Keeping our Promises to Seniors

"To our seniors, Social Security and Medicare are not just government programs, they are promises made by a thankful nation to ensure a quality of life well-earned from years of hard work and sacrifice,"

~Senator Joe Manchin

West Virginia’s seniors helped build this nation and we have an obligation to them that we must never break. We will keep those promises.

As Senator Manchin travels through the state, he hears from countless seniors at breakfasts, in nursing homes, in courthouses, and at town halls about their Social Security or Medicare being at risk.

Senator Manchin believes that keeping our promises to our seniors by protecting Medicare and Social Security must be our priority as we discuss responsible ways to start living within our means again. Our nation faces a serious debt crisis, and Senator Manchin will support budget fixes that are defined by our priorities based on our values as West Virginians and Americans.

To take care of our seniors, Senator Manchin has introduced the National Silver Alert Act to create a nationwide network for locating missing adults and senior citizens. The Silver Alert, which is currently in place in West Virginia, would create a federal program modeled after the AMBER Alert and provide federal coordination and assistance to local and state law enforcement agencies. 

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