
The actions include the expulsion of 35 Russians from the U.S. and the sanctioning of agencies and individuals tied to the hacks.

  • Dec 29, 2016

A package that would include sanctions and covert action is being finalized.

  • Dec 27, 2016

Obama noted this month that theU.S. has seen “some evidence” that Chinese government hackers have reduced their pilfering of U.S. companies’ intellectual property and sensitive data.

  • Dec 27, 2016

But advocates say communication and coordination can still be improved.

  • Dec 25, 2016

Sen. Jeff Sessions is a conservative stalwart and a lightning rod for civil rights activists.

  • Dec 24, 2016

Supporters of the change had argued that the two jobs were too big for a single leader.

  • Dec 23, 2016

The ex-NSA contractor faces prosecution in the United States for leaking classified secrets.

  • Dec 22, 2016

Civil rights advocates, who have been calling for such action, say the program already amounted to a registry for Muslims through discriminatory targeting.

  • Dec 22, 2016

Russia’s military intelligence arm is believed to have applied the same malware to track Android app used in 2014 battle.

  • Dec 22, 2016

Obama defended his response to cyber-intrusions as Clinton accused Putin of having a personal grudge against her.

  • Dec 16, 2016
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