Trump’s claim that ‘the president can’t have a conflict of interest’

There is an exemption for the president, but there's more to the story.

The Fact Checker’s guide for detecting fake news

Please read this story before you share it

Hillary Clinton’s email controversy: Was classified information transferred via thumb drive?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) suggests State Department officials deliberately transferred information from classified to unclassified systems.


The 2016 Election Fact Checker

Every fact check of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in one place.

The Four-Pinocchio claim that ‘on average, girls first become victims of sex trafficking at 13 years old’

Once again, politicians and the media blithely repeat a Four-Pinocchio statistic on sex trafficking that does not hold up to scrutiny.

Why you should be wary of statistics on ‘modern slavery’ and ‘trafficking’

Depending on the estimate cited, the number of victims changes by tens of millions.

Trump’s claim taking credit for Ford ‘keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky’

Trump can't take credit for stopping something that was never going to happen.

The claim that ‘99 percent of women have used birth control’

Reproductive rights advocates love to use this claim, but it's problematic.

Are there really 10,000 diseases and just 500 ‘cures’?

The House majority leader made this claim, which sent us through a search of the data.

No, the viral image of 2016 election results and 2013 crime rates is not real

If it's too good to be true, it usually is -- especially when it's on Facebook.

Trump’s flip-flop on the electoral college: From ‘disaster’ to ‘genius’

Trump used to hate the electoral college. Now he loves it. What changed?

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