
  • Bipartisanship

    Like you, I am disappointed by the lack of bipartisan cooperation in Washington today. Too often Members of Congress from both parties focus on what divides them rather than on shared common ground. While there are many reasons for the current level of polarization in politics, I am optimistic that by coming together with Members on both sides of the aisle, we can overcome some of the obstacles to cooperation and pass laws that make a real difference for our families
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  • Campaign Finance

    In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court unleashed a tidal wave of unlimited corporate political spending by overturning federal prohibitions on the use of corporate funds for political purposes. This ruling has muted the voices of everyday Americans who do not have the financial resources necessary to compete with unlimited corporate funds. If left unchecked, this tide could fundamentally undermine the fairness of our electoral process. Simply put, we must make clear that corporations are not people, and money is not speech.
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  • Congressional Issues

    Information and content related to Congress and the operations of the House of Representatives.
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  • Education

    In 2001, I first served in elected office as a member of the School Committee in my home town of Melrose. This position was one of the hardest I’ve ever had, but it gave me a profound understanding of the difficult, sometimes competing decisions faced by policymakers, school administrators, teachers, and parents. I went on to serve as General Counsel for the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services, and also as a member of the Advisory Council for the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. Each day spent in these positions helped me understand the importance of improving how we educate our nation’s children.
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  • Energy and Environment

    Preserving our environment, conserving our resources, and mitigating the impact of climate change are some of the most significant issues of our time and a fundamental responsibility to future generations. I have made addressing these issues a high priority in Congress, and have participated in a number of efforts to support a healthy environment.
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  • Fiscal Responsibility

    While our economy continues to recover, millions of Americans still struggle to find work, put food on the table, or provide for their children’s education. Unfortunately, much of the recent government funding debates have centered on funding cuts that reduce the deficit at the expense of programs designed to generate economic opportunity for all.
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  • Gun Safety

    No one should be unsafe in their home, schools, or places of worship, and laws ensuring that firearms are sold and used responsibly are an essential part of maintaining public safety. This January, President Obama used his executive power to take important steps to curb gun violence, and I applaud him for these efforts.
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  • Health Care

    I believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. In 2009, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that nearly 45,000 people die each year due to lack of health insurance. It is simply inexcusable for the richest country in the world to leave so many of its citizens excluded from the healthcare system.
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  • Housing

    Homeownership is a quintessential component of the American Dream. Yet, during the “Great Recession” home values rapidly declined and foreclosures reached record levels. Despite progress made over the last several years, middle class families across America are still struggling to hold on to their homes.
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  • Jobs and the Economy

    While our economy continues to recover from the Great Recession, millions of Americans still struggle to find work, put food on the table, or provide for their children’s education. Unfortunately, much of the recent debate in Washington has focused on deep cuts that reduce the deficit at the expense of investments designed to generate economic opportunity for all. I am committed to ensuring that the recovery extends to every American. It is vital that no one is left behind because we all benefit when hard work is rewarded, economic security is provided, and long-term investments are made in our workforce.
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  • Local Issues

    Our office in Medford is here for you. If you need help with a federal issue or have questions about federal benefits, we’re here to help. I also encourage you to attend one of our Coffee with Katherine events in your town. Coffee with Katherine is our regular coffee get-together where neighbors can visit and talk to us about what's important to them. To view our schedule, click here.
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  • Seniors Issues

    As a nation we made a promise to our seniors: if you pay into the system, the services to which you contribute will be available to assist you when you retire. I believe we have a moral obligation to keep this promise. It is unacceptable to try to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors who have worked hard and played by the rules their entire lives. Instead, we should focus on helping seniors supplement Social Security benefits to ensure a secure retirement, not cutting the modest benefit Social Security provides.
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  • Veterans Issues

    I believe it is our nation’s solemn duty to uphold the promises we’ve made to our military personnel. Our servicemen and women, and their families, have made enormous sacrifices to answer the call of duty on our behalf. They deserve to have full confidence in the institutions and structures that support them, and they should never have to fight to receive the benefits they have earned.
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  • Addressing Addiction Crisis

    Our nation, and Massachusetts in particular, is in the grip of an opioid abuse crisis. I am committed to addressing this epidemic by ensuring access to treatment, supporting prevention programs, and improving our justice system.
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