The spread of the Aedes aegypti could mean more outbreaks of more diseases in more places.

National Geographic asked a global community of photographers to share their stories about climate change. Photos were submitted through Your Shot, National Geographic’s online photo community, and then editors’ selections were chosen to be in an exhibit at the Conference of the Parties 22 Climate Summit in Morocco.

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(Patty Waymire)

Views on role of government in health care are a window onto the two Americas.

Turkeys bred for the table rarely live long, presidential pardon or not.

Out-of-pocket cancer costs for seniors with Medicare-only coverage exceed $8,000 a year on average, study finds.

Researchers tricked dogs into showing that they have specific memories, much like people do.

We know you'll be talking politics at your family's Thanksgiving dinner. Here are 10 great science stories worth discussing, too.

Almost half of participants in a study of LASIK developed new visual symptoms after the surgery.

Republicans in Congress aim to pass bills allowing faster drug approvals by the agency.

  • Steven Findlay | Kaiser Health News
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  • 2 days ago
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Scientists are extremely skeptical of the fuel-less “EM drive,” but the new study suggests it may not be complete poppycock.

"It's not exactly a rare glimpse into a bear-dog alliance or something,” a polar bear biologist said of a video that went viral last week.

The latest data show Zika-infected infants who were born with a normal head size and developed microcephaly months later.

Men who value having power over women are more likely to suffer from mental health problems — and are less likely to seek help.

The move marks the latest in a flurry of efforts by the Obama administration to safeguard public lands and waters from the mining and oil industries.

Gina McCarthy says the country will either lead on a clean-energy future or choose to be left behind.

Experts urge support for the CDC and global efforts to fight disease and preventable death.

While confident that immunotherapy will play an increasing role in cancer treatment, researchers must overcome some obstacles.

Roxanne Shuttleworth said her 31-year-old daughter used a drug that, unknown to her, was seemingly cut with carfentanil.

The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, raises questions about whether “healthy” standards for allergens in schools may be needed.

The secret is to turn your sphere of turkey meat into a sensible slab by spatchcocking — trust us.

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California grabbed the first opportunity to expand Medicaid and ran with it, helping cut the number of uninsured people in half in a few short years. Thanks in part to billions of dollars in federal f...

  • Anna Gorman and Pauline Bartolone | Kaiser Health News
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  • 1 day ago
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It wasn’t so long ago that health insurance horror stories fueled discussions around the family dinner table and the national debate over health care reform. “One company said I was too heavy,” said S...

  • Pauline Bartolone | Kaiser Health News
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  • 1 day ago
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Republicans in Congress are pushing to pass long-stalled legislation by January that gives the Food and Drug Administration new powers to more rapidly approve drugs and medical devices. Over five year...

  • Steven Findlay | Kaiser Health News
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  • 1 day ago
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For 22 years, Nick Fugate washed dishes at a local hotel near his home in Olathe, Kan. “There was nothing easy,” said the 42-year-old man who has an intellectual disability, chuckling. “I just constan...

  • Alex Smith, KCUR | Kaiser Health News
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  • 2 days ago
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