Hearings Calendar
Collins, McCaskill Release Committee Report of Bipartisan Drug Pricing Investigation
Click HERE to read the report Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Aging Committee, released a report on drug pricing today titled, "Sudden Price Spikes in Off-Patent Prescription Drugs: The Monopoly Business Model that Harms Patients, Taxpayers, and the U.S. Health Care System." The comprehensive report details the findings stemming from the Committee's bipartisan investigation into abrupt and dramatic price increases for prescription drugs whose patents expired long ago. Through close examination of the monopoly business model used by four pharmaceutical companies to exploit market failures, the report examines how companies acquired decades-old, off-patent, and previously affordable drugs and then raised the prices suddenly and astronomically at the expense of patients. The report provides case studies of the four companies; explores the influence of investors; assesses the impacts of price hikes on patients, payers, providers, hospitals, and the government; and discusses potential policy responses. -
In a continuation of their efforts to protect seniors from exploitation, Aging Committee Chairman Collins and Ranking Member McCaskill Hold Hearing on Elder Financial Abuse: “Trust Betrayed: Financial Abuse of Older Americans by Guardians and Others in Power”
The number of adults over age 65 is expected to nearly double in the United States by 2050. When an older adult becomes incapable of making informed decisions, a guardianship may be necessary. Unfortunately, a new government report finds the extent of abuse by guardians remains too difficult to determine. Efforts to better protect older adults with guardians were the focus of a Senate Aging Committee hearing today titled, "Trust Betrayed: Financial Abuse of Older Americans by Guardians and Others in Power." -
Aging Committee Unveils Report Identifying Ways for Seniors to Maximize Social Security Benefits
Click HERE for a copy of Senator Collins' remarks Click HERE for a copy of Senator McCaskill's remarks as prepared for delivery Washington, D.C.-In a continuation of their focus on improving retirement security, U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), the Chairman and Ranking Member, led a hearing today titled, "Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits: What You Need to Know." The hearing highlighted the importance of individuals choosing the right time to begin receiving Social Security benefits, which can affect seniors' retirement income by tens of thousands of dollars. -
Senate Aging Committee Announces Top 10 Frauds Targeting Our Nation’s Seniors:
Click HERE to read Washington, D.C.-U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Ranking Member Claire McCaskill announced the top 10 frauds targeting our nation's seniors in a comprehensive anti-fraud resource for seniors titled, "Fighting Fraud: U.S. Senate Aging Committee Identifies Top 10 Scams Targeting Our Nation's Seniors." The guide is designed to inform and help protect seniors from some of the most pervasive and malicious scams and frauds. Top 10 Scams Targeting Our Nation's Seniors IRS Impersonation Scams Sweepstakes Scams Robocalls / Unwanted Phone Calls Computer Tech Support Schemes Identity Theft Grandparent Scams Elder Financial Abuse Grant Scams Romance Scams / Confidence Fraud Home Improvement Scams -
Arrests Show IRS Impersonation Scam Remains Pervasive
U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee, today praised investigators and federal prosecutors whose investigation recently led to the arrest of two Connecticut residents suspected of being involved in an IRS impersonation scam. The two are accused of participating in a scam that cost innocent victims approximately $547,000.
Susan M. Collins (R-ME)
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Majority News
08/25/16 Senate Aging Committee Chairman Collins’ Statement on Mylan Announcement to Expand Rebates for EpiPen® -
06/30/16 Senator Collins Warns Seniors to Beware New Tactic in the IRS Scam: Ruthless Scammers Are Now Demanding Payment in the Form of Gift Cards -
06/27/16 GAO Report Requested by Senator Collins Calls on IRS to Strengthen Response to Tax Refund Scheme Responsible for More Than $3 Billion in Fraudulent Returns -
06/16/16 Senate Unanimously Approves Collins, Blumenthal Resolution Recognizing World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Ranking Member
Bob Casey (D-PA)
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Minority News
07/16/15 Collins, McCaskill Demand Documents From Treasury Department in Contracting Investigation -
06/17/15 McCaskill Opens Inquiry into ‘Brain Armor’ and Other Dietary Supplements Targeting Seniors -
06/01/15 Senators Demand Answers on FDA Guidance That Could Restrict Popular Treatment for Macular Degeneration -
04/29/15 McCaskill Stresses Commitment to Bipartisan Solutions With Aging Organizations