(Senate - July 20, 2000)

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[Pages S7400-S7407]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []

                          AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED




                       EDWARDS AMENDMENT NO. 3954

  (Ordered to lie on the Table.)
  Mr. EDWARDS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to 
the bill (H.R. 4461) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural 
Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies programs 
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other purposes; 
as follows:

       On page 40, line 17, after the period, insert the 
       ``For an additional amount for the rural community 
     advancement program under subtitle E of the Consolidated Farm 
     and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2009 et seq.), 
     $50,000,000, to remain available until expended, to provide 
     loans under the community facility direct and guaranteed 
     loans program and grants under the community facilities grant 
     program under paragraphs (1) and (19), respectively, of 
     section 306(a) of that Act (7 U.S.C. 1926 (a)) with respect 
     to areas in the State of North Carolina subject to a 
     declaration of a major disaster under the Robert T. Stafford 
     Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5125 
     et seq.) as a result of Hurricane Floyd, Hurricane Dennis, or 
     Hurricane Irene: Provided, That the $50,000,000 shall be 
     available only to the extent that the President submits to 
     Congress an official budget request for a specific dollar 
     amount that includes designation of the entire amount of the 
     request as an emergency requirement for the purposes of the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 
     U.S.C. 900 et seq.) Provided further, That the $50,000,000 is 
     designated by Congress as an emergency requirement under 
     section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balance Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).''

                       COCHRAN AMENDMENT NO. 3955

  Mr. COCHRAN proposed an amendment to amendment No. 3938 proposed by 
Mr. Harkin to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 2 of the amendment: Strike ``established by the 
     Secretary'' and insert in lieu thereof: ``Promulgated with 
     the advice of the National Advisory Committee on 
     Microbiological Criteria for Foods and that are shown to be 

                TORRICELLI (AND REED) AMENDMENT NO. 3956

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. TORRICELLI (for himself and Mr. Reed) submitted an amendment 
intended to proposed by him to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 50, line 6, before the period, insert the 
     following: ``: Provided further, That funds made available 
     under this heading shall be made available for sites 
     participating in the special supplemental nutrition program 
     for women, infants, and children to--
       ``(1) determine whether a child eligible to participate in 
     the program has received a blood lead screening test, using a 
     test that is appropriate for age and risk factors, upon the 
     enrollment of the child in the program.

                 HATCH (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3957

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schumer, Mr. 
DeWine, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Wyden, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Graham, and Mr. 
Voinovich) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by them to 
the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 56, line 9, strike ``$313,143,000'' and insert 
       On page 57, line 2, strike ``$78,589,000'' and insert 

                SPECTER (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3958

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. SPECTER (for himself, Mr. Kohl, Mr. Moynihan, Mr. Santorum, Mr. 
Kerry, Mr. Biden, Mrs. Hutchison, Mr. Lautenberg, Mr. Schumer, Mr. 
Warner, and Mr. Jeffords) submitted an amendment intended to be 
proposed by them to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       At the end of chapter 6 of title II of division B, add the 
       Sec. 2607. Amtrak is authorized to obtain services from the 
     Administrator of General Services, and the Administrator is 
     authorized to provide services to Amtrak, under sections 
     201(b) and 211(b) of the Federal Property and Administrative 
     Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 481(b) and 491(b)) for fiscal 
     year 2001 and each fiscal year thereafter until the fiscal 
     year that Amtrak operates without Federal operating grant 
     funds appropriated for its benefit, as required by sections

[[Page S7401]]

     24101(d) and 24104(a) of title 49, United States Code.

                   DASCHLE AMENDMENTS NOS. 3959-3960

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. DASCHLE submitted two amendments intended to be proposed by him 
to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

                           Amendment No. 3959

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 740. Good Faith Reliance.--The Food Security Act of 
     1985 is amended by inserting after section 1230 (16 U.S.C. 
     3830) the following:


       ``(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (d) and 
     notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the 
     Secretary shall provide equitable relief to an owner or 
     operator that has entered into a contract under this chapter, 
     and that is subsequently determined to be in violation of the 
     contract, if the owner or operator in attempting to comply 
     with the terms of the contact and enrollment requirements 
     took actions in good faith reliance on the action or advice 
     of an authorized representative of the Secretary.
       ``(b) Types of Relief.--The Secretary shall--
       ``(1) to the extent the Secretary determines that an owner 
     or operator has been injured by good faith reliance described 
     in subsection (a), allow the owner or operator--
       ``(A) to retain payments received under the contract;
       ``(B) to continue to receive payments under the contract;
       ``(C) to keep all or part of the land covered by the 
     contract enrolled in the applicable program under this 
     chapter; or
       ``(D) to reenroll all or part of the land covered by the 
     contract in the applicable program under this chapter; and
       ``(2) require the owner or operator to take such actions as 
     are necessary to remedy any failure to comply with the 
       ``(c) Relation to Other Law.--The authority to provide 
     relief under this section shall be in addition to any other 
     authority provided in this or any other Act.
       ``(d) Exception.--This section shall not apply to a pattern 
     of conduct in which an authorized representative of the 
     Secretary takes actions or provides advice with respect to an 
     owner or operator that the representative and the owner or 
     operator know are inconsistent with applicable law (including 

                           Amendment No. 3960

       On page 13, line 13, strike ``$62,207,000'' and insert 
       On page 13, line 16, strike ``$121,350,000'' and insert 

                    LEVIN AMENDMENTS NOS. 3961-3962

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. LEVIN submitted two amendments intended to be proposed by him to 
the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

                           Amendment No. 3961

       On page 89, after line 19, add the following:
       Sec. 1111. Tree Assistance Program.--The Secretary of 
     Agriculture may use $9,000,000 of funds of the Commodity 
     Credit Corporation to provide assistance to producers to 
     replace or rehabilitate trees (other than trees used for pulp 
     or timber) and vineyards damaged by natural disasters or 
     fireblight during the 2000 calendar year: Provided, That the 
     Secretary shall promulgate regulations to implement this 
     section without regard to the provisions described in the 
     second sentence of section 263(a) of the Agricultural Risk 
     Protection Act of 2000 (7 U.S.C. 1421 note; Public Law 106-
     224): Provided further, That the entire amount shall be 
     available only to the extent that the President submits to 
     Congress an official budget request for a specific dollar 
     amount that includes designation of the entire amount of the 
     request as an emergency requirement for the purposes of the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 
     U.S.C. 900 et seq.): Provided further, That the entire amount 
     is designated by Congress as an emergency requirement under 
     section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).

                           Amendment No. 3962

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 7____. Bovine Tuberculosis.--It is the sense of the 
     Senate that the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the 
     Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
     Service, should--
       (1) declare an emergency regarding bovine tuberculosis; and
       (2) make available funds of the Commodity Credit 
     Corporation for eradication of bovine tuberculosis.

                 DORGAN (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3963

  Mr. DORGAN (for himself, Mr. Torricelli, Mr. Conrad, Mr. Wellstone, 
Mr. Schumer, Mr. Levin, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Grams, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Reed, 
Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Hollings, Mr. 
Baucus, and Mr. Breaux proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, 
supra; as follows:
       At the end of chapter 1 of title I of division B, add the 
       Sec. 1108. Crop Loss Assistance.--(a) In General.--The 
     Secretary of Agriculture shall use such sums as are necessary 
     of funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation (not to exceed 
     $900,000,000) to make emergency financial assistance 
     available to producers on a farm that have incurred losses in 
     a 2000 crop due to a disaster, as determined by the 
       (b) Administration.--The Secretary shall make assistance 
     available under this section in the same manner as provided 
     under section 1102 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, 
     Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies 
     Appropriations Act, 1999 (7 U.S.C. 1421 note; Public Law 105-
     277), including using the same loss thresholds as were used 
     in administering that section.
       (c) Qualifying Losses.--Assistance under this section may 
     be made available for losses due to damaging weather or 
     related condition (including losses due to scab, sclerotinia, 
     aflotoxin, and other crop diseases) associated with crops 
     that are, as determined by the Secretary--
       (1) quantity losses (including quantity losses as a result 
     of quality losses);
       (2) quality losses; or
       (3) severe economic losses.
       (d) Crops Covered.--Assistance under this section shall be 
     applicable to losses for all crops, as determined by the 
     Secretary, due to disasters.
       (e) Crop Insurance.--In carrying out this section, the 
     Secretary shall not discriminate against or penalize 
     producers on a farm that have purchased crop insurance under 
     the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).
       (f) Livestock Indemnity Payments.--The Secretary may use 
     such sums as are necessary of funds made available under this 
     section to make livestock indemnity payments to producers on 
     a farm that have incurred losses during calendar year 2000 
     for of livestock losses due to a disaster, as determined by 
     the Secretary.
       (g) Hay Losses.--The Secretary may use such sums as are 
     necessary of funds made available under this section to make 
     payments to producers on a farm that have incurred losses of 
     hay stock during calendar year 2000 due to a disaster, as 
     determined by the Secretary.
       (h) Emergency Requirement.--
       (1) In general.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section shall be available only to the extent that an 
     official budget request for the entire amount, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount of the request as an 
     emergency requirement under the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.), is 
     transmitted by the President to Congress.
       (2) Designation.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section is designated by Congress as an emergency 
     requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 
     U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).
       Sec. 1109. Specialty Crops.--(a) In General.--The Secretary 
     of Agriculture shall use such sums as are necessary of funds 
     of the Commodity Credit Corporation to make emergency 
     financial assistance available to producers of fruits, 
     vegetables, and other specialty crops, as determined by the 
     Secretary, that incurred losses during the 1999 crop year due 
     to a disaster, as determined by the Secretary.
       (b) Qualifying Losses.--Assistance under this section may 
     be made available for losses due to a disaster associated 
     with specialty crops that are, as determined by the 
       (1) quantity losses;
       (2) quality losses; or
       (3) severe economic losses.
       (c) Eligibility.--Assistance under this section shall be 
     applicable to losses for all specialty crops, as determined 
     by the Secretary, due to disasters.
       (d) Crop Insurance.--In carrying out this section, the 
     Secretary shall not discriminate against or penalize 
     producers on a farm that have purchased crop insurance under 
     the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).
       (e) Emergency Requirement.--
       (1) In general.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section shall be available only to the extent that an 
     official budget request for the entire amount, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount of the request as an 
     emergency requirement under the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.), is 
     transmitted by the President to Congress.
       (2) Designation.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section is designated by Congress as an emergency 
     requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 
     U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).

                       HARKIN AMENDMENT NO. 3964

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Harkin) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 76, after line 18, of Division B, as modified, 



       ``For an additional amount for ``Watershed and Flood 
     Prevention Operations,'' to repair

[[Page S7402]]

     damages to the waterways and watersheds, including the 
     purchase of floodplain easements, resulting from natural 
     disasters, $70,000,000, to remain available until expended: 
     Provided. That funds shall be used for activities identified 
     by July 18, 2000: Provided further. That the entire amount 
     shall be available only to the extent an official budget 
     request for $70,000,000, that includes designation of the 
     entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement as 
     defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 
     Act of 1985, as amended is transmitted by the President to 
     the Congress: Provided further, That the entire amount is 
     designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement 
     pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of such Act.''

                  GRAHAM (AND MACK) AMENDMENT NO. 3965

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Graham (for himself and Mr. Mack) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 85, after line 8, insert the following:
       Sec. ____.--In using amounts made available under section 
     801(a) of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug 
     Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 
     (7 U.S.C. 1421 note; Public Law 106-78), or under the matter 
     under the heading ``crop loss assistance'' under the heading 
     ``Commodity Credit Corporation Fund'' of H.R. 3425 of the 
     106th Congress, as enacted by section 1001(a)(5) of Public 
     Law 106-113 (113 Stat. 1536, 1501A-289), to provide emergency 
     financial assistance to producers on a farm that have 
     incurred losses in a 1999 crop due to a disaster, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture shall consider nursery stock losses 
     caused by Hurricane Irene on October 16 and 17, 1999, to be 
     losses to the 1999 crop of nursery stock: Provided, That the 
     entire amount necessary to carry out this section shall be 
     available only to the extent that an official budget request 
     for the entire amount, that includes designation of the 
     entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement 
     under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act 
     of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.), is transmitted by the 
     President to Congress: Provided further, That the entire 
     amount necessary to carry out this section is designated by 
     Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 
     251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).

                  LOTT (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3966

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Lott (for himself, Mr. Cochran, and Mr. Kohl)) 
proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 85, after line 8 of Division B, as modified, add 
     the following:
       Sec.  Notwithstanding section 1237(b)(1) of the Food 
     Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3837(b)(1)), the Secretary of 
     Agriculture may permit the enrollment of not to exceed 
     1,075,00 acres in the wetlands reserve program: Provided, 
     That notwithstanding section 11 of the Commodity Credit 
     Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714i), such sums as may be 
     necessary, to remain available until expended, shall be 
     provided through the Commodity Credit Corporation in fiscal 
     year 2000 for technical assistance activities performed by an 
     agency of the Department of Agriculture in carrying out this 
     section: Provided further, That the entire amount necessary 
     to carry out this section shall be available only to the 
     extent that an official budget request for the entire amount, 
     that includes designation of the entire amount of the request 
     as an emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget 
     and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, is 
     transmitted by the President to the Congress: Provided 
     further, That the entire amount is designated by the Congress 
     as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) 
     of such Act.

                LEAHY (AND JEFFORDS) AMENDMENT NO. 3967

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Leahy (for himself, and Mr. Jeffords)) proposed 
an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 25, after line 8 of Division B as modified, insert:
       Sec.   . In addition to other compensation paid by the 
     Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary shall compensate or 
     otherwise seek to make whole, from funds of the Commodity 
     Credit Corporation, not to exceed $4,000,000, the owners of 
     all sheep destroyed from flocks under the Secretary's 
     declarations of July 14, 2000 for lost income, or other 
     business interruption losses, due to actions of the Secretary 
     with respect to such sheep: Provided, That the entire amount 
     necessary to carry out this section shall be available only 
     to the extent that an official budget request for the entire 
     amount, that includes designation of the entire amount of the 
     request as an emergency requirement as defined in the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as 
     amended, is transmitted by the President to the Congress: 
     Provided further, That the entire amount is designated by the 
     Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 
     251(b)(2)(A) of such Act.

                  HARKIN (AND BOND) AMENDMENT NO. 3968

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Harkin (for himself, and Mr. Bond)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 76, after line 18, of Division B, as modified, 
     insert the following:

        Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration

       For an additional amount for the Grain Inspection, Packers 
     and Stockyards Administration, $600,000 for completion of a 
     biotechnology reference facility: Provided, That the entire 
     amount shall be available only to the extent an official 
     budget request for $600,000, that includes designation of the 
     entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement as 
     defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 
     Act of 1985, as amended, is transmitted by the President to 
     Congress: Provided further, That the entire amount is 
     designated by Congress as an emergency requirement in 
     accordance with section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act.

                  GRAHAM (AND MACK) AMENDMENT NO. 3969

  Mr. COCHRAN. (for Mr. Graham (for himself and Mr. Mack)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:
       On page 83, line 5, strike the following: ``; and (e) 
     compensate commercial producers for losses due to citrus 
       On page 85, after line 8, insert the following:
       Sec.   . (a) Nothwithstanding any other provision of law 
     (including the Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements Act) 
     the Secretary of Agriculture shall use not more than 
     $40,000,000 of Commodity Credit Corporation funds for a 
     cooperative program with the state of Florida to replace 
     commercial trees removed to control citrus canker and to 
     compensate for lost production: Provided, That the entire 
     amount necessary to carry out this section shall be available 
     only to the extent that an official budget request for the 
     entire amount, that includes designation of the entire amount 
     of the request as an emergency requirement under the Balanced 
     Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. et 
     seq.), is transmitted by the President to Congress: Provided 
     further, That the entire amount necessary to carry out this 
     section is designated by Congress as an emergency requirement 
     pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 U.S.C. 

                       COCHRAN AMENDMENT NO. 3970

  Mr. COCHRAN proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       On page 76, strike lines 6 through 18 and insert in lieu 
       ``For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', 
     $59,400,000 to be available until September 30, 2001: 
     Provided,  That this amount shall be used for the Boll weevil 
     eradication program for cost share purposes or for debt 
     retirement for active eradication zones: Provided, That the 
     entire amount shall be available only to the extent an 
     official budget request for $59,400,000, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount of the request as an 
     emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget and 
     Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, is 
     transmitted by the President to the Congress: Provided 
     further, That the entire amount is designated by Congress as 
     an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of 
     such Act.''


  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Thurmond (for himself and Mr. Hollings)) 
proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       At the appropriate place in chapter 1 of title I of 
     division B, insert the following:
       For an additional amount for the Secretary of Agriculture 
     to provide financial assistance to the State of South 
     Carolina in capitalizing the South Carolina Grain Dealers 
     Guaranty Fund, $2,500,000: Provided, That these funds shall 
     only be available if the State of South Carolina provides an 
     equal amount to the South Carolina Grain Dealers Guaranty 
     Fund: Provided further, That the entire amount necessary to 
     carry out this section shall be available only to the extent 
     that an official budget request for the entire amount, that 
     includes designation of the entire amount of the request as 
     an emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget 
     and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, is 
     transmitted by the President to the Congress: Provided 
     further, That the entire amount is designated by the Congress 
     as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) 
     of such Act.

                       COCHRAN AMENDMENT NO. 3972

  Mr. COCHRAN proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       On page 85, after line 8, of Division B, as modified, add 
     the following:

[[Page S7403]]

       Sec. (a). None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made 
     available by this Act may be used to pay the salaries and 
     expenses of personnel of the Department of Agriculture to 
     carry out section 211 of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act 
     of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 3830 note; Public Law 106-224) unless--
       (1) the Secretary permits funds made available under 
     section 211(b) of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 
     2000 to be used to provide financial or technical assistance 
     to farmers and ranchers for the purposes described in section 
     211(b) of that Act; and
       (2) notwithstanding section 387(c) of the Federal 
     Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (16 U.S.C. 
     3836a(c)), the Secretary permits funds made available under 
     section 211 of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 
     (16 U.S.C. 3830 note; Public Law 106-224) to be used to 
     provide additional funding for the Wildlife Habitat Incentive 
     Program established under that section 387 in such sums as 
     the Secretary considers necessary to carry out that Program.
       (b) The entire amount necessary to carry out this section 
     shall be available only to the extent that an official budget 
     request for the entire amount, that includes designation of 
     the entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement 
     as defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit 
     Control Act of 1985, as amended, is transmitted by the 
     President to the Congress: Provided, That the entire amount 
     is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement 
     pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of such Act.

                      SESSIONS AMENDMENT NO. 3973

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Sessions) proposed an amendment to the bill, 
H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       In section 1107, after the first proviso insert ``Provided 
     further, That of the $450,000,000 amount, the Secretary shall 
     use not less than $5,000,000 to provide assistance for 
     emergency haying and feed operations in the State of 

                       EDWARDS AMENDMENT NO. 3974

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Edwards) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 40, line 17, after the period, insert the 
       ``For an additional amount for the rural community 
     advancement program under subtitle E of the Consolidated Farm 
     and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2009 et seq.), 
     $50,000,000, to remain available until expended, to provide 
     loans under the community facility direct and guaranteed 
     loans program and grants under the community facilities grant 
     program under paragraphs (1) and (19), respectively, of 
     section 306(a) of that Act (7 U.S.C. 1926(a)) with respect to 
     areas in the State of North Carolina subject to a declaration 
     of a major disaster under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 
     Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) 
     as a result of Hurricane Floyd, Hurricane Dennis, or 
     Hurricane Irene: Provided, That the $50,000,000 shall be 
     available only to the extent that the President submits to 
     Congress an official budget request for a specific dollar 
     amount that includes designation of the entire amount of the 
     request as an emergency requirement for the purposes of the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 
     U.S.C. 900 et seq.) Provided further, That the $50,000,000 is 
     designated by Congress as an emergency requirement under 
     section 251 (b)(2)(A) of the Balance Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901 (b)(2)(A)).

                 DORGAN (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3975

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Dorgan (for himself, Mr. Torricelli, Mr. Conrad, 
Mr. Wellstone, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Levin, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Grams, Mr. 
Kennedy, Mr. Reed, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. Mikulski, 
Mr. Hollings, Mr. Baucus, and Mr. Breaux)) proposed an amendment to the 
bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       At the end of chapter 1 of title I of division B, add the 
       Sec. 1108. Crop Loss Assistance.--(a) In General.--The 
     Secretary of Agriculture shall use such sums as are necessary 
     of funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation (not to exceed 
     $900,000,000) to make emergency financial assistance 
     available to producers on a farm that have incurred losses in 
     a 2000 crop due to a disaster, as determined by the 
       (b) Administration.--The Secretary shall make assistance 
     available under this section in the same manner as provided 
     under section 1102 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, 
     Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies 
     Appropriations Act, 1999 (7 U.S.C. 1421 note; Public Law 105-
     277), including using the same loss thresholds as were used 
     in administering that section.
       (c) Qualifying Losses.--Assistance under this section may 
     be made available for losses due to damaging weather or 
     related condition (including losses due to scab, sclerotinia, 
     aflotoxin, and other crop diseases) associated with crops 
     that are, as determined by the Secretary--
       (1) quantity losses (including quantity losses as a result 
     of quality losses);
       (2) quality losses; or
       (3) severe economic losses.
       (d) Crops Covered.--Assistance under this section shall be 
     applicable to losses for all crops, as determined by the 
     Secretary, due to disasters.
       (e) Crop Insurance.--In carrying out this section, the 
     Secretary shall not discriminate against or penalize 
     producers on a farm that have purchased crop insurance under 
     the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).
       (f) Livestock Indemnity Payments.--The Secretary may use 
     such sums as are necessary of funds made available under this 
     section to make livestock indemnity payments to producers on 
     a farm that have incurred losses during calendar year 2000 
     for of livestock losses due to a disaster, as determined by 
     the Secretary.
       (g) Hay Losses.--The Secretary may use such sums as are 
     necessary of funds made available under this section to make 
     payments to producers on a farm that have incurred losses of 
     hay stock during calendar year 2000 due to a disaster, as 
     determined by the Secretary.
       (h) Emergency Requirement.--
       (1) In general.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section shall be available only to the extent that an 
     official budget request for the entire amount, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount of the request as an 
     emergency requirement under the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.), is 
     transmitted by the President to Congress.
       (2) Designation.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section is designated by Congress as an emergency 
     requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 
     U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).
       Sec. 1109. Specialty Crops.--(a) In General.--The Secretary 
     of Agriculture shall use such sums as are necessary of funds 
     of the Commodity Credit Corporation to make emergency 
     financial assistance available to producers of fruits, 
     vegetables, and other specialty crops, as determined by the 
     Secretary, that incurred losses during the 1999 crop year due 
     to a disaster, as determined by the Secretary.
       (b) Qualifying Losses.--Assistance under this section may 
     be made available for losses due to a disaster associated 
     with specialty crops that are, as determined by the 
       (1) quantity losses;
       (2) quality losses; or
       (3) severe economic losses.
       (c) Eligibility.--Assistance under this section shall be 
     applicable to losses for all specialty crops, as determined 
     by the Secretary, due to disasters.
       (d) Crop Insurance.--In carrying out this section, the 
     Secretary shall not discriminate against or penalize 
     producers on a farm that have purchased crop insurance under 
     the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).
       (e) Emergency Requirement.--
       (1) In general.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section shall be available only to the extent that an 
     official budget request for the entire amount, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount of the request as an 
     emergency requirement under the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.), is 
     transmitted by the President to Congress.
       (2) Designation.--The entire amount necessary to carry out 
     this section is designated by Congress as an emergency 
     requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of that Act (2 
     U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)).

                       INOUYE AMENDMENT NO. 3976

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Inouye) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 85 after line 8 of Division B, as modified, insert:
       Sec.   . Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture shall make a payment in the amount 
     of $7,200,000 to the State of Hawaii from the Commodity 
     Credit Corporation for assistance to an agricultural 
     transportation cooperative in Hawaii, the members of which 
     are eligible to participate in the Farm Service Agency 
     administered Commodity Loan Program and have suffered 
     extraordinary market losses due to unprecedented low prices.

                        GRAMM AMENDMENT NO. 3977

  Mr. GRAMM proposed an amendment to the Cochran motion to waive the 
Congressional Budget Act relative to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       Strike all after the first word, and insert the following:
       ``I move to waive section 205 of the budget resolution for 
     consideration of the Harkin Amendment.''

                       COCHRAN AMENDMENT NO. 3978

  Mr. COCHRAN proposed an amendment to amendment No. 3977 proposed by 
Mr. Gramm to the motion to waive the Congressional Budget Act relative 
to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       Strike the word ``waive'' in the pending amendment and 
     insert the following:
       Section 205(c) of H. Con. Res. 290 with respect to all 
     emergency designations in this bill and all amendments filed 
     at the desk at this time to this bill other than Amendment 
     No. 3918.

[[Page S7404]]



  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. SMITH of Oregon (for himself and Mr. Wyden) submitted an 
amendment intended to be proposed by them to the bill, H.R. 4461, 
supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. ____. Assistance to Farmers in the Pacific Northwest 
     Suffering From Dusky Canada Goose Depredation.--(a) In 
     General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, of 
     the funds made available by this Act, $250,000 shall be 
     available to the Wildlife Services division of the Animal and 
     Plant Health Inspection Service for use in assisting farmers 
     in the Pacific Northwest that are suffering losses due to 
     dusky Canada Goose depredation.
       (b) Offset.--The amount made available under subsection (a) 
     shall be derived by transfer of a proportionate amount from 
     each other account from which this Act makes funds available 
     for travel, supplies, and printing expenses.

                 DURBIN (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3980

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mrs. Boxer, and Mr. 
Harkin)) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, as follows:

       In section 3102, after the first sentence insert the 
     following: ``This section does not limit the authority of the 
     Secretary to promulgate final rules or to revise or amend 
     subpart 3809 of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations, so as 
     to require full financial assurance of reclamation of mining 
     sites to protect the taxpayers from the actions of hardrock 
     mining operations that cause damage to or destruction of 
     public land; to prevent environmental destruction that unduly 
     threatens fish or wildlife habitat; and to prevent toxic 
     pollution that threatens public health or the environment.''.

                       BAUCUS AMENDMENT NO. 3981

  Mr. BAUCUS proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       Strike section 3104 and insert the following:


       (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
     enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army, shall have 
     conducted, and submited to Congress, a restudy of the project 
     for navigation, Manteo (Shallowbag) Bay, North Carolina, 
     authorized by section 101 of the River and Harbor Act of 1970 
     (84 Stat. 1818), to evaluate all reasonable alternatives, 
     including nonstructural alternatives, to the authorized inlet 
     stabilization project at Oregon Inlet.
       (b) Required Elements.--In carrying out subsection (a), the 
     Secretary of the Army, shall--
       (1) take into account the views of affected interests; and
       (2)(A) take into account objectives in addition to 
     navigation, including--
       (i) complying with the policies of the State of North 
     Carolina regarding construction of structural measures along 
     State shores; and
       (ii) avoiding or minimizing adverse impacts to, or 
     benefiting, the Cape Hatteras National Seashore and the Pea 
     Island National Wildlife Refuge; and
       (B) develop options that meet those objectives.


  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Smith of New Hampshire (for himself and Mrs. 
Boxer)) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       On page 20, line 8, strike the ``.'' and insert in lieu 
     thereof the following: ``: Provided further, That no less 
     than $1 million of the funds available under this heading 
     made available for wildlife services methods development, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture shall conduct pilot projects in no 
     less than four states representative of wildlife predation of 
     livestock in connection with farming operations for direct 
     assistance in the application of non-lethal predation control 
     methods: Provided further, That the General Accounting Office 
     shall report to the Committee on Appropriations by November 
     30, 2001, on the Department's compliance with this provision 
     and on the effectiveness of the non-lethal measures.''.

                BOXER (AND McCONNELL) AMENDMENT NO. 3983

  Mr. KOHL (for Mrs. Boxer (for herself and Mr. McConnell)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       At the appropriate place in the bill, insert the following:
       ``Sec.   . Section 2111(a)(3) of the Organic Foods 
     Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C.. 651(a)(3)) is amended by 
     adding after sulfites, `except in the production of 

                        GRAMS AMENDMENT NO. 3984

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Grams) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, after line 16 insert the following, ``Sec.   . 
     None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to 
     require an office of the Farm Service Agency that is using 
     FINPACK on May 17, 1999, for financial planning and credit 
     analysis, to discontinue use of FINPACK for six months from 
     the date of enactment of this Act.''


  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Hollings (for himself and Mr. Thurmond)) proposed 
an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 93 of division B, as modified, after line 21, 
     insert the following:
       ``Sec.   . Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
     Sea Island Health Clinic located on Johns Island, South 
     Carolina, shall remain eligible for assistance and funding 
     from the Rural Development community facilities programs 
     administered by the Department of Agriculture until such time 
     new population data is available from the 2000 Census.''.

                  REED (AND CHAFEE) AMENDMENT NO. 3986

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Reed (for himself, and Mr. L. Chafee)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 34, line 23, before the period at the end, insert 
     the following: ``: Provided further, That of the funds made 
     available for watershed and flood prevention activities, 
     $500,000 shall be available for a study to be conducted by 
     the Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation 
     with the town of Johnston, Rhode Island, on floodplain 
     management for the Pocasset River, Rhode Island''.

                BINGAMAN (AND LEAHY) AMENDMENT NO. 3987

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Bingaman (for himself and Mr. Leahy)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 36, lines 20 through 25, strike ``including grants 
     for drinking and waste disposal systems pursuant to Section 
     306C of such Act: Provided further, That the Federally 
     Recognized Native American Tribes are not eligible for any 
     other rural utilities program set aside under Rural Community 
     Advancement Program:'' and insert ``of which (1) $1,000,000 
     shall be available for rural business opportunity grants 
     under section 306(a)(11) of that Act (7 U.S.C. 1926(a)(11)), 
     (2) $5,000,000 shall be available for community facilities 
     grants for tribal college improvements under section 
     306(a)(19) of that Act (7 U.S.C. 1926(a)(19)), (3) 
     $15,000,000 shall be available for grants for drinking water 
     and waste disposal systems under section 306C of that Act (7 
     U.S.C. 1926c) to federally recognized Native American Tribes 
     that are not eligible to receive funds under any other rural 
     utilities program set-aside under the rural community 
     advancement program, and (4) $3,000,000 shall be available 
     for rural business enterprise grants under section 310B(c) of 
     that Act (7 U.S.C. 1932(c)):''.

                        BYRD AMENDMENT NO. 3988

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Byrd) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, 
supra; as follows:

       On page 84, line 23 after ``section'', insert ``: Provided 
     further, That of the funds made available by this section, up 
     to $40,000,000 may be used to carry out the Pasture Recovery 
     Program: Provided further, That the payments to a producer 
     made available through the Pasture Recovery Program shall be 
     no less than 65 percent of the average cost of reseeding''.

                DODD (AND LIEBERMAN) AMENDMENT NO. 3989

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Dodd (for himself and Mr. Lieberman)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 95, after line 22, add the following new section:
       Sec.   . None of the funds made available in this Act or in 
     any other Act may be used to recover part or all of any 
     payment erroneously made to any oyster fisherman in the State 
     of Connecticut for oyster losses under the program 
     established under section 1102(b) of the Agriculture, Rural 
     Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related 
     Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (as contained in section 
     101(a) of Division A of the Omnibus Consolidated and 
     Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999 (Public Law 
     105-277)), and the regulations issued pursuant to such 
     section 1102(b).

                        WYDEN AMENDMENT NO. 3990

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Wyden) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 17, line 1 strike ``; and'' and insert ``; and for 
     the Oregon State University Agriculture Extension Service, 
     $176,000 for the

[[Page S7405]]

     Food Electronically and Effectively Distributed (FEED) 
     website demonstration project; and''; line 8, strike 
     ``$12,107,000'' and insert ``$12,283,000'' and strike 
     ``$426,504,000'' and insert ``$426,680,000''; on line 19, 
     strike ``$43,541,000'' and insert ``$43,365,000''; on line 
     25, strike ``6,000,000'' and insert ``$5,824,000''.

                 BYRD (AND COCHRAN) AMENDMENT NO. 3991

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Byrd (for himself and Mr. Cochran)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       At the appropriate place in the bill, insert the following:
       ``Sec.  . Hereafter, the Secretary of Agriculture shall 
     consider any borrower whose income does not exceed 115 
     percent of the median family income of the United States as 
     meeting the eligibility requirements for a borrower contained 
     in section 502(h)(2) of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 

                        KOHL AMENDMENT NO. 3992

       Mr. KOHL proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, 
     supra; as follows:

       In Division B, strike section 1106 and insert the following 
     new section:
       ``Sec. 1106. The Secretary shall use the funds, facilities 
     and authorities of the Commodity Credit Corporation to make 
     and administer supplemental payments to dairy producers who 
     received a payment under section 805 of Public Law 106-78 in 
     an amount equal to thirty-five percent of the reduction in 
     market value of milk production in 2000, as determined by the 
     Secretary, based on price estimates as of the date of 
     enactment of this Act, from the previous five-year average 
     and on the base production of the producer used to make a 
     payment under section 805 of Public Law 106-78: Provided, 
     That these funds shall be available until September 30, 2001: 
     Provided further, That the Secretary shall make payments to 
     producers under this section in a manner consistent with and 
     subject to the same limitations on payments and eligible 
     production as, the payments to dairy producers under section 
     805 of Public Law 106-78: Provided further, That the 
     Secretary shall make provisions for making payments, in 
     addition, to new producers: Provided further, That for any 
     producers, including new producers, whose base production was 
     less than twelve months for purposes of section 805 of Public 
     Law 106-78, the producer's base production for the purposes 
     of payments under this section may be, at the producer's 
     option, the production of that producer in the twelve months 
     preceding the enactment of this section or the producer's 
     base production under the program operated under section 805 
     of Public Law 106-78 subject to such limitations as apply to 
     other producers: Provided further, That the entire amount 
     necessary to carry out this section shall be available only 
     to the extent that an official budget request for the entire 
     amount, that includes designation of the entire amount of the 
     request as an emergency requirement as defined in the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as 
     amended, is transmitted by the President to the Congress: 
     Provided further, That the entire amount is designated by the 
     Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 
     251(b)(2)(A) of such Act.''


  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Hutchinson (for himself, Mr. Cleland, and Mrs. 
Lincoln)) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as 

       At the appropriate place in the bill, insert the following:
       Sec. --Section 321(b) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural 
     Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1961(b)) is amended by adding at 
     the end the following:
       ``(3) Loans to poultry farmers.--
       ``(A) Inability to obtain insurance.--
       ``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
     this subtitle, the Secretary may make a loan to a poultry 
     farmer under this subtitle to cover the loss of a chicken 
     house for which the farmer did not have hazard insurance at 
     the time of the loss, if the farmer--

       ``(I) applied for, but was unable, to obtain hazard 
     insurance for the chicken house;
       ``(II) uses the loan to rebuild the chicken house in 
     accordance with industry standards in effect on the date the 
     farmer submits an application for the loan (referred to in 
     this paragraph as `current industry standards');
       ``(III) obtains, for the term of the loan, hazard insurance 
     for the full market value of the chicken house; and
       ``(IV) meets the other requirements for the loan under this 

       ``(ii) Amount.--Subject to the limitation contained in 
     Sec. 324(a)(2) the amount of a loan made to a poultry farmer 
     under clause (i) shall be an amount that will allow the 
     farmer to rebuild the chicken house in accordance with 
     current industry standards.
       ``(B) Loans to comply with current industry standards.--
       ``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
     this subtitle, the Secretary may make a loan to a poultry 
     farmer under this subtitle to cover the loss of a chicken 
     house for which the farmer had hazard insurance at the time 
     of the loss, if--

       ``(I) the amount of the hazard insurance is less than the 
     cost of rebuilding the chicken house in accordance with 
     current industry standards;
       ``(II) the farmer uses the loan to rebuild the chicken 
     house in accordance with current industry standards;
       ``(III) the farmer obtains, for the term of the loan, 
     hazard insurance for the full market value of the chicken 
     house; and
       ``(IV) the farmer meets the other requirements for the loan 
     under this subtitle.

       ``(ii) Amount.--Subject to the limitation contained in 
     Sec. 324(a)(2) the amount of a loan made to a poultry farmer 
     under clause (i) shall be the difference between--

       ``(I) the amount of the hazard insurance obtained by the 
     farmer; and
       ``(II) the cost of rebuilding the chicken house in 
     accordance with current industry standards.''.


                     TORRICELLI AMENDMENT NO. 3994

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Torricelli) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       At the appropriate place, insert the following:


       It is the sense of the Senate that the Secretary of 
     Agriculture, in selecting public agencies and nonprofit 
     organizations to provide transitional housing under section 
     592(c) of subtitle G of title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney 
     Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11408a(c)), should 
     consider preferences for agencies and organizations that 
     provide transitional housing for individuals and families who 
     are homeless as a result of domestic violence.

                TORRICELLI (AND REED) AMENDMENT NO. 3995

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Torricelli (for himself and Mr. Reed)) proposed an 
amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 50, line 6, before the period, insert the 
     following: ``: Provided further, That funds made available 
     under this heading shall be made available for sites 
     participating in the special supplemental nutrition program 
     for women, infants, and children to--
       ``(1) determine whether a child eligible to participate in 
     the program has received a blood lead screening test, using a 
     test that is appropriate for age and risk factors, upon the 
     enrollment of the child in the program.

                 HATCH (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3996

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Hatch (for himself, Mr. DeWine, Mr. Leahy, Mr. 
Wyden, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Graham, Mr. Voinovich, and Mr. Durbin)) 
proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 56, line 9, strike ``$313,143,000'' and insert 
       On page 57, line 2, strike ``$78,589,000'' and insert 

                 HARKIN (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 3997

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Harkin (for himself, Mr. Bingaman, Mr. Hutchinson, 
and Mr. Nickles)) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; 
as follows:

       On page 96 of the modified division B, after line 2, insert 
     the following:

        Drug Enforcement Administration (Domestic Enhancements)

    methamphetamine lab cleanup assistance for state and local law 

       For an additional amount for drug enforcement 
     administration, $5,000,000 for the Drug Enforcement Agency to 
     assist in State and local methamphetamine lab cleanup 
     (including reimbursement for costs incurred by State and 
     local governments for lab cleanup since March 2000): 
     Provided, That the entire amount shall be available only to 
     the extent an official budget request for $5,000,000, that 
     includes designation of the entire amount of the request as 
     an emergency requirement as defined by the Balanced Budget 
     and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is transmitted by 
     the President to the Congress: Provided further, That the 
     entire amount is designated by the Congress as an emergency 
     requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced 
     Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

                      LANDRIEU AMENDMENT NO. 3998

  Mr. KOHL (for Ms. Landrieu) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 4, line 12, before the period at the end of the 
     line, insert ``: Provided, that the Chief Financial Officer 
     shall actively market cross-servicing activities of the 
     National Finance Center''.

                       NICKLES AMENDMENT NO. 3999

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Nickles) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 13, line 13, strike ``$62,207,000'' and insert in 
     lieu thereof ``$63,157,000''.

[[Page S7406]]

       On page 13, line 16, strike ``$121,350,000'' and insert in 
     lieu thereof ``$120,400,000''.

                      CAMPBELL AMENDMENT NO. 4000

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Campbell) proposed an amendment to the bill, 
H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 93 of division-B, as modified, after line 21 insert 
     the following:

                    ``GENERAL PROVISION--THIS TITLE

       ``Sec.   . In addition to amounts appropriated or otherwise 
     made available in Public Law 106-58 to the Department of the 
     Treasury, Department-wide Systems and Capital Investments 
     Programs, $123,000,000, to remain available until September 
     30, 2001, for maintaining and operating the current Customs 
     Service Automated Commercial System: Provided, That the funds 
     shall not be obligated until the Customs Service has 
     submitted to the Committees on Appropriations an expenditure 
     plan which has been approved by the Treasury Investment 
     Review Board, the Department of the Treasury, and the Office 
     of Management and Budget: Provided further, That none of the 
     funds may be obligated to change the functionality of the 
     Automated Commercial System itself: Provided further, That 
     the entire amount shall be available only to the extend that 
     an official budget request for $123,000,000, that includes 
     designation of the entire amount as an emergency requirement 
     as defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit 
     Control Act of 1985, as amended, is transmitted by the 
     President to the Congress: Provided further, That the entire 
     amount made available under this section is designated by the 
     Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 
     251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit 
     Control Act of 1985, as amended.''.

                       KENNEDY AMENDMENT NO. 4001

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Kennedy) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 57, line 2, strike ``$78,589,000'' and insert 
       On page 57, line 10, insert before the period the 
     following: ``: Provided further, That in addition to amounts 
     otherwise appropriated under this heading to the Food and 
     Drug Administration, an additional $6,000,000 shall be made 
     available of which $5,000,000 shall be made available for the 
     Centers for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and related 
     field activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs, and 
     $1,000,000 shall be made available to the National Center for 
     Toxicological Research''.

                NICKLES (AND INOUYE) AMENDMENT NO. 4002

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Nickles (for himself and Mr. Inouye)) proposed 
an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 71, line 3, strike the comma and insert the 
     following: ``prior to July 1, 2001,''.


  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Feingold (for himself and Mr. Jeffords)) proposed 
an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 740. Natural Cheese Standard.--(a) Prohibition.--
     Section 401 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 
     U.S.C. 341) is amended--
       (1) by striking ``Whenever'' and inserting ``(a) 
     Whenever''; and
       (2) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(b) The Commissioner may not use any Federal funds to 
     amend section 133.3 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations 
     (or any corresponding similar regulation or ruling), to 
     include dry ultra-filtered milk or casein in the definition 
     of the term `milk' or `nonfat milk', as specified in the 
     standards of identity for cheese and cheese products 
     published at part 133 of title 21, Code of Federal 
     Regulations (or any corresponding similar regulation or 
       (b) Importation Study.--Not later than ____ days after the 
     date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the 
     United States shall--
       (1) conduct a study to determine--
       (A) the quantity of ultra-filtered milk that is imported 
     annually into the United States; and
       (B) the end use of that imported milk; and
       (2) submit to Congress a report that describes the results 
     of the study.

                      SESSIONS AMENDMENT NO. 4004

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Sessions) proposed an amendment to the bill, 
H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 13, line 13, strike ``62,207,000'' and insert 
       On page 13, line 16, strike ``121,350,000'' and insert in 
     lieu thereof ``120,850,000''.

                        BOXER AMENDMENT NO. 4005

  Mr. KOHL (for Mrs. Boxer) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       At the appropriate place in Title VII, insert the 
     following: ``None of the funds appropriated by this act to 
     the U.S. Department of Agriculture may be used to implement 
     or administer the final rule issued in Docket number 97-110, 
     at 65 Federal Register 37608-37669 until such time as USDA 
     completes an independent peer review of the rule and the risk 
     assessment underlying the rule.''

                 LEAHY (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 4006

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Leahy (for himself, Mr. Jeffords, and Mr. Kohl)) 
proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec.   . Dairy Export Incentive Program.--Section 153(c) of 
     the Food Security Act of 1985 (15 U.S.C. 713a-14(c)) is 
       (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (2) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and 
     inserting ``; and''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(5)(A) any award entered into under the program that is 
     canceled or voided after June 30, 1995, is made available for 
     reassignment under the program as long as a World Trade 
     Organization violation is not incurred; and
       ``(B) any reassignment under subparagraph (A) is not 
     reported as a new award when reporting the use of the 
     reassigned tonnage to the World Trade Organization.''
       On page 36, line 9, strike ``749,284,000'' and insert in 
     lieu thereof ``759,284,000''; on page 36, line 12 strike 
     ``634,360,000'' and insert in lieu thereof ``644,360,000''.

                CAMPBELL (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 4007

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Campbell (for himself, Mr. Dorgan, Mr. Conrad, 
and Mr. Domenici)) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; 
as follows:

       On page 50, line 22, before the period, insert the 
     following: ``Provided further, That, of funds made available 
     under this heading and not already appropriated to the Food 
     Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) 
     established under section 4(b) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 
     (7 U.S.C. 2013(b), (1) an additional amount not to exceed 
     $7,300,000 shall be used to purchase bison for the FDPIR and 
     to provide a mechanism for the purchases from Native American 
     producers and cooperative organizations''.

                       WARNER AMENDMENT NO. 4008

  Mr. COCHRAN (for Mr. Warner) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 13, line 13, strike ``$62,207,000'' and insert 
       On page 13, line 16, strike ``$121,350,000'' and insert * * 

                      WELLSTONE AMENDMENT NO. 4009

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Wellstone) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 47, line 8, after ``areas,'', insert the following: 
     ``of which not more than $3,000,000 may be used to make 
     grants to rural entities to promote employment of rural 
     residents through teleworking, including to provide 
     employment-related services, such as outreach to employers, 
     training, and job placement, and to pay expenses relating to 
     providing high-speed communications services, and''.

                       JOHNSON AMENDMENT NO. 4010

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Johnson) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 740. State Agricultural Mediation Programs.--(a) 
     Eligible Person; Mediation Services.--Section 501 of the 
     Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 (7 U.S.C. 5101) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (c), by striking paragraphs (1) and (2) 
     and inserting the following:
       ``(1) Issues covered.--
       ``(A) In general.--To be certified as a qualifying State, 
     the mediation program of the State must provide mediation 
     services to persons described in paragraph (2) that are 
     involved in agricultural loans (regardless of whether the 
     loans are made or guaranteed by the Secretary or made by a 
     third party).
       ``(B) Other issues.--The mediation program of a qualifying 
     State may provide mediation services to persons described in 
     paragraph (2) that are involved in 1 or more of the following 
     issues under the jurisdiction of the Department of 
       ``(i) Wetlands determinations.
       ``(ii) Compliance with farm programs, including 
     conservation programs.
       ``(iii) Agricultural credit.
       ``(iv) Rural water loan programs.
       ``(v) Grazing on National Forest System land.
       ``(vi) Pesticides.
       ``(vii) Such other issues as the Secretary considers 
       ``(2) Persons eligible for mediation.--The persons referred 
     to in paragraph (1) include--

[[Page S7407]]

       ``(A) agricultural producers;
       ``(B) creditors of producers (as applicable); and
       ``(C) persons directly affected by actions of the 
     Department of Agriculture.''; and
       (2) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(d) Definition of Mediation Services.--In this section, 
     the term `mediation services', with respect to mediation or a 
     request for mediation, may include all activities related 
       ``(1) the intake and scheduling of cases;
       ``(2) the provision of background and selected information 
     regarding the mediation process;
       ``(3) financial advisory and counseling services (as 
     appropriate) performed by a person other than a State 
     mediation program mediator; and
       ``(4) the mediation session.''.
       (b) Use of Mediation Grants.--Section 502(c) of the 
     Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 (7 U.S.C. 5102(c)) is 
       (1) by striking ``Each'' and inserting the following:
       ``(1) In general.--Each''; and
       (2) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(2) Operation and administration expenses.--For purposes 
     of paragraph (1), operation and administration expenses for 
     which a grant may be used include--
       ``(A) salaries;
       ``(B) reasonable fees and costs of mediators;
       ``(C) office rent and expenses, such as utilities and 
     equipment rental;
       ``(D) office supplies;
       ``(E) administrative costs, such as workers' compensation, 
     liability insurance, the employer's share of Social Security, 
     and necessary travel;
       ``(F) education and training;
       ``(G) security systems necessary to ensure the 
     confidentiality of mediation sessions and records of 
     mediation sessions;
       ``(H) costs associated with publicity and promotion of the 
     mediation program;
       ``(I) preparation of the parties for mediation; and
       ``(J) financial advisory and counseling services for 
     parties requesting mediation.''.
       (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 506 of the 
     Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 (7 U.S.C. 5106) is amended by 
     striking ``2000'' and inserting ``2005''.

                       HARKIN AMENDMENT NO. 4011

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Harkin) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 13, line 16, strike $121,350,000'' and insert 
       On page 15, line 2, strike ``$494,744,000'' and insert 
       On page 17, line 8, strike ``$426,504,000'' and insert 

                       DASCHLE AMENDMENT NO. 4012

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Daschle) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 740. Good Faith Reliance.--The Food Security Act of 
     1985 is amended by inserting after section 1230 (16 U.S.C. 
     3830) the following:


       ``(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (d) and 
     notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the 
     Secretary shall provide equitable relief to an owner or 
     operator that has entered into a contract under this chapter, 
     and that is subsequently determined to be in violation of the 
     contract, if the owner or operator in attempting to comply 
     with the terms of the contact and enrollment requirements 
     took actions in good faith reliance on the action or advice 
     of an authorized representative of the Secretary.
       ``(b) Types of Relief.--The Secretary shall--
       ``(1) to the extent the Secretary determines that an owner 
     or operator has been injured by good faith reliance described 
     in subsection (a), allow the owner or operator to do any one 
     or more of the following--
       ``(A) to retain payments received under the contract;
       ``(B) to continue to receive payments under the contract;
       ``(C) to keep all or part of the land covered by the 
     contract enrolled in the applicable program under this 
       ``(D) to reenroll all or part of the land covered by the 
     contract in the applicable program under this chapter;
       ``(E) or any other eq2uitable relief the Secretary deems 
     appropriate; and
       ``(2) require the owner or operator to take such actions as 
     are necessary to remedy any failure to comply with the 
       ``(c) Relation to Other Law.--The authority to provide 
     relief under this section shall be in addition to any other 
     authority provided in this or any other Act.
       ``(d) Exception.--This section shall not apply to a pattern 
     of conduct in which an authorized representative of the 
     Secretary takes actions or provides advice with respect to an 
     owner or operator that the representative and the owner or 
     operator know are inconsistent with applicable law (including 
       ``(e) Applicability of Relief.--Relief under this section 
     shall be available for contracts in effect on January 1, 2000 
     and for a subsequent contracts.''.

                      FEINGOLD AMENDMENT NO. 4013

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Feingold) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 
4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 89, after line 19, add the following:
       Sec. 1111. Availability of Data on Imported Herbs.--The 
     Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Treasury, 
     shall publish and otherwise make available (including through 
     electronic media) data collected monthly by each Secretary on 
     herbs imported into the United States.

                        ROBB AMENDMENT NO. 4014

  Mr. KOHL (for Mr. Robb) proposed an amendment to the bill, H.R. 4461, 
supra; as follows:

       On page 15, line 6, before the period, insert: ``: 
     Provided, That this paragraph should not apply to research on 
     the medical, biotechnological, food, and industrial uses of 

                       WARNER AMENDMENT NO. 4015

  (Ordered to lie on the table.)
  Mr. WARNER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to 
the bill, H.R. 4461, supra; as follows:

       On page 75, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
       Sec. 7____. Competition in Contracting for Training 
     Services.--(a) In General.--Section 1669 of the Food, 
     Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 
     5922) is repealed.
       (b) Transition Provision.--Any order or agreement entered 
     into under that section shall continue in effect until the 
     date of termination of the order or agreement but may not be 

