
The president-elect picked three staunch conservatives: Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general, Rep. Mike Pompeo for CIA director, and retired general Michael Flynn as national security adviser.

  • Nov 18, 2016

The choices follow Trump’s decision to offer the position of national security adviser to retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn.

  • Nov 18, 2016

Michelle Obama has traveled abroad about half as much as Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton did.

  • Nov 18, 2016

The president-elect expands his outreach to foreign leaders, meeting with Japan’s Abe.

  • Nov 17, 2016

Romney’s name floated as possible secretary of state pick as president-elect prepares for meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

  • Nov 17, 2016

In Germany, Obama tried to remain optimistic about the prospect of a Trump presidency.

  • Nov 17, 2016

The politics of President Obama’s signature trade deal simply became too toxic

  • Nov 11, 2016

The meeting in the Oval Office will launch a whirlwind 10-week transition of power.

  • Nov 10, 2016

Perhaps never before have so many Obama aides watched him in the Rose Garden so silently and somberly.

  • Nov 9, 2016

The president defends his imperiled legacy and promises Trump a smooth transition.

  • Nov 9, 2016
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