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Chaffetz Outraged by Obama Decision to Impose Unwanted Midnight Monument in Utah
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Tags: Federal Lands

Today, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) released the following statement regarding President Obama’s imposition of a national monument designation at Bears Ears in San Juan County: “President Obama’s unilateral decision to invoke the Antiquities Act in Utah politicizes a long-simmering conflict. This unfortunate act threatens to further inflame controversies that were near resolution. The midnight monument is a slap in the face to the people of Utah, attempting to silence the voices of those wh... Read more

Congress can still avoid a Bears Ears National Monument, says Rep. Jason Chaffetz
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Tags: Federal Lands

Salt Lake Tribune - Congress still has time to pass legislation to preserve parts of the Bears Ears region in southeastern Utah — and halt a national monument designation — before year’s end, one of the sponsors said Wednesday. “We’re moving at a record pace for Congress,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said as a House Natural Resources subcommittee took up the bill. “We’ll be back in November and December, and there’s lots of legislation that will move at that time.” The Public Lands Initiative (... Read more

Chaffetz, Bishop Introduce Utah Public Lands Initiative
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Tags: Federal Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-01) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) have formally introduced the Utah Public Lands Initiative (PLI) legislation for consideration by the US House of Representatives. Included in the bill is a revamped 1.4 million acre plan for the Bears Ears region. A partner bill was also introduced to complement the Utah Public Lands Initiative by ensuring land use certainty in seven Utah counties. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) will sponsor the companion legislation in the Sen... Read more

GOP Lawmakers Unveil Utah Land Use Plan
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Tags: Federal Lands

Wall Street Journal - Two Utah Republicans unveiled a long-awaited bill aimed at protecting vast parts of the state’s spectacular canyon country, while allowing development in other areas. The bill’s backers say it is a compromise that could serve as a model for brokering disputes over federal land ownership in the West, while potentially lowering the temperature on a legal feud between Utah and the U.S. The Utah Public Lands Initiative, introduced by U.S. Reps. Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz aft... Read more

GOP subpoenas Kerry on Keystone XL
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Washington Examiner - Calling the Obama administration's attempts to accommodate a Republican investigation into President Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline "pitiful," a House committee Friday subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry for all communications regarding the November decision. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said Kerry is not cooperating with his panel's investigation into Obama's decision to reject the application to build... Read more

Utah Elected Officials Request Meeting with President Obama
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Tags: Federal Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Utah lawmakers hand-delivered a letter to the White House requesting a meeting with President Obama on potential use of the Antiquities Act to create a national monument in Utah. Before delivering the letter, members of the Utah delegation met with White House officials to discuss public land issues. Letter signatures include Utah Governor Gary Herbert (R-UT), Senators Orin Hatch (R-UT) and Mike Lee (R-UT), Representatives Rob Bishop (UT-01), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03), Chr... Read more

Utah Delegation seeks to Restore Local Control of Law Enforcement
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In response to concerns expressed by local law enforcement and elected officials, Utah’s Congressional delegation today introduced H.R. 4751, the Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act of 2016. This bill eliminates law enforcement functions of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service on federal land, and instead grants authority to local law enforcement. Congressmen Rob Bishop (UT-01), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03), Chris Stewart (UT- 02), and Congresswoman Mia Love (UT-04) released ... Read more

Chaffetz Praises BYU Ownership of Y Mountain Trail
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Tags: Federal Lands

Today, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) released the following statement on news that Brigham Young University (BYU) now owns the deed to the land surrounding Y Mountain Trail: "BYU owning the land on Y Mountain finally settles who is responsible for maintaining the area surrounding the popular and heavily traveled trail. This is a win for Utahns, Y Mountain visitors, and the federal government. Local control of the trail will provide greater access, improve long-term maintenance, and preserve ... Read more

Utah Delegation sends letter to President Opposing Use of Antiquities Act in Utah
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Tags: Federal Lands

Today, Members of the Utah Delegation sent a letter to President Obama expressing strong opposition to the use of the Antiquities Act to create a national monument within San Juan County. The land in question covers 1.9 million acres in southeastern Utah. The letter encourages the president to support the locally-driven, ongoing Public Lands Initiative (PLI) process instead of unilaterally designating a monument. Letter signatures include Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), Rep... Read more

Chaffetz: PLI gives tribes more of what they want in Bears Ears
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Tags: Federal Lands

(Salt Lake Tribune) For Utah tribes hoping to preserve, access, and manage their lands and sacred sites, the Public Lands Initiative (PLI) offers the best hope for a positive outcome. PLI, which Rep. Rob Bishop and I are introducing in the House and Sen. Mike Lee will run in the Senate, is a legislative solution Utah tribal members helped develop. The PLI provides broader protections for Native American lands and against a National Park Service (NPS) that has been unfriendly to tribal interests.... Read more