
Seven facts about the white working class that are actually true

  • Nov 23, 2016

Researchers have debunked a long-running theory for why Asian Americans have done so well.

  • Nov 19, 2016

Today, Sessions is still more conservative than about three-quarters of his GOP colleagues, but he’s no longer an outlier.

  • Nov 19, 2016

Working class whites helped deliver the election to Donald Trump, and Kathy Cramer can help explain why.

  • Nov 15, 2016

Trump understood the importance that the white working class feel as though it was being heard, and he tapped into deep, slow-moving resentments.

  • Nov 11, 2016

“It’s absolutely racist to think that black people don’t work as hard as white people. So what? We write off a huge chunk of the population as racist and therefore their concerns aren’t worth attending to?”

  • Nov 8, 2016

  • Nov 4, 2016

  • Nov 2, 2016

It used to be pretty easy for most people in America to get a job. But no longer.

  • Oct 28, 2016

Why some mothers make more than nonmothers, while others make less.

  • Oct 30, 2015
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