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Passed House amended (09/26/2000)

Title I: Baylee's Law - Baylee's Law - Amends the Public Buildings Act of 1959 to direct the Administrator of the General Services Administration: (1) before the enrollment of any child in a childcare facility located in a public building under the Administrator's control, to provide to the child's parents or guardians a written notification containing an identification of the current tenants in the building and the designation of the building's level of security; and (2) after providing such a written notification, to provide to the child's parents or guardians a written notification if any new Federal tenant is scheduled to take occupancy in such building.

Requires the Administrator, after being informed of a serious threat that could affect the safety and security of children enrolled in such a childcare facility, to provide notice of the threat to the parents or guardians of each child in the facility.

Requires the Administrator to transmit to Congress a comprehensive report on such childcare facilities which includes: (1) an identification and description of each facility; and (2) an assessment of the level of safety and security of children enrolled in the facility and recommendations for enhancing that safety and security. Requires that the Administrator, in conducting such an assessment, examine the windows and interior furnishings of the facility to determine whether adequate protective measures have been implemented to protect children against the dangers associated with windows and interior furnishings in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack, including the deadly effect of flying glass.

Title II: Federal Protective Service Reform - Federal Protective Service Reform Act of 2000 - Amends the Act of June 1, 1948, to redesignate special policemen of the General Services Administration (GSA) as police officers.

(Sec. 203) Empowers such police officers while on duty (effective only after the Commissioner of the Federal Protective Service (FPS, established in section 206 of this Act) issues regulations implementing this section and the Attorney General approves such regulations) to: (1) carry firearms; (2) petition Federal courts for and execute arrest and search warrants; (3) make arrests without a warrant; and (4) conduct investigations, on and off the property, of offenses on such property. Authorizes the Administrator to enter into agreements with State and local governments to obtain authority for police officers appointed under the Act to exercise, concurrently with State and local law enforcement authorities, the powers granted to such officers under this section in areas adjacent to property owned or occupied by the United States and under the charge and control of the Administrator.

(Sec. 204) Increases the maximum penalty for violations of any rules or regulations with respect to Federal property.

(Sec. 205) Empowers special agents with the same authority outside Federal property as police officers have.

(Sec. 206) Directs the Administrator to establish the FPS as a separate operating service of GSA. Provides for the FPS to be headed by a Commissioner who: (1) shall be appointed by and report directly to the Administrator; and (2) has at least five years of professional law enforcement experience in a command or supervisory position. Requires the Commissioner to: (1) assist the Administrator; (2) serve as the U.S. law enforcement officer and security official with respect to the protection of Federal officers and employees in such property (other than buildings and areas that are secured by the United States Secret Service), except as otherwise prohibited by law; (3) render assistance to other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies upon request; and (4) coordinate his or her activities with those of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service.

(Sec. 207) Requires the Director of the Office of Personnel Management to: (1) conduct a survey of the pay and benefits of all Federal police forces to determine whether there are any disparities between the pay and benefit of such forces that are not commensurate with differences in duties or working conditions; and (2) transmit to Congress a report containing the results of such survey, together with the Director's findings and recommendations.

(Sec. 208) Requires there to be at least 730 full-time police officers in the FPS one year after the enactment of this Act. Prohibits any reduction in such number of officers unless specifically authorized by law.

(Sec. 209) Directs the Commissioner to prescribe minimum standards of suitability for employment to be applied in the contracting of security personnel for Federal property.

(Sec. 210) Authorizes appropriations from the Federal Buildings Fund.