Cummings Applauds President’s Economic Equality Agenda in 2014 State of the Union Address

January 29, 2014
Press Release


Washington, D.C. (Jan. 28, 2014)—Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (MD-07), issued the following statement following the 2014 State of the Union Address:

“I commend the President for correctly identifying growing economic inequality as one of the greatest challenges of our generation.  For decades, the rich have been getting richer, the middle class has been shrinking, and millions have struggled mightily to escape poverty.  Over the last 20 years, only half of low-income Americans moved out of the lowest income bracket, a figure that is unacceptable in the wealthiest nation in the world.

“In today’s address to Congress and the American people, the President called for bold action to tackle this problem.  The middle class is our nation’s economic engine.  We need to help those in poverty join the middle class, and we need to help the middle class thrive, which means better jobs, better wages, better education, better healthcare, and stronger economic growth for our entire nation.

“President Obama’s executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contract employees is a crucial first step.  I was proud to join the Congressional Progressive Caucus in proposing this action to the President last year, and I am very pleased he is adopting it today.  Now it is up to Congress to follow the President’s lead, to move beyond gridlock, and to raise the minimum wage for all Americans.

“Other actions can be taken immediately to address the gaping financial inequality among our citizens.  One of the greatest threats to the financial security of low and middle income families is a medical catastrophe.  Although the Affordable Care Act gave states the ability to expand Medicaid, some Republican governors have refused to provide this critical medical care to their constituents.  In Texas and Florida alone, two million people could be covered today if their governors stopped playing politics with the lives of their own citizens.

“To further shrink this economic divide, we must also address systemic issues that impede upward mobility.  This means giving every student access to a high quality education and removing barriers that prevent too many from earning their college degrees.  The recent bipartisan budget agreement also showed promise for other legislative action, including immigration.  And, as we saw just this Saturday at a shopping mall in my home district, we can no longer sit idly by as more and more families grieve for loved ones lost to senseless acts of gun violence.

“The President set forth a bold agenda for action to move our economy and our people forward toward greater prosperity.  Now it’s time for Members of Congress to stop the politics of obstruction and do their jobs—passing legislation that will create jobs, grow our economy, and expand access to the American dream for generations yet unborn.”


