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Congressman Mike Bishop

Representing the 8th District of Michigan


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Providing for the common defense of our country is the core function of the Federal Government. Since the founding of our nation, millions of Americans have proudly served and sacrificed in preservation of our democracy. It is our duty as a nation to ensure that when our service members return home, that they are properly and respectfully cared for. I am very disappointed by a number of high-profile scandals at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that do a disservice to our heroes and to VA employees that faithfully serve our veterans. Those who have valiantly served our nation deserve better. As your representative in Congress, I will work with my colleagues to advance legislation that supports our military on and off the battlefield, in addition to providing quality services for our veterans who have given so much to protect us at home and abroad.

More on Veterans

December 2, 2016 Press Release
"The number one responsibility of Congress is to provide for the safety of the American people – including those who serve," said Bishop.
September 28, 2016 Press Release
"This bill secures Zika funding, increased oversight of the VA, funding to combat the opioid epidemic and a prohibition on the closure of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility – which are important issues to families in our district," said Bishop.
June 20, 2016 Press Release
“I am proud to bring Joe on to our team. He understands the challenges that our military families and veterans face," said Bishop.
March 29, 2016 Press Release
Congressman Mike Bishop hosted more than 160 Vietnam War veterans in Michigan’s 8th District for the congressional presentation of the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin, in commemoration of the war’s 50th anniversary."Our veterans represent the very best of America, and I am eternally grateful for their service," said Rep. Bishop.
December 18, 2015 Press Release
Read Rep. Bishop's statement on the omnibus package and its legislative highlights for Michigan.
November 20, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Following Veterans Day on Nov. 11, Congressman Bishop joined the House in passing several measures to support veterans this week. The bills address issues from employment concerns, to business-related opportunities and support for their families:

  • The Fairness to Veterans for Infrastructure Investment Act of 2015 – to improve contracting opportunities for veteran-owned small business concerns (H.R. 1694)

October 21, 2015 Press Release
"We should be providing our veterans with good job opportunities – where they can use their diverse skill sets and experiences – to contribute and thrive when they come home,” said Bishop, following the partnership of his office and the House Wounded Warrior Program.
September 15, 2015 Press Release
“Congressman Dan Benishek has been a strong, loyal voice for our veterans, families and small businesses," Rep. Bishop said, following the announcement Benishek will retire at the end of this term.
August 3, 2015 Video

Congressman Mike Bishop (MI-08) recaps the first 7 months as he begins August in the district.

July 29, 2015 Press Release
"By giving the Veterans Affairs Secretary the authority to demote or fire employees with poor performance standards or misconduct, we can finally begin to repair our heroes’ health care system," said Rep. Bishop in response to House passage of the VA Accountability Act of 2015.