Federal authorities said a high-profile Islamic State operative had helped guide the plot from afar.

Federal Magistrate Judge John Primomo had told the new U.S. citizens that Trump was their president — “and if you do not like that, you need to go to another country.”

The A-list actor will not face charges.

Prosecutors rely on evidence, not on the number of calls received.

The Obama administration granted clemency to 79 federal drug offenders.

The decision was announced less than two weeks after the first trial ended with a deadlocked jury.

Police said they did not believe the shooting in San Antonio was connected to another ambush in St. Louis.

Peru has become ground zero in the U.S. war on counterfeit cash.

“Santa was given additional training to ensure that he remains in the character of Santa during all future appearances,” Florida's Seminole Towne Center mall said in a statement.

The man was captured on video berating the New York Uber driver and calling him an "Arab," a "terrorist" and a "loser."

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