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Congressman Tom Emmer

Representing the 6th District of Minnesota


Washington, D.C.

In the Washington, D.C. office, internships run throughout the fall, spring or summer semesters for college students. Although all internships in all offices are unpaid, students gain invaluable work experience. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' hectic course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when Congress is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when not in session.

Interns will have the opportunity to actively engage in the legislative process on a daily basis. Congressional interns play a vital role in assisting Congressman Emmer and his staff.  Intern responsibilities include conducting research on current legislation for the Member and legislative staff, answering phones, attending hearings and briefings, and answering constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions and opportunities of a congressional office.  This internship is a unique experience because of the extensive networking opportunities, access to our country’s most influential political leaders, as well as being able to live and work in our nation’s capital.

“This office is a home away from home and extremely welcoming to students and recent graduates from all different backgrounds. Through assisting the legislative team, navigating the Capitol, attending lectures and briefings, this office provided me an excellent learning opportunity this summer.” – Luke Newgaard – Intern Spring ‘15

"It's difficult to put into words how great an opportunity it was to work with this stellar staff. Working in Congressman Emmer's office allowed me to learn about our political system in a way that can not be taught in class. This was truly an amazing opportunity." – Killian Mcneely – Intern Fall '15 

"Not only has the internship allowed me to gain valuable insight into the daily work that occurs by the staff and Congressman in a Congressional Office, but also I gained prized experience I could not have found anywhere else. The opportunities to attend briefing events have expanded my knowledge and views on pertinent issues, as well as introduced me to high-caliber officials. I loved the amazing and hardworking people in the office and could not have asked for a more rewarding experience!” – Aly Robbins – Intern Fall '15


In the District office, interns may be asked to do a variety of things, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, writing letters and assisting with media clips. In addition, interns may be assigned to assist in various constituent case work or work on District-based projects of importance.

If you would like more information on Congressional Internships—please contact our office.

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Applicant's Contact Information

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Applicant's Additional Information
Permanent Address (if different)
Emergency Contact Information:

Additional Relevant Information

Skills applicable to internship
Academic Information
If you are currently enrolled in College/University, please answer the following:
Applicant's Cover Letter and Resume:

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