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Jun 28, 2016 Press Release
“There is a reason Republicans leaked pieces of their report in the middle of the night and continue to hide it from Democrats even now -- they don't want us to fact check it against the evidence we obtained. Based on press reports, the Republican Benghazi report seems like a conspiracy theory on steroids -- bringing back long-debunked allegations with no credible evidence whatsoever. To this day, the Republicans are still withholding transcripts from Democrats and the American people that contradict their conspiracy theories. Republicans promised a process and report that was fair and bipartisan, but this is exactly the opposite.”
Jun 28, 2016 Press Release
Republicans are touting as a significant new revelation in their partisan report that no military assets were deployed to Benghazi on the night of the attacks. This statement omits key facts and is highly misleading.
Jun 28, 2016 Press Release
“Since Republicans were unable to find any ‘smoking gun’ on Hillary Clinton, they instead tried to justify the Select Committee’s two-year, $7 million investigation by highlighting anything new they could possibly find. The problem is that many of the very claims Republicans are now saying are new were reported years ago, and they do not change our fundamental understanding of what happened in Benghazi. It is now obvious why Republicans did not want to give us their partisan report before they leaked it to the press.”
Jun 28, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON— Republicans are touting as a significant new revelation in their partisan report that a September 13, 2012, intelligence assessment was flawed.

Jun 27, 2016 Press Release
“Decades in the future, historians will look back on this investigation as a case study in how not to conduct a credible investigation,” the Members wrote. “They will showcase the proliferation of Republican abuses as a chief example of what happens when politicians are allowed to use unlimited taxpayer dollars—and the formidable power of Congress—to attack their political foes.”
Jun 10, 2016 Press Release
“This latest abuse of authority by House Republicans is ridiculous and a desperate distraction from a failed investigation. There was absolutely no reason to unilaterally subpoena the legislative staff of the Pentagon—after ignoring their request for a meeting—except to retaliate against the Defense Department for exposing the Select Committee’s abuses, delay this partisan investigation even further into the election season, and distract from the fact that the Republicans have come up empty in their three-year attack on Hillary Clinton.”
Jun 8, 2016 Press Release
“Today, General Ham again confirmed many key findings of the numerous previous investigations about the Benghazi attacks, just like many other witnesses who have been re-interviewed by the Select Committee. I thank General Ham for his dedicated service to our country and for agreeing—yet again—to appear before Congress.”
May 31, 2016 Press Release
“We believe the American people would be best served by a joint report that highlights findings that all Members agree on—Republicans and Democrats—followed by areas on which reasonable people may disagree. We believe that all of our interview and deposition transcripts also should be released, consistent with classification guidelines. In this way, the public will have the benefit of the views of all Members of the Committee, as well as the underlying transcripts for their own review.”
May 19, 2016 Press Release
“Republicans keep blaming everyone else under the sun for their own repeated delays, but they are the ones who have dragged out this investigation as close as possible to the election. It is inexplicable that Republicans waited until after their widely-criticized hearing with Secretary Clinton to even seek an interview with General Ham, and even more inexplicable that they jerked him around like this.”
May 18, 2016 Press Release
“I am extremely disappointed that Republicans blocked this measure late last night after Chairman Gowdy’s public admission because they apparently do not want anyone to know how much their wasteful and partisan investigation is costing the American people. The Department of Defense has a critical job to do, which is to keep our nation safe from those who would do us harm—but Republicans keep making numerous duplicative, wasteful, and unnecessary demands that appear designed to drag out the Committee’s work even closer to the election.”
