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The Opinion Pages

Donald Trump during his speech after winning the presidential election.
Eric Thayer for The New York Times
Ross Douthat

The Trump Era Dawns

Hope he is more than a wrecker.


Donald Trump’s Revolt

Mr. Trump upended the G.O.P. and now the Democratic Party, and America’s fierce and heedless desire for change now puts the nation on a precipice. comment icon Comments


Donald Trump’s Shocking Success

There are crucial lessons in the 2016 race’s cruel turn. comment icon Comments


President Donald Trump

He had an intuition about American anger. The country’s liberal elites were too arrogant to take him seriously. comment icon Comments


Absorbing the Impossible

My Republican brother walked me through the shocker of Donald Trump’s election. comment icon Comments


A State of Alienation

Donald Trump won a North Carolina divided against itself.

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Homeless in America

Americans’ feeling of having lost their community may explain Trump’s victory, but that victory now makes me feel lost. comment icon Comments

Paul Krugman

The Economic Fallout

If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

J. D. Vance

Outside the Liberal Bubble

This election shock exposes the elites’ self-approving delusion.

Roxane Gay

The Audacity of Hopelessness

Now it's time to fight.

What Happened on Election Day

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

How the election and Donald Trump’s victory looks to Opinion writers.


The Voters Abandoned by the Court

For the first time in 50 years, Americans are voting for president without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act in place. comment icon Comments


China Bullies Hong Kong

Beijing’s tightening hand is undermining Hong Kong’s enviable economic model.


Diversify City Schools and Make Them Better

An educational version of musical chairs may well be worth it if it gives students a better shot at an excellent education.


Taking My Daughters to Vote

Now they know what it looks like when you try to break a glass ceiling.

Op-Ed Contributor

Throw Campaign Mouthpieces Off Cable News

Our networks have been turned into shoutfests by party hacks and attack dogs looking for a sound bite. Real news can be just as profitable.

Op-Ed Contributor

After These Days of Rage

Extremes of inequality lie at the root of voters’ anger. We can’t repair the political center without fixing the economics of that.

Room for Debate

The Future of the Democratic Party

What does the Democratic Party need to do to move forward, attract alienated voters and remain relevant?


The Results Are In



Gritting Our Teeth and Giving President Trump a Chance

We need to be watchdogs, not lap dogs. comment icon Comments


A Stunning Failure of the Media and the Polls

Readers critique polling and the election coverage.


A Time to Keep Fighting

After Trump’s election, it’s tempting to give up. But this is a moment to stay engaged.


On Buses, Look to London

A former city councilwoman writes that if we had London’s system here, there would be no more boarding slowdowns, among other trials.


Breast Reconstruction

The American Society of Breast Surgeons writes, “For many women, breast reconstruction is an important component of the recovery process.”

Op-Ed Contributor

American Elections Will Be Hacked

Our voting systems are vulnerable to cyberattack. This year, we got lucky. Next time, maybe we won’t. Here’s what we need to do.


An America Under President Donald Trump

Sampling reaction to the election of Mr. Trump, which has left half the country cheering and the other half in shock.

Op-Ed Contributor

South Korea’s President Must Go

President Park Geun-hye has always appeared above the fray, which is why she has fallen so hard.

Also on the Ballot

A selection of 15 topics, ranked by the combined populations of states with related measures. States are colored by their 2012 presidential vote. There are 154 ballot questions being decided on Tuesday.

Picturing the Next President

Photoshop allows us to create images today that may become our reality after the election.


Reflections on America’s Political System

Readers discuss voter despair over the 2016 election and whether a multiparty system would be preferable.


Better Ways to Vote: Tips From Oregon and Australia

How about elections on Saturdays and a barbecue while you wait in line? Or early voting by mail?


Partisan Rancor

Frank Luntz “bears responsibility for contributing to the death of civility in our public discourse,” says a reader who finds his call for unity “disingenuous.”


Acquittal of the Bundy Gang

A reader is shocked by a jury’s decision not to punish the takeover of a wildlife refuge.


Suicide Attempts in Prison

A reader calls on President Obama to issue an executive order banning solitary confinement.


When Police Surveillance Violates Civil Liberties

A civil rights lawyer and an activist offer their views on a proposed settlement.


Ohio State University, on Alcohol Sales

A university official writes that allowing regulated beer sales and increasing security lowered the number of alcohol-related incidents.

Paul Krugman Blog

Now What? Personal Thoughts

Elections determine power, not truth.

Dot Earth Blog

Prospects for the Environment, and Environmentalism, Under President Trump

Exploring prospects for the environment, and challenges for environmentalists, in a Trump presidency.

Paul Krugman Blog

Ending the American Romance

No happy ending guaranteed. But don’t give up.

Dot Earth Blog

An Anthropocene Journey

Humans have become a planet-scale disruptive force. What next?

Race in America: Your Stories

As part of a series of videos about race, we are featuring personal stories that reflect the breadth of experiences in the United States.

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No Justice in Iran

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Paul Krugman

Now What? Personal Thoughts

Dot Earth

Prospects for the Environment, and Environmentalism, Under President Trump

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A Last Look at the Romney Dream