to be a district 
  If we can get an agreement, Senator Daschle and I are prepared to go 
forward with the Department of Defense appropriations bill. We don't 
have that yet, but we will try to clear that on both sides.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection?
  Without objection, it is so ordered.
  Mr. LOTT. I thank Senator Daschle, Senator Reid, and Senator Cochran 
for their help in this matter.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Nevada is recognized.
  Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Senator from New York, Mr. Moynihan, the 
ranking member of the Finance Committee, has been here. He checked with 
the minority and there is nobody on the minority side who wishes to 
speak tonight. The Senator will be here in the morning to lead the 
debate for the minority on the marriage tax issue. I wanted the Record 
to be clear because my friend, Senator Roth, indicated that the ranking 
member would be here. He was here and he checked to see if anybody on 
our side wished to speak and nobody did. So he has departed from the 
