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Passed House amended (09/26/2000)

Establishes the U.S. Office for Native Hawaiian Affairs (Office) within the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.

(Sec. 5) Requires the Attorney General to designate a Department of Justice official to assist the Office in the implementation and protection of the rights of Native Hawaiians and their political, legal, and trust relationship with the United States.

(Sec. 6) Establishes the Native Hawaiian Interagency Task Force to: (1) coordinate Federal policies that affect Native Hawaiians or actions by Federal agencies which may significantly or uniquely impact on Native Hawaiian resources, rights, or lands; (2) assure that each Federal agency develops a policy on consultation with Native Hawaiians; and (3) assure the participation of such agencies in the development of an annual report on Task Force activities to specified congressional committees.

(Sec. 7) Establishes a process for development of a membership roll for organizing a Native Hawaiian Interim Governing Council and for election of a Native Hawaiian government. Recognizes the right of the Native Hawaiian people to adopt organic governing documents. Requires the elected officers of the government to submit such documents to the Secretary for certification.

Extends Federal recognition to the government as the representative governing body of the Native Hawaiian people upon election of officers and certification by the Secretary that the documents: (1) were adopted by a majority vote of the adult members listed on the roll; (2) are consistent with Federal law and the special trust relationship between the United States and its native peoples; (3) provide for exercise of governmental authorities exercised by other governments representing U.S. native peoples; (4) provide for the protection of civil rights; (5) prevent the sale, disposition, lease, or encumbrance of assets of the government without its consent; (6) establish criteria for citizenship in the government; and (7) provide authority for the government to negotiate with Federal, State, and local governments and other entities.

(Sec. 8) Authorizes appropriations.

(Sec. 9) Permits the United States, upon Federal recognition of the Native Hawaiian government, to enter into an agreement with the State of Hawaii and the government regarding the transfer of lands, resources, and assets dedicated to Native Hawaiian use under existing law to the government.