News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

I want to begin by wishing you all a happy Memorial Day weekend. As you prepare to enjoy the holiday with your family and friends, I hope that you all take time to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives in order to defend the freedoms that we enjoy every day. 

To read my full statement on the importance of Memorial Day, click here.

Welcome Home Eida

One of the main purposes of a congressional office is constituent service and I am very proud of the wonderful work done by our caseworkers. Earlier this month, we had the chance to celebrate one of our casework success stories. 

Eida (pictured below) was adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her adoption process was not an easy one and Eida’s family was running into issues with an adoption freeze and no exit visas. My district staff was able to help Eida and her family finalize the adoption and Eida was brought home a few weeks ago. We are so proud to be in the business of serving the constituents of Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District and this is one amazing example of the work we can do! Welcome home Eida!

Foster Youth Shadow Day

On Wednesday, I was honored to be shadowed by Tobi, who is currently a student at St. Cloud State University where she is studying international relations and women’s studies. 

Throughout the day, Tobi accompanied me to my meetings, where she learned about the legislative process and gained insight on several issues that I am very passionate about. She even had the chance to meet other members of the Minnesota delegation.

I was very impressed by Tobi, and I wish her luck as she begins her senior year!

Time for Townhalls

When I first took office, my staff and I promised to be transparent, accountable, and most importantly—accessible. I believe that we kept that promise as we held a town hall in every county in the Sixth District during my first year. In fact, we held 14 total town halls. 

This year will be no different, as I once again promise to hold at least one town hall in every county so that Minnesotans across the Sixth District have the opportunity to ask me questions and share what issues matter to them the most. My first townhall of 2016 will take place on June 17th in Big Lake and I hope to see everyone there!

WHEN:          Friday, June 17th at 8:00AM

WHERE:       Sherburne County

Big Lake Police Station – Community Room

790 Minnesota Ave E

Big Lake, MN 55309

Once again, thank you for staying updated on the work I do in Washington D.C. and Minnesota. Until next week…



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