Press Releases

Trade Agreement Will Face ‘Intense Scrutiny’ in Congress

McConnell: ‘serious concerns have been raised on a number of key issues.’

October 5, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the announced agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP):

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is potentially one of the most significant trade deals in history and ‎could shape our engagement and commerce with these nations for decades. We are committed to opening trade in a way that benefits American manufacturers, farmers, and innovators. But serious concerns have been raised on a number of key issues.

“This deal demands intense scrutiny by Congress and the legislation we passed earlier this year provides us the opportunity to give this agreement that scrutiny. In the months ahead, the Senate will review this agreement to determine if it meets the high standards Congress and the American people have demanded.”