Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection


As Connecticut’s Attorney General, I took on predatory prepaid debit card companies that slapped consumers with hidden fees, I investigated Google after reports surfaced that the company had inappropriately captured data from personal and business wireless networks, and I sued Big Tobacco’s deceptive marketing and advertising to children, successfully helping bring such practices to an end. As a United States Senator, I remain passionately committed to protecting consumers and making sure there are safeguards for vulnerable populations such as children.


I introduced the Food Labeling Modernization Act to empower consumers with clear, accurate, and concise information they need to identify healthy foods. I introduced the Cruise Passenger Protection Act ensure that consumers purchasing cruise tickets can have access to a cruise ship’s safety records. I also reintroduced legislation to require manufacturers of dietary supplements include adverse event warnings directly on the product label.

I’m committed to making sure consumers are using products that are safe. I introduced the Safe Rental Car Act, which would prohibit rental companies from renting or selling any vehicles under safety recall until the recall has been repaired.

I’m also concerned about the thousands of chemicals we are exposed to in our everyday lives, threatening our health and harming our ecosystems. Today, more than 80,000 chemicals are available in the marketplace that were never fully tested for human safety. I fully support efforts to modernize the outdated Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the principal federal law regulating chemicals, and cosponsored the Safe Chemicals Act, which, in addition to empowering the EPA to ban hazardous chemicals, makes sure safety standards take into consideration populations that may be disproportionately affected.

Consumer Choice

I am a tireless advocate of antitrust laws. I know that that a competitive marketplace is one that is better for consumers. I have used oversight hearings and my membership on the Commerce Committee to encourage increased competition among wireless carriers, cable companies and broadband providers. I’m a firm believer in retaining net neutrality and believe the internet should remain a place to empower consumer choice and rewarding disruptive innovators and entrepreneurs. 


I’m working in the Senate to eliminate tobacco tax loopholes and ensure e-cigarettes cannot be sold or marketed to our nation’s youth. I’ve also made strong demands on energy drink companies and called on them to agree to not market to children or sell products in K-12 schools.

Finally, I use my unique position as Chairman on the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Federal Rights, and Agency Action to put pressure on federal agencies and the White House to act swiftly on finalizing rules, and especially those that would safeguard children. For example, I have called for the release of final rules that would improve the rear visibility of cars. Currently, about 200 children die each year because drivers can’t see behind their cars.