Press Release

Jordan statement on King v. Burwell decision

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Washington, June 25, 2015 | Darin Miller (202-225-2676) | comments

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) made the following comments regarding today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case King v. Burwell:

“The Supreme Court’s decision today does not change the basic truth: Obamacare is a bad law, sold deceptively, and it is fundamentally broken. Americans deserve healthcare policy that makes it easier for companies to provide insurance and for individuals to buy it themselves, not harder. I hear stories all the time about how Obamacare is hurting people in Ohio. In the Fourth District, Dan, a business owner, runs a company that employs about 70 people. Because of Obamacare, his company’s health costs went up, and they had to switch plans from one they liked, to one that forces some of his employees to pay out of pocket $500 each month for asthma inhalers. This is wrong. Healthcare policy should be about empowering and helping people, not government. Obamacare is raising the cost of healthcare for Americans everywhere. It’s time to repeal this bad law. Congress must get rid of this law once and for all, and replace it with patient-centered fixes that promote personal freedom and spur job creation, instead of stifling both.”


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