News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, March is Women’s History Month. That is why I want to remember one of Minnesota’s very own trailblazing women, who passed away this week.

Following the horrific attacks on Pearl Harbor, Betty Wall Strohfus quit her job and became a Woman Airforce Service Pilot (WASP). After her service, Betty spent many years speaking in different states around the country about her experience flying and encouraging others to follow their own dreams.

I would like to send my condolences to Betty’s family and loved ones, and also express my gratitude for this incredible woman who has done so much for this nation. Betty Wall Strohfus was a pioneer, veteran, and American hero, and we must all remember that.

ICYMI: SHAREing Minnesota’s Land 

Two weeks ago, along with the majority of my colleagues, I voted to pass the Sportsman’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act. This vital piece of legislation will remove government barriers that would prevent American sportsmen from hunting and fishing on public land.

Hunting and fishing is not just a pastime in Minnesota…it is a way of life. Not only are these activities incredibly popular in Minnesota, they also bring a lot of revenue and commerce into our economy. A few weeks ago, I visited Federal Ammunition which is one of the nation’s leading producers of ammunition and a great example of how beneficial this industry is to Minnesota’s economy. That is why I promise to protect the rights of Minnesota’s sportsmen and women for as long as I hold office.

Congressman Emmer at Federal Ammunition

Mobile Office Hours

I believe that one of the main roles of a Member of Congress is constituent service. Ever since taking office last year, I vowed that I would do everything in my power to help the fine people of Minnesota’s Sixth District acquire the services that they need.

That is why I am proud to announce that starting March 22, my office will be holding mobile office hours throughout the district. A huge service that my office offers is casework. If you are unable to get an answer from a federal agency in a timely manner or feel that you have been treated unfairly, my office caseworkers may be able to help resolve the problem. We will be in your area soon ready to assist. To learn more, click here.

Art Competition

I just want to give a friendly reminder to high school students that my office will be participating in the 2016 Congressional Art Competition. All entries must be submitted to my Otsego office by April 15th 2016. To learn more about this exciting competition, click here.

Thanks again for staying updated on my work both in D.C. and in Minnesota. Until next week…



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