Cummings, O’Malley Lead Rally in Support of $10.10 Minimum Wage

March 20, 2014
Press Release


Washington, D.C. (Mar. 20, 2014)—Today, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (MD-07) joined with Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to lead a rally of workers, faith leaders, and labor groups in support of S.B. 331, a proposal currently awaiting action by the Maryland State Senate that would raise Maryland’s minimum wage to $10.10.

“Raising the minimum wage is about giving people a shot – a shot at supporting their families, a shot at lifting themselves out of poverty and into the middle class, and a shot at sharing in the success of our state,” said Rep. Cummings. “Congress has failed to act – now Maryland has the opportunity to be a national leader, demonstrating the strength and positive results that come with investing in our workforce. The State Senate needs to act on this. Maryland deserves a raise.”

"With the number one schools in the country, top rankings in upward economic mobility and innovation, it’s critical that we do everything we can to build on our progress and expand opportunity for more Marylanders rather than less," said Gov. O'Malley. "Raising Maryland's minimum wage is one of the most effective ways to strengthen and grow our middle class. The time is now to act — together we can continue to move our state and our nation forward."

“Raise Maryland is proud to stand with our state and federal leaders as we work together to raise the wage to $10.10 per hour in our state,” said Ricarra Jones, chair of Raise Maryland. “By raising Maryland’s minimum wage, 455,000 workers across the state will get a raise and businesses will benefit from nearly half a billion dollars in new consumer spending.”

Congressman Cummings is an original cosponsor of H.R. 1010, legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 over the course of the next three years.

