Did Facebook display a memorial message asking your friends to remember you, or were you left behind?

Zuckerberg said that the spread of hyperpartisan fake news across Facebook “surely had no impact” on who voters chose to be president.

Even 4chan was surprised by Donald Trump's election victory.

"Move to Canada," "riots" and "market crash" have trended.

In many states, it's still illegal to post a “ballot selfie.” In others, the legal situation isn't clear at all.

And other hoaxes that flooded Facebook as America voted.

"Pantsuit Nation” started about two weeks ago. It now has nearly 2 million members.

ISideWith.com has boosted support for third-party candidates

"Spirit Cooking" trended on Twitter, thanks to wild speculation about a dinner invitation to the Clinton campaign chair.

The latest anti-Clinton meme to take hold in the Trump Internet is that the Democratic presidential nominee is a secret alcoholic.

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