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Dec 9, 2015 Press Release
“This email is yet another example of how conservative conspiracy theorists use bits of information out of context to rehash baseless allegations that have been debunked time and again.”
Nov 12, 2015 Press Release
“In the 11-hour marathon hearing with Secretary Clinton, Republicans showed the world that the Benghazi Select Committee is a taxpayer-funded fishing expedition to derail Secretary Clinton’s presidential campaign – and that their net came up empty. The Republicans will never resuscitate the credibility of this Committee, and they certainly won’t do so by traveling to Italy on the taxpayers’ dime.”
Oct 23, 2015 Press Release
“If the Speaker rejects our request, Democrats will continue to participate at this point in order to make sure the facts are known and the conspiracy theories are debunked."
Oct 22, 2015 Press Release
It is time for Republicans to end this taxpayer-funded fishing expedition. We need to come together and shift from politics to policy. We need to finally make good on our promises to the families, and we need to start focusing on what we here in Congress can do to improve the safety and security of our diplomatic corps in the future.
Oct 21, 2015 Press Release
“Multiple Republican admissions over the past month have made clear to the American people what we have been witnessing firsthand inside the Select Committee for the past year—Republicans are spending millions of taxpayer dollars on a partisan campaign to damage Secretary Clinton’s bid for president,” said Ranking Member Elijah Cummings.
Oct 20, 2015 Press Release
"Your statement is inaccurate. You issued a subpoena on May 19, 2015, to require Sidney Blumenthal to appear before the Select Committee for a deposition on June 16, 2015. You issued this subpoena unilaterally—without any debate or vote by Select Committee Members—and you sent two armed Marshals to serve this subpoena on his wife without ever sending him a request to participate in a voluntary interview, which he would have accepted."
Oct 20, 2015 Press Release
In fact, Congress has had access to many of Ambassador Stevens’ emails for years. Although some additional emails from Ambassador Stevens have been produced, none of them include any evidence to change the core fact that was already known: Secretary Clinton was not involved in responding to requests for additional security in Benghazi.
Oct 19, 2015 Press Release
Washington Post reported on newly discovered links between Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and Stop Hillary PAC, which describes itself as “created for one reason only—to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States.”
Oct 19, 2015 Press Release
“Republicans have now admitted repeatedly that they are spending millions of taxpayer dollars to damage Secretary Clinton’s campaign for president,” said Ranking Member Elijah Cummings. “This report shows that no witnesses we interviewed substantiated these wild Republican conspiracy theories about Secretary Clinton and Benghazi. It’s time to bring this taxpayer-funded fishing expedition to an end.”
Oct 18, 2015 Press Release
Unfortunately, the standard operating procedure of this Select Committee has become to put out information publicly that is inaccurate and out of context in order to attack Secretary Clinton for political reasons. These repeated actions bring discredit on this investigation and undermine the integrity of the Select Committee and the House of Representatives.
