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The Numbers Don't Lie: Democrats Focused on Politics

July 1, 2016
Press Release

By Majority Staff

When Benghazi Committee Democrats released their so-called "report" on Monday, their extreme partisanship and focus on politics was immediately apparent. While they devoted 55 pages to attacking Republicans and the Select Committee, only 36 pages were about the "Courage and Heroism of First Responders." 

In all 339 pages, Democrats used the word "Clinton" a total of 334 times. In contrast, the word "Clinton" appears only 193 times in the 
Republicans' report – even though it is 802 pages, more than twice as long as the Democrats'. When footnotes are excluded, the word "Clinton" appears in Republicans' report less than 60 times.

Democrats also used "Trump" 23 times, more than they mentioned two of the Americans who gave their lives in Benghazi, Glen Doherty (15) and Tyrone Woods (6).

Throughout the investigation, Democrats accused Chairman Gowdy and the Republicans of focusing on the former Secretary of State, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now there is hard data that proves the dishonest Democrats' accusations were false.

The numbers don't lie: they actually reveal Democrats were the ones focused on Clinton and obsessed with politics. Republicans were not.

When the two reports are compared with a quick Ctrl+F search, the numbers show Democrats focused more on Clinton, Republicans, Blumenthal, Trump, Brock, and Correct the Record, while Republicans focused more on the four brave Americans who were killed: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.


   Democrats  Republicans
 Pages in report  339  802
 Times “Clinton” appears  334  193
 Times “Republicans” appears  310  2
 Times “Stevens” appears  85  302
 Times “Blumenthal” appears  55  48
 Times “Smith” appears  36  78
 Times “Trump” appears  23  0
 Times “Doherty” appears  15  32
 Times “Brock” appears  12  0
 Times “Correct the Record” appears  8  0
 Times “Woods” appears  6  26

Democrats on the Select Committee never did deny “strategic coordination with the [Clinton] campaign.” Notably, on the very same day Committee Democrats released their so-called "report" this week, a super PAC devoted to defending Clinton run by David Brock, Correct the Record, released a 167-page opposition research book attacking the committee.

But in an interview on CNN last night, the widow of Tyrone Woods, Dr. Dorothy Woods, thanked the Select Committee for “doing their job,” and said its report has “given me closure.”
Woods also said no one has “the right to tell me it’s time to move on. They’re not in my shoes. I think that that’s the essence of what they have done, is they’ve been dismissive. The committee’s been ridiculed. The committee has been, they’ve been criticized. And for them to sincerely do the right thing, to care about Americans, that’s what’s important.”
“[T]he facts are out there,” she said. “I think that it’s important that we realize what happened. And I think that at the end of the day, I am thankful for Congressman Gowdy and his committee for remembering that they are in fact servants of the people of the United States, and they took the time to answer questions that weren’t answered[.]”