U.S. Congressman MIKE POMPEO, Representing the 4th District of Kansas


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With gas prices continuing to rise, it is critical that we promote commonsense energy policies that reduce pain at the pump for American consumers.  I have outlined Five Principles of Sound Energy Policy, which will put our country on a sensible energy path:
  • Promote domestic production of energy
  • Reduce regulatory barriers to greater energy production
  • Do not pick winners or losers; government must not favor one energy sector over another
  • Reduce government spending to fight gas price inflation and the weakening dollar
  • Oppose foreign policies that further destabilize the Middle East  
In line with these principles, I have led the charge to end all federal energy subsidies.  The government should not use tax dollars to prop up specific energy sources in the market.  The $500 million Solyndra scandal demonstrates what happens when government bureaucrats use taxpayer’s money to support failing business models.
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