A U.S. departure would undermine the accord significantly.

President-elect Donald Trump pumps his fist after giving his acceptance speech as his wife Melania Trump, right, and their son Barron Trump follow him during his election night rally in New York. (AP Photo/John Locher)

An Australian kelp forest vanished with a slight warming of ocean temperatures and an incursion of tropical fish.

The president argues that the move toward clean energy has helped the U.S. economy.

Here are some pictures of John Kerry in Antarctica to remind you that climate change is still happening.

The World Meteorological Organization made a preliminary announcement amid unprecedented warmth.

Global emissions have not risen much in three years -- but researchers remain hesitant to call this the "peak."

Myron Ebell is a Washington fixture and well-known climate skeptic eager to help roll back the Obama administration's environmental actions.

His administration could roll back Obama's push to regulate methane emissions from oil and gas operations.

'This is one of the instances in which elections have consequences.'

Advocacy groups hail the ruling as an “important, but rare victory” for residents.

"I hope that he will work with the overwhelming majority of us who believe that the climate crisis is the greatest threat we face as a nation,” Gore wrote.

Plants are gobbling up more carbon dioxide.

New research suggests the culprit might be a process known as 'biofouling.'

Environmental groups count the Obama administration's rejection of the pipeline as one of their main achievements.

Researchers say the death of coral reefs could leave people worldwide without protection from storms and could harm fishing and tourism industries.

It's now unclear how countries of the world will move on the landmark Paris climate agreement.

The president-elect has pledged to help bring back coal industry.

Trump's transition team includes several lobbyists for fossil fuel companies and skeptics about climate science.

Seas could rise by a foot off the U.S. east coast by 2040 if we continue at a high level of emissions.

Past measures to steer bats clear of turbines haven't really succeeded.

Environmentalists differ over what would become of the revenues.

It's a classic story of how one human action can trigger cascading effects that ultimately come back around and hurt people.

Today the Paris climate agreement becomes a legal reality — much sooner than almost anyone expected.

Groups say complying with the demand would be 'very burdensome.'

The loss of sea ice in the Arctic has been accelerating. Eventually, there will be virtually no ice in the Arctic in late summer, scientists say.

In some ways, it's what you would expect. In others, not so much.

A new United Nations report underscores just how off course the world is to hit its climate goals.

$ 4 per person in cities across the globe invested in tree planting could have major benefits, a study finds.

Corals and algae, they go together.

UNICEF findings show some of the planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants face the worst environmental health threats.

Here's what you need to know about the Dakota Access pipeline protests.

Covering an area of 600,000 square miles in the Ross Sea, the reserve is home to penguins, seals and whales.

Much of the problem has to do with a fast-growing human population.

Organizations says deteriorating conditions are recipe for prolonged disaster.

The 'Manhattan effect' could be making traders more risk adverse.

Attorneys general are probing whether energy giant hid what it knew about the dangers of climate change.

The water crisis in Flint, Mich., has prompted many communities to ramp up testing for lead.

Clean energy keeps setting records -- and keeps falling short.

The damage from an influx of warm water has reaffirmed scientists' worst fears.

Rising water temperatures may be helping to weaken ice shelves

Study suggests, rich or poor, all nations have a stake in the fight against climate change.

In the Bolivian Andes, vanishing glaciers are leaving behind vast unstable lakes, at high altitudes.

A new study shows why once West Antarctica started losing ice, it became so hard to stop it.

EPA's inspector general says the agency should have acted with “a greater sense of urgency” in the Michigan city.

The glacier, named Thwaites, is a linchpin of the West Antarctic ice sheet.

Countries want to protect the Ross Sea and other waters around Antarctica — or, at least, most of them do.

The government said it had the “best available science” to rework a dated program to restore the world's most endangered wolf to the wild. Turns out they misread the science. Awkward.

Millions could be put at risk of hunger and poverty in the next few decades.

Some worry about what the measure would do to state revenues, while others want money diverted to clean energy initiatives.

More than 140 countries have agreed to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, the super-polluting, powerful greenhouse gases.

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