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Chaffetz Votes to Prevent Tax Hikes for Millions of Americans
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Tags: Taxes

Today, Congressman Jason Chaffetz released the following statement after voting in favor of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act. “I am optimistic that this tax reform legislation will have a real and tangible impact on economic growth in this country. In addition to encouraging business investment, this package of reforms enhances taxpayer protections and reduces fraud and abuse. This is a strong first step toward meaningful tax reform that will make our tax code simpler and fairer. My v... Read more

ST. GEORGE SPECTRUM: With Koskinen at the helm, IRS cannot be trusted
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St. George Spectrum - Having lied to Congress, destroyed documents under subpoena, and targeted people based on their political beliefs, the IRS and its commissioner John Koskinen want a bigger budget. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche neatly summed up my view of Commissioner Koskinen’s leadership: “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” The commissioner’s lack of regard for his legal obligations is unquestionably a serious matter. In fact, earli... Read more

If you work for our government, you must pay your taxes: Tax cheats shouldn't be working for We the People
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Tags: Taxes

Whether we like it or not, the law requires that we pay taxes. Unfortunately, a significant number of federal workers have failed to do so and are responsible for $1 billion in unpaid taxes. Those charged with the stewardship of our federal resources and programs should not be among the most delinquent taxpayers. Civil service and contract positions in the federal government are highly sought after. There is a reason federal government jobs turn over at half the rate of private sector positions.... Read more

If you work for our government, you must pay your taxes: Tax cheats shouldn't be working for We the People
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Tags: Taxes

Fox News - Whether we like it or not, the law requires that we pay taxes. Unfortunately, a significant number of federal workers have failed to do so and are responsible for $1 billion in unpaid taxes. Those charged with the stewardship of our federal resources and programs should not be among the most delinquent taxpayers. Civil service and contract positions in the federal government are highly sought after. There is a reason federal government jobs turn over at half the rate of private sector... Read more

Federal employees who don’t pay their taxes should be fired
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Tags: Taxes

Federal employees who don’t pay their taxes should be fired By Rep. Jason Chaffetz 10:26 AM 03/08/2011 If you’re collecting a federal paycheck, you should pay federal taxes. That’s the premise of a bill I introduced last week to require federal employees to pay their taxes or be fired. The IRS reports that 100,000 federal civilian employees are seriously delinquent on their federal taxes. These aren’t just people who fell behind. These are people who have actively defied IRS letters and phone c... Read more

Chaffetz Calls for Federal Employees, Contractors and Grantees to Pay Their Taxes
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Tags: Taxes

Today Rep. Jason Chaffetz introduced HR 828 which would terminate the employment of current federal employees and prohibit the hiring of future federal employees who have a seriously delinquent tax debt. Rep. Jason Chaffetz also introduced HR 829, The Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2011. (A similar bill was introduced in the 110th Congress by then Senator Barack Obama.) The bill prohibits any person who has a seriously delinquent tax debt from obtaining a federal government contract o... Read more