
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today issued the following statement on his vote against the Senate’s budget.

“It is a real disappointment that even though the Senate spent nearly 15 hours voting on the budget, we were not able to put together a comprehensive plan that defines our priorities based on commonsense American values. Instead, we continue to cast mere messaging votes and talk past each other, rather than work together toward a long-term budgetary fix. This budget only achieved imaginary savings through cuts in important programs. While I support cutting spending and reforming entitlements, a proper budget must reform our tax code to broaden the base, close corporate loopholes, and ensure everyone pays their fair share.

“Today’s budget did not attempt to strike a balance; instead it increased spending on never-ending wars without proposing solutions to ending these wars, while cutting vital health care and education funding for West Virginians. It completely repealed the Affordable Care Act, which would eliminate health insurance for 130,000 West Virginians who were able to access health care for the first time and increase prescription drug costs for seniors by over $1,000. While I have always said that the Affordable Care Act needs to be reformed, repealing it is irresponsible and wrong.  

“This budget would make cuts to Pell Grants, which many West Virginian students rely on; Title I funds for low income schools in West Virginia and another $6.2 million cut in special education grants to West Virginia schools. It also reduces funding for much needed food assistance programs in West Virginia.

“The bottom line is that we need to once again set our priorities based on our values. Congress must get serious and develop a budget that funds America’s priorities, invests in programs that benefit our country, and starts rebuilding American infrastructure. This budget did not do that.”


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