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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA



AT&T Labs Fellowship Program

The AT&T Labs Fellowships are available to female and minority students who are pursuing a PhD in computer and communications-related fields. Candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents. The fellowship provides all educational expenses including tuition and fees, a monthly stipend of $1,400 a month, and a mentor who is a staff member at AT&T Labs. The fellowship is renewable for up to six years of support.

Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowships are available to female and minority students pursuing a PhD in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. They are sponsored by the Lucent Technologies Foundation. The fellowship provides full tuition and an annual stipend of $17,000 for up to four years of graduate study. Fields of study include Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Communications Science, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Science, Materials Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Research, Physics and Statistics. College seniors and first year graduate students are eligible to apply.

Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program

The Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for the Americas provides eight fellowships to PhD students throughout the Americas (Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean) to conduct conservation-related research projects in the biological, physical, social and cultural sciences, and technological innovation in support of conservation science. The program aims to support research on critical problems facing the region's national parks. The fellowship provides $26,000 a year for up to three years. In addition to the eight fellowship winners, four honorable mentions will receive a one-time scholarship of $1,000. The application deadline is in early May.

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities

The Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities program is administered by the National Research Council. It provides 60 new awards each year consisting of a cost-of-education allowance of $6,000 and a $17,000 stipend. The fellowship provides up to three years of support. Candidates must be US citizens or nationals. Candidates must also be enrolled in or planning to enroll in a research-based PhD or ScD program in Archaeology, Anthropology, Art History, Astronomy, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Ethnomusicology, Geography, History, International Relations, Life Sciences, Linguistics, Literature, Language, Mathematics, Performance Study, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, and Urban Planning. The fellowship application form is available online and has a deadline in mid November. For more information, write to Fellowship Office, GR 346A, National Research Council of the National Academies, 550 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, call 1-202-334-2872, or send email

Fulbright Fellowships

Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) and the Institute for International Education (IIE) assist the US Information Agency in the administration of the graduate Fulbright Fellowships for US citizens to study in other countries and for international students to study in the US. US students must apply through their campus Fulbright program advisor. International students should apply through the Fulbright Commission or US Information Service in their home country. US students who are not formally enrolled in a degree program should write to:

US Student Programs
Institute for International Education (IIE)
809 United Nations Plaza
New York NY 10017-3580

Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships in Applied Physical Sciences

The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships are awarded to graduate students who are expected to have the greatest impact on the application of the physical sciences to human problems. The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships are extremely competitive, with only 25% of applicants being selected for an interview, and only 10% of those being selected for the award. The fellowship consists of a cost-of-education allowance and a $25,000 stipend and is renewable for a total of up to five years of support. College seniors and current graduate students pursuing a PhD in the applied physical sciences are eligible to apply. The fellowship is tenable at three dozen of the nation's leading colleges and universities, including CalTech, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Princeton, RPI, Rice, Stanford, UC Berkeley and Yale. For more information, write to Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, 2456 Research Drive, Livermore, CA 94550-3850, call 1-925-373-1642, fax 1-925-373-6329 or send email to

IBM PhD Fellowships

IBM PhD Fellowships are available to PhD students in business, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, materials science, mathematics, mechanical engineering and physics, as well as a variety of emerging technical fields. The fellowship provides tuition and fees and an annual stipend of $17,500. The fellowship may be renewed for up to three years. All IBM fellows are matched with an IBM Mentor and are expected to intern at an IBM research or development laboratory under their mentor's guidance. Nomination by a faculty member is required. Students must have completed at least one year of study at the time of nomination. The nomination deadline is December 15. For more information send email to

Jacob K. Javits Graduate Fellowships

The Jacob K. Javits Graduate Fellowships are awarded by the US Department of Education to support graduate students in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The fellowship consists of a payment to the educational institution in lieu of tuition and fees and a stipend of up to $21,500 for up to four years. The amount of funding depends on financial need, and applications are required to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The program is open to undergraduate students who are about to enter graduate school and first year graduate students. Candidates must be enrolled or intend to enroll in a graduate program leading to a doctorate or terminal master's degree. Candidates must be US citizens, nationals or permanent residents. The application deadline is in early October. A total of approximately 60 to 100 new fellowships are awarded each year. This is an extremely competitive program.

James Madison Junior Fellowships

The James Madison Junior Fellowships are open to college seniors and recent college graduates who intend to go to graduate school on a full-time basis. The fellowships provide funding for graduate study leading to a master's degree and are tenable at any accredited institution of higher education in the United States. Candidates must intend to become secondary school teachers of American history, American government and social studies. The fellowship provides support for graduate study of the roots, principles, framing, history and development of the U.S. Constitution. The award provides $12,000 per year for up to two years. One fellowship is awarded in each state. The application deadline is March 1.

Mellon Fellowships

The Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies provide support for first-year doctoral students in the humanities. The fellowship covers tuition and fees and provides a stipend of $17,500. Approximately 85 new fellowships are awarded each year out of approximately 800 applicants. The fellowships are funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Students apply during their senior year of college. (College graduates who have not yet matriculated in graduate school may also apply.) The fellowship may be used for the first year of graduate school in a PhD program in the humanities. Candidates must be US citizens or permanent residents. The application deadline is December 1. Applications must be requested through the web site by early to mid November. For more information, send email [The Woodrow Wilson web site is best viewed using Internet Explorer. Aspects of the site do not work correctly using other web browsers.]

The Woodrow Wilson Foundation also administers other fellowship programs, including the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships in ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, the Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies, the WW Johnson & Johnson Dissertation Grants in Women's Health, and the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students.

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships are sponsored by the US Department of Defense and support graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Biosciences, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Cognitive, Neural, and Behavioral Sciences Computer and Computational Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Geosciences, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Oceanography and Physics. Approximately 100 to 300 new fellowships are awarded each year, depending on funding. Candidates must be US citizens or nationals. College seniors and first-year graduate students are eligible to apply. The fellowship provides full tuition and required fees and a stipend of $27,500 during the first year, $28,000 during the second year, and $28,500 during the third year. The application deadline is in early January. The fellowship program is very competitive, with only about 10% of applicants being selected for the award. For more information, write to NDSEG Fellowship Program, American Society for Engineering Education, 1818 N Street N.W., Suite 600, Washington, DC, 20036, call 1-202-331-3516, fax 1-202-265-8504, or send email to

National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship

The National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC) sponsors a graduate fellowship program for graduate students pursuing a PhD in the physical sciences at one of more than 100 participating colleges and universities. The award provides tuition and fees and a stipend of $16,000 for up to six years. Recipients are required to work for a NPSC-member employer during the summer preceding and following the first year of graduate school. Fields of study include Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Materials Science, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, and their subdisciplines, and related engineering fields, including Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering. NPSC continues to place an emphasis on recruiting underrepresented minority and female students. US citizenship is required. College seniors and first year graduate students are eligible to apply. A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required. The application deadline is November 15.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship awards approximately 900 to 1,000 new three-year fellowships each year to graduate students in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences. (The full list of eligible fields is: animal sciences, anthropology, archeology , astronomy, biochemistry, bioengineering, biophysics & structural biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil & environmental engineering, computer science, cultural anthropology, ecology, economics, electrical engineering, engineering fields, environmental life sciences, genetics & evolutionary biology, geography, geosciences, history of science, linguistics, materials engineering, mathematical sciences, mechanical engineering, microbiology & cell biology, molecular & developmental biology, neurosciences & physiology, physics, plant & other life sciences, political science, psychology, public policy, sociology.) The award consists of a cost-of-education allowance of $10,500 in lieu of tuition and fees, a stipend of $30,000, a one-time $1,000 travel allowance and access to TeraGrid supercomputing facilities. College seniors and first year graduate students are eligible to apply. Candidates must be US citizens, nationals or permanent residents. The application deadline is in early November.

National Security Education Program Graduate Fellowships

The National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships are available to US graduate students for the study of languages, cultures and world regions that are critical to US national security. It is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). The fellowships provide up to $10,000 per semester for up to two semesters for overseas study, and up top $12,000 for domestic study (up to $28,000 total for a combined overseas and domestic program). The scholarships are awarded to US students studying outside of Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Boren Fellowship recipients are required to seek employment with an agency or office of the federal government involved in national security affairs. The application deadline is January 31. For more information, write to NSEP/AED, 1825 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20009, call 1-800-498-9360 or 1-202-884-8285, fax 1-202-884-8407, or send email

Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarships enable students from many countries to study at the University of Oxford. 32 American Rhodes Scholars are selected each year. All educational expenses (tuition and fees) are covered for a period of two years, along with a maintenance allowance. Travel to and from Oxford is included. The award may be renewed for a third year.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships

The Sloan Research Fellowships are sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Sloan Research Fellowships provide support and recognition to young scientists and research faculty in physics, chemistry, mathematics, neuroscience, economics, computer science and computational and evolutionary molecular biology. The award consists of $40,000 for a two-year period and the funds are awarded to the Fellow's institution to support his or her research efforts. Candidates must hold a PhD and be members of the regular tenure track faculty at a college or university in the United States or Canada. They may be no more than six years past the completion of their most recent PhD. Nomination by a department head or senior scholar is required. The foundation does not accept direct applications from candidates. The nomination deadline is September 15. A total of 116 Fellows are selected each year, out of more than 500 nominations. For more information, write to Sloan Research Fellowships, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2550, New York, New York 10111-0242.

Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship

The Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies sponsor the International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship (IDRF) program for graduate students in humanities and social sciences conducting doctoral dissertation field research outside the United States. A total of 50 fellowships of approximately $20,000 each are awarded each year with funds provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The fellowships provide support for nine to twelve months of dissertation research. Candidates must be full-time graduate students attending doctoral programs in the US, but do not need to be US citizens. There is an emphasis on research that is engaged in interdisciplinary and cross-regional perspectives. Recipients must have completed all PhD requirements except for fieldwork and the on-site disseration research by the start of their fellowship or December 2007, whichever comes first. The application deadline is November 1, 2006. For more information, visit or send email

Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

The Soros Fellowships provide for up to two years of graduate study in the US for "New Americans". The fellowships cover half tuition plus a maintenance grant of $20,000. New Americans include resident aliens (i.e., holders of a Green Card), naturalized US citizens, and the children of two parents who are both naturalized US citizens. Fellows may pursue graduate degrees in any professional field, such as engineering, medicine, law, and social work, or any scholarly discipline in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. A total of 30 Soros Fellows are selected each year, out of approximately 900 applicants. Candidates must not be older than 30 years of age. The deadline is November 1. For more information, write to Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, 400 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019, call 1-212-547-6926, or send email to

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education

The Spencer Foundation's Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education are open to doctoral degree candidates at graduate schools in the United States. The emphasis is on the improvement of education. Candidates should be interested in pursuing a career in education research. This is a competitive program, with 30 fellowships being awarded out of approximately 500 applications. The application deadline is in October. For more information write to Dissertation Fellowship Program, The Spencer Foundation, 875 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3930, Chicago, Illinois 60611-1803, call 1-312-274-6526 or send email

Morris K. Udall Foundation Environmental Public Policy and Conflict Resolution PhD Fellowships

The Morris K. Udall Foundation awards two PhD dissertation fellowships of $24,000 to graduate students in the areas of environmental public policy or environmental conflict resolution. Candidates must be US citizens, permanent residents, or nationals. The application deadline is in early February. For more information, write to Morris K. Udall Dissertation Fellowship Program, Attn: Melissa Millage, 130 South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922, call 1-520-670-5542, or fax 1-520-670-5530.

Wenner-Gren Fellowships

The Wenner-Gren Foundation awards grants of up to $25,000 for Dissertation Fieldwork for basic research in anthropology. (They also award $25,000 Post-PhD Grants and $40,000 Richard Carely Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships for research in anthropology.) Candidates for the Dissertation Fieldwork Grants must be enrolled in a program leading to a doctoral degree, and must complete all requirements for the degree other than the dissertation. Applications are made jointly with the candidate's thesis advisor or other scholar who will supervise the project. US citizenship is not required. Deadlines are May 1 and January 1. For more information, call 1-212-683-5000, fax 1-212-683-9151, write to The Wenner-Gren Foundation, 470 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10016-6819, or send email to

National Association of Fellowship Advisors (NAFA)

NAFA is a national professional organization for college personnel who advise students on applying for prestigious scholarships and fellowships like the Truman, Marshall and Rhodes Scholarships. For more information, write to

Alfa Fellowship Program

The Alfa Fellowship Program is a high-level professional development exchange program placing qualified young professionals in work assignments at leading organizations in Russia in the fields of business, economics, journalism, law, and public policy. The program accepts 10 American citizens and 5 British citizens per year. Key goals of the Alfa Fellowship Program are expanding networks of American, British and Russian professionals, developing greater intercultural understanding, and advancing US/Russian and British/Russian relations. Applications can be submitted, downloaded or requested by mail from our webslte at: www