News from Representative Chaffetz
United States Congressman Jason Chaffetz - Utah's 3rd Congressional District
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Radical Extremism cannot be tolerated

I condemn the depraved and deeply disturbing murders in Orlando. May we unite to mourn with the families whose lives are forever changed by this cowardly act.  We must fight radical extremism in all its forms. This week I will attend a briefing with the Homeland Security Secretary and the Director of the FBI to learn more about this attack and other ongoing threats.

More Dishonesty Surfaces in Iran Deal

The more we learn about the White House handling of the Iran deal, the more committed I am to get to the bottom of it.  I've invited Secretary Kerry to come explain to Congress and the American people the inexcusable duplicity that led to the State Department editing public records.  

State Dept. Reopens Investigation Into Deliberately Edited Video on Iran TalksABC News, June 8, 2016

Thousands of preventable crimes from criminal immigrant releases

A bombshell report from the Boston Globe this week documented the number of illegal immigrants with criminal records who are released into our communities - only to reoffend.  The releases create thousands of victims of preventable crimes.

Criminal immigrants reoffend at higher rates than ICE has suggested, Boston Globe, June 4, 2016

I sat down with the Wall Street Journal last week to talk about how we can address the criminal element of illegal immigration.  Click below to watch it.   

Americans for Tax Reform on Cover Oregon

ATR and other conservative leaders this week applauded our investigation and report on Oregon's $305 million failed Obamacare exchange.  They wrote, "You are to be commended for shining a bright light on the debacle that was Oregon's Obamacare state exchange, and we thank you on behalf of taxpayers, grassroots activists fighting for limited government, and steadfast opponents of Obamacare’s waste and intrusiveness." 

Recommended Reading

House panel will vote on censuring IRS Commissioner KoskinenPolitico, June 13, 2016

Chaffetz Votes to Prevent a Puerto Rico Bailout,, June 9, 2016

Waste Report - The Ex-Im Bank Episode, House Oversight Committee, June 8, 2016

Report: US Spending 75% of Billion-Dollar IT Budget on Aging Computer Systems, ABC News, May 25, 2016

41 Secret Service staff disciplined for reviewing private records of Rep. Chaffetz, KSL, May 26, 2016

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