
Jobs and the Economy

McMorris Rodgers: TPA Keeps Trade Negotiations Transparent

Communications • June 19, 2015

“I voted to assert Congress’s authority when negotiating America’s trade agreements and to ensure that your representatives have a seat at the table.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement after the House voted on H.R. 2146, the Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015. “Today I voted to assert …

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McMorris Rodgers: Creating Economic Opportunity Through Trade

Communications • June 11, 2015

“Mandates that hold back free trade across our neighbors’ borders will only hold back the American families who purchase these foods and the American workers who rely on this industry.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement tonight after the House passed H.R. 2393, the Country of …

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Accountability > Jobs > Accountability | IRS | Jobs and the Economy | Oversight

This Week in 5 Videos

Jared Powell • April 17, 2015

This week, while families around the country filed their taxes, House Republicans were hard at work, passing bills to stop IRS abuse, protect American taxpayers, and empower family-businesses. It’s Tax Week, in 5 videos: 1. On Wednesday, the House unanimously passed seven bills, including the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, aimed at  protecting hardworking Americans from IRS abuse. …

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Health Care > Jobs > Opportunities > Security > Accountability > #ObamaSaysNo | Health Care | Jobs and the Economy | Keystone XL


Jared Powell • February 26, 2015

During his first six years in office, President Obama vetoed a total of two bills that  reached his desk. But his veto today of the job-creating Keystone XL Pipeline project is a discouraging sign that things are about to change. By saying no to Keystone, the New York Times reports, “Mr. Obama will be opening the …

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This Week in 5 Videos

Jared Powell • February 13, 2015

Another productive week in America’s New Congress. The House passed a number of bills to create jobs, create certainty for small businesses, and grow an Opportunity Economy. Here are 5 videos that summarize the work of the House this week: On Tuesday, the House reauthorized funding for NASA, providing Americans with unlimited opportunity and boundless possibility. …

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Accountability > Budget | Jobs and the Economy | Opportunity

Points of View

Communications • February 4, 2015

This week, we’re talking budget, budget, budget — the President’s proposals and House Republican plans to grow an Opportunity Economy. Members also addressed issues close to their heart, like police-community relations and their experience in the 114th Congress thus far. Watch and read below! House Committee on the Budget Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) “Price Discusses …

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Empowerment > Opportunities > Accountability | Jobs and the Economy

Growing An Opportunity Economy

Communications • February 3, 2015

Republican Leadership Press Conference February 3, 2015 “We are growing an Opportunity Economy, not Washington, D.C.’s economy. We are here to empower people, not government.” Participants: Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Conference Secretary Virginia Foxx (R-NC) Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) Chair …

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Republican Weekly Address – Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)

Communications • January 31, 2015

This week, Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, delivers the Weekly Republican Address. Jenkins discusses common-sense solutions to lower costs and expand opportunity for middle-class families, including a plan she introduced this week to protect college savings.

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Points Of View

Communications • January 28, 2015

What was in the news this week? Tax reform, creating economic opportunity, and supporting a stronger infrastructure. And no week would be complete without a new round of Obamacare failures. Scroll below for member TV hits and op-ed quotes. Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) “Noem Discusses Tax, Trade, Saving For College And More” Fox Business News “Opening Bell” “We really …

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Middle-Class Reality – Not Rhetoric

Communications • January 27, 2015

Republican Leadership Press Conference “That’s why we’re advancing bottom-up economic policies that empower middle-class Americans. Not with tax hikes – but with tax reform. Not with more regulations – but with more jobs. And not with bigger government – but with bigger wages.” Participants: Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Majority Whip Steve …

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