
YOLYN, W.Va. — U.S. Senator Joe Manchin told a group of southern West Virginia coal miners Tuesday this week’s ruling from the United States Supreme Court is the first ray of hope in the ongoing war against coal.

“Commonsense is saying–‘you (the federal EPA) must take in the effects of the economy and the devastation that you’ve had on peoples’ jobs, their lives and the region from which they come from,'” Manchin said recapping the Supreme Court opinion.

The 5-4 opinion struck down the EPA’s mercury emissions rule because it did not consider the cost of compliance.

“At least someone has said in a reasonable way–the economy and the jobs and peoples’ lives are being affected much more by the policies of this government than the environment enhancement that would come if you quit burning every lump of coal in America,” Manchin told the miners at Alpha Natural Resources Zigmond Coal Processing Prep Plant in Yolyn.

Others have said the EPA rule addressed Tuesday has already taken its toll with with the closings of coal-fired power plants. Coal miners like Paul Milum said Tuesday they hope the opinion will impact other clean air rules under EPA consideration.

“Coal powers this country and without it our country is defenseless,” Milum said. “Our borders will be weak, our economy is going to be weak. Let’s get the word out that coal is not the enemy.”

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