(House of Representatives - July 20, 2000)

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[Pages H6718-H6719]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []


  Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials were presented and referred as 

       416. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of the General 
     Assembly of the State of Colorado, relative to House Joint 
     Resolution No. 00-1020 memorializing the United States 
     Congress and the President of the United States to 
     significantly increase the amount of spending for the 
     nation's armed forces; to the Committee on Armed Services.
       417. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Joint Resolution No. 35 the 
     Congress of the United States to appropriate such funds as 
     are necessary to complete this vital program to insure that 
     maps are accurate so that homeowners are not charged 
     exorbitant rates based on outdated information; to the 
     Committee on Banking and Financial Services.
       418. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of the State of 
     New Hampshire, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 24 
     memorializing the United States Environmental Protection 
     Agency and Congress to work with the northeastern states and 
     gasoline refiners to authorize the use of a regional gasoline 
     containing less or no MTBE additive and to promptly eliminate 
     Clean Air Act requirements for oxygenates in gasoline; to the 
     Committee on Commerce.
       419. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to Senate Joint Resolution No. 00-031 
     memorializing the FCC not to preempt local government land 
     use decision-making and state judicial processes, thus 
     overriding local and state government authority; to the 
     Committee on Commerce.
       420. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Resolution No. 48 memorializing 
     the Congress of the United States and the Clinton 
     Administration to recognize state interests and enact 
     legislation that would prohibit the federal Department of 
     Health and Human Services from recouping the tobacco 
     settlement funds as third-party recoveries under Medicaid 
     Law; to the Committee on Commerce.
       421. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1015 
     memorializing the United States Congress to consider fully 
     funding the PILT program for fiscal year 2001 to more 
     accurately compensate countries for the burden of maintaining 
     tax-exempt federal lands; to the Committee on Commerce.
       422. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1041 
     memorializing th United States government to invest at least 
     $100 million in international tuberculosis control in fiscal 
     year 2001 to jumpstart tuberculosis control programs in the 
     highest impact countries around the world; to the Committee 
     on International Relations.
       423. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1023 
     requesting the citizens of the state of Colorado to endorse 
     participants in ``The People To People Ambassadorship 
     Program'' and to recommit this state to engaging in programs 
     and activities that will continue to support ongoing efforts 
     to make Colorado's students responsible American and world 
     citizens; to the Committee on International Relations.
       424. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1009 
     memorializing the President and the Congress of the United 
     States to take whatever steps necessary to initiate talks 
     with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the People's 
     Republic of China, the Russian Federation, and the Socialist 
     Republic of Vietnam for the purpose of obtaining the release 
     of Americans being held against their will; to the Committee 
     on International Relations.
       425. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Resolution No. 39 urging the 
     Bureau of the Census to conduct 2000 decennial census 
     consistant with the United States Supreme Court ruling and 
     consitutional mandate, which require a physical headcount of 
     the population and bars the use of statistical sampling to 
     create or in any way adjust the count; opposing the use of 
     P.L. 94-171 data for legislative redistricting; and demanding 
     that the data received from P.L. 94-171 for legislative 
     redistricting be identical to the census tabulation data; to 
     the Committee on Government Reform.
       426. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of the State of 
     Louisiana, relative to House Concurrent Resolution No. 12 
     memorializing Congress and urging the Coastal Wetlands 
     Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Task Force to 
     support favoring barrier island restoration projects in the 
     selection of restoration projects under the Breaux Act; to 
     the Committee on Resources.
       427. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1049 
     memorializing the Congress to ensure that any and all land 
     purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired pursuant to 
     designation of the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site 
     as a unit of the National Park Service be acquired solely 
     from willing sellars or lessors that no comdemnation or 
     control be exerted by the federal government upon any 
     landowner who is not willing to enter into an agreement with 
     the federal government for such purpose; and urging that the 
     current landowners receive just and equitable compensation in 
     any transaction to the Committee on Resources.
       428. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State 
     of Colorado, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 00-1036 
     supporting all action necessary and possible in order for 
     projects to proceed aggressively to control insect and 
     disease epidemics around Colorado; supporting analysis of 
     roadless areas of the national forests and grasslands in 
     Colorado through the existing forest planning process; 
     supporting the full funding of forest plans for the national 
     forests and national grasslands; and supporting an aggressive 
     stategy to comprehensively reduce the catactrophic fire risk 
     and improve the health of Colorado's forests; to the 
     Committee on Resources.
       429. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of the State of 
     New Hampshire, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 20 
     memorilizing the United States Congress to fully fund the 
     Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Act for HIV victims; to the 
     Committee on the Judiciary.
       430. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Resolution No. 216 memorializing 
     the Congress of the United States to propose submission to 
     the states for their ratification an amendment to the 
     Constitution of the United States Supreme Court or any 
     inferior court

[[Page H6719]]

     of the United States to mandate any state or political 
     subdivision of the state levy or increase taxes; to the 
     Committee on the Judiciary.
       431. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Resolution No. 40 memorializing 
     the United States Congress to express its commitment to the 
     Nation's waterways by making available additional financial 
     and technical assistance to aid the State of Illinois in 
     preserving and maintaining its importatant waterways and the 
     critical locks and dams they contain; to the Committee on 
     Transportation and Infrastructure.
       432. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the State of 
     Illinois, relative to Senate Joint Resolution No. 32 
     memorializing the Congress of the United States of America to 
     ensure long-term financial viability of Social Security, as 
     desribed above, and restore public confidence in the future 
     of the program and to provide full benefit coverage for 
     prescription medication under the federal Medicare program; 
     jointly to the Committees on Ways and Means and Commerce.
