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Congressman Thomas Massie

Representing the 4th District of Kentucky


Immigrants who seek to enter our country must do so legally. Most immigrants enter this country to find work and to create a better life for themselves and their families. However, illegal immigration strains federal resources and threatens our national security.

I oppose illegal immigration and will work to secure our borders. I will also work to end taxpayer-funded programs for illegal immigrants. American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for illegal immigrants’ welfare, medical care, and other benefits that encourage illegal immigration.

More on Immigration

Aug 1, 2014 Press Release
Press Release: U.S. House of Representatives Votes to Stop Expansion of President’s Deferred Action
Feb 15, 2013 Video
Rep. Massie discusses how his tech business background informs his approach to Washington.
Feb 15, 2013 Video
Rep. Massie discusses how his tech business background informs his approach to Washington.