For Students

Check out our FAQ for Students, here.

Getting your Member of Congress to Participate
We’ll be posting the list of participating Congressional Districts within the next few days. If you’re a student who would like to participate in the Challenge, but your district hasn’t signed up yet, don’t worry – it’s not too late.

You can find out who your Representative is, here, and then you can call or email them, asking them to sign up. If you want to send them an email, you can use this template letter to ask your Representative to join the 2016 Congressional App Challenge.

Educational Resources
The Congressional App Challenge is open to high school students, regardless of experience with coding. We highly encourage students to participate even if they’ve never coded before; the point is to learn something new.

Recognizing that students learn in different ways and benefit from different tools, we’ve included several different educational resources. Remember that if one of them doesn’t work for you, there are many alternatives. Don’t get discouraged – just try another one!

The following resources are available to students to help them in their coding pursuits:

Development Kits:


  • MentorMint – MentorMint connects students with volunteer mentors who can provide guidance around programming difficulties.

Upcoming Events
In this section you can find events that are being held in the districts around the country.