Energy and Environment

Preserving our environment, conserving our resources, and mitigating the impact of climate change are some of the most significant issues of our time and a fundamental responsibility to future generations. I have made addressing these issues a high priority in Congress, and have participated in a number of efforts to support a healthy environment.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to assure a healthy environment is through investment in clean and renewable energy. I am proud to be a cosponsor of legislation to incentivize the development of alternative energy including the Renewable Energy Parity Act, the Incentivizing Offshore Wind Power Act, and the Clean Energy Victory Bonds Act. In addition to these legislative efforts, I have also joined with my colleagues in calling for the extension of the Production Tax Credit and the Investment Tax Credit, two tax credits essential to the continued growth of the domestic wind energy industry. 

I have also been an advocate for efforts to maximize energy efficiency, which protects our environment while saving money. I am a cosponsor of the Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act and the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act, two bills which help increase energy efficiency in schools, residential, commercial, industrial, and governmental buildings. I have also made the Weatherization Assistance Program and the State Energy Program two of my priorities throughout the FY2015 budget process. These programs help low-income families, seniors, and disabled individuals make home energy efficiency improvements and provide states with money for a number of energy efficiency programs.

Investment in clean energy and supporting energy efficiency is essential to the maintenance of a healthy environment, but it is also important to support conservation measures that preserve our natural resources. That is why I have supported legislation to protect places like the Utah’s Red Rock Wilderness and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from exploitation.

I am also a member of the Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change, the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), and the Safe Climate Caucus. These three organizations are composed of legislators determined to address climate change, protect our environment, and invest in clean energy and efficiency. I am eager to be a part of this important work so that we can leave our children with a healthy, sustainable environment.

Please know that I will continue to fight for clean energy, natural resource protection, and a healthy climate, and I will keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding this issue be brought to the House floor for a vote.

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