• Civil Rights

    Civil Rights »

    Our nation has made great strides toward protecting the civil rights of our citizens, but we must remain vigilant in the fight to rid society of all forms of discrimination.

  • Consumer Protection

    Consumer Protection »

    I have a long record of standing up for consumers, and he is committed to continuing that important work in the United States Senate.

  • Economy & Jobs

    Economy & Jobs »

    Throughout my career, I have been a tireless advocate for small businesses and their employees.

  • Education

    Education »

    I am committed to fostering a rigorous and competitive education system that offers high-quality instruction and training for our children while preserving the American tradition of economic leadership and innovation.

  • Energy & the Environment

    Energy & the Environment »

    America needs a long-term energy solution that includes a wide range of alternative energy sources to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

  • Gun Violence

    Gun Violence »

    I continue to urge for common sense legislation to reduce gun violence be signed into law.

  • Health Care

    Health Care »

    I am committed to ensuring access to quality, affordable health care for all of Connecticut’s residents.

  • Housing

    Housing »

    Helping hard-working Americans stay in their homes and ending the foreclosure crisis is a pressing problem that I am committed to addressing.

  • National Defense

    National Defense »

    I am honored to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee, which oversees our nation’s military and all matters of our national defense.

  • Transportation & Infrastructure

    Transportation & Infrastructure »

    America needs a 21st Century infrastructure plan to put our citizens back to work, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and provide clean, affordable transportation options for commuters and businesses.

  • Veterans

    Veterans »

    I believe that it’s critically important to ensure that the men and women who wear our country’s uniform receive the benefits and respect they have earned.

  • Women

    Women »

    Preserving and protecting a woman's right to health care, as well as advocating for legislation on domestic violence and campus sexual assault, have been consistent priorities throughout my service in public office.

  • Workforce & Labor

    Workforce & Labor »

    Working men and women are the backbone of America’s economy. I know that for our country to remain a leader in the 21st Century, we need a vibrant and strong workforce.