


See what our chair, co-chair, and Commissioners have had to say on the floor of the House and the Senate.

Clear Filters

Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic

Free Speech in Czech Republic

67th Anniversary of Ukraine Famine and 25th Anniversary of Ukraine Helsinki Group

France's Law Affects Freedom of Worship

Ambassador Stephan H. Minikes

Introduction of S. Res. 205 on Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

Romania's Chairmanship of OSCE

Torture and Police Abuse in the OSCE Region

Kyrgyzstan's Release of Azimbek Beknazarov

Our Impact by Country

Fighting the Scourge of Trafficking in Women and Children

Slovak Parliament Narrowly Defeats Repeal of Criminal Defamation Provisions

Resolution Urging Ukraine to Ensure a Democratic, Transparent and Fair Election Process

Alarming Developments for Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan

Human Rights in Central Asia

Belarus - Opportunities Squandered

Alarming Developments for Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan

Do Registration Requirements Thwart Religious Freedom?

Amendment on Yugoslavia War Criminals

U.S. Aid to Ukraine

Democracy Under Siege in Belarus

"Disappeared" Belarusian Opposition Leaders

Commemorating Armenian Genocide

Commemorating Armenian Genocide

Report on Activities of U.S. Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Twenty-Five Years of the Helsinki Commission

Senate Concurrent Resolution 34

The Moscow Helsinki Group

Resolution on Kalmyk Settlement in America

Congratulating Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania on the Tenth Anniversary of their Independence

Introduction of the International Anti-Corruption Act of 2001

Attacks on Places of Worship in the Balkans

South Eastern Europe Regional Conference on Trafficking in Human Beings

Atmosphere of Trust Missing in Belarus

Human Rights Problems in Kazakhstan

Eightieth Anniversary of the Birthday of Dr. Andrei Sakharov
